Just give me a little time

"God, what's wrong with me? Why do I feel grateful to my own husband? Is there something wrong with my feelings, or is it because my baby is born so easily sentimental and easily carried away?" Annara asked herself over and over again.

'But how come with Xavier I don't feel this way?' Annara asked again then saw Ryu who had been removed from the operating room and moved again to Ryu's initial VIP room.

Arriving at Ryu's room, Annara saw how the nurses were so nimble and painstaking in moving Ryu onto his bed.

"Sister, how many hours will Rio come to his senses?" Annara asked after seeing her cell phone which had a lot of calls from Xavier and Sheren.

"Maybe in an hour, Mas Rio will wake up, Ma'am." Said one of the nurses then left Ryu's room.

Annara took a deep breath, looked at Ryu's face which was fully bandaged only his eyes and lips were visible.