I really love

Ryu was silent listening to all of Annara's disappointments and sorrows, Ryu's feelings were getting more and more guilty, and wanted to disappear from Annara's presence.

"I know I've disappointed you Nara, I'm sorry.. Are you sleeping now? It's still night, I don't want you to be tired." Ryu said looking at Annara with a sad look.

"How can I sleep, if you don't sleep?" Annara asked with a longing gaze wanting to fall asleep in Ryu's arms.

"Okay, we'll sleep together." Ryu said trying to calm down to calm Annara's heart, who was already disappointed in her.

"You mean Rio?" Anna asked with a confused look.

"Come up here, you think of me as your husband right? Sleep with me Nara." Ryu said with a complicated look not knowing what to do anymore. Should I lie again or be honest and tell everything.