My life's inspiration

Ryu, who heard Annara mention Vier's name, was very sure that it was Xavier who called Annara.

"Annara today I'm back in Indonesia and now I'm going to get on a plane, and I'll probably be at the airport around seven o'clock, can you pick me up?" Xavier asked there.

"What time did you arrive? I didn't hear? Not seven o'clock?" Annara asked again in a lower voice.

"Yes, around seven o'clock I arrived at the airport, I'm waiting, Anna, Bye." Xavier said immediately ended the call without hearing the answer whether or not Annara could pick him up.

Annara was silent for a moment, looking into Ryu's eyes, which looked displeased, there was anger, disappointment, jealousy in Ryu's brown eyes.

"Rio, sorry there's a little problem, this was my best friend Xavier, he just came from Europe and he wants me to pick him up at the airport at seven this morning." Anna said with a slightly lowered face.