Ryu's fatal mistake

"Uncle what happened? who did this to uncle?" Ryu asked with a flushed face holding back anger, it was enough that he had lost his parents, and this time he didn't want to lose anymore.

"Ryu you should be able to avenge the death of your parents, and now with my death I ask you to promise me to take revenge on Ardham who killed me, promise me Ryu." Immo looked at with bloodshot eyes with his neck veins tightened tightly gripping Ryu's hand.

Ryu, who had intended to get rid of his grudge, became furious again when Immo said that Ardham had done everything.

"Uncle what did you just say?" Ryu asked not believing what he was hearing.

"Ardham who killed me Ryu, you must do it Ryu for the peace of the spirits of your father and mother, and also me." Said Immo with a voice that was already stuttering and his breath was already panting.