convince with love

"But you know, I already have a husband, and there's no way I can repay you because I love my husband so much." Annara said emphasizing the word husband.

"I'm happy enough by loving you Nara, I just want you to love your husband and not anyone else." Ryu said with a pleading look.

"Rio, even if you don't say that I will always love my husband and no one can replace him." Anna said seriously.

Ryu's heart skipped a beat at Annara's answer, but why did Annara mention Xavier's name every time her blood boiled.

"You're not having dinner with Xavier are you Annara?" Ryu asked in a trembling voice.

Annara took a deep breath, then smiled and took Ryu's hand.

"Okay Mr. Rio who is handsome and jealous, tonight I will rest in my room, let Xavier have dinner with papa and mummy, now Mr. Rio can calm down and don't think like that anymore, okay?" Annara said that she didn't want to make Ryu think and it would have an impact on his health.