
chapter 5 | ashamed

sasha's p.o.v.

i twitched a little when she yelled at me like that thought i do understand how she cared for me. besides i didn't even get offended, except the traumatizing moment i just had a few minutes ago. if y/n didn't even look or search behind the house, i would've been pregnant by now. even though i am a minor.

i ran quickly to her house tears developing from my eyes, i had to go as fast as possible so i can stay away from these two while she injures them or even perhaps kill them. i never knew she could be this strong, i'm sure in the highschool incident she couldn't do any move to help herself or she was either in a bad mood to fight for her life.

i opened the door quickly causing it to make a screeching noise and sprinted to the couch still tears developing from my eyes. it's just that, i wasn't strong enough to protect myself. imagine if she didn't even search behind the house? what would've even happened? this is just a shame. i was able to help her when she passed out in the incident, but now i couldn't help myself until she came and helped me. why?

not that i'm jealous of course, i'm actually proud of how she learned these moves and fight for my life, but even though i can fight and i trained a while ago aswell, how did i just stand there thinking while they were s**ually harassing me? why was i that pathetic? i need to stop thinking about the situation now because it's only making me feel worse and ashamed when i was trained to fight multiple years ago. i don't even know what was stopping me from fighting back, tears started falling from your light-brown orbs.

TW: small g*re mentions?

you finally stopped overthinking about the earlier situation and how you were pathetic enough to fight back, when suddenly y/n opened the door revealing her clothes in slight blood covered. you already knew the reason, and obviously didn't hesitate to ask why she had slight blood on her dress. she was wearing a light plain pink dress, sleeveless and additionally light lipgloss while her hair was h/c (hair color) swinging back from the air hitting it.

she stood there for about 10 seconds watching tears falling from your pretty light eyes, while you were still ashamed from yourself. she looked like she was about to cry too, but you didn't really know what was the reason behind that. i can't even look at her face anymore from what happened earlier.

y/n's p.o.v

i ran quickly to sasha knowing she already went straight into my house while my hair was swinging back due to the air hitting it. i stood there watching her for about 10 seconds actually feeling hurt too about what happened earlier. you never wanted this, neither did she. you saw her looking over you watching how you stood there watching her too.

you just wanted a fun morning till night so you both can spend a sleepover, but no. those 2 pathetically people had to ruin it.

you quickly ran over to sasha while watching her tears falling. when you sat next to her you immediately looked over to her in a worried face expression and she looked back at you sightly smiling. you wanted to comfort her but not annoyingly so you can leave her some space obviously.

you wondered of how she's probably in her thoughts wandering around right now. she may seem ashamed, but i will never be ashamed to save her or anyone's life in this type of disgusting and traumatizing situation involving a 16 year old minor.

you looked back at your laps and started thinking even more. then you wanted to say something immediately.

"um i know how ashamed you probably are right now, and how traumatized you are, but don't think that it was your whole fault. it was never your intentions to not fight back. something was holding you and you didnt know how and why it wasnt your fault. and no, i'm not thinking that you're a "weak" girl that couldn't fight ba-" you got cut off by her only tearing up even more.

"i know you care alot about me, but i should have fought back. now look at me, i was trained a bunch of years ago back with my father, and what only to hold myself back from fighting for my life?" she responded back in a weak voice.

you teared up even more with her, and didn't respond with anything else, because you didn't want this conversation to last more or even keep overthinking about the traumatic situation that happened to her. you wanted to cheer her up, and teach her how to not hold back while fighting.

"okay lets stop this conversation before it gets deep, shall we? i dont want you to think about it even more. i just want you to have fun, and no don't worry i will not leave you. i never thought of you as a weak girl, but don't try holding back ever again, okay?" you responded back in a cheerful voice to help her get back in the mood.

she gave you a massive grin, trying to forget what happened and become strong even though, she is. neither you or her knew what was holding her back, but you were never gonna leave her now.

"alright babe, let's make some pancakes and boil some water to make coffee shall we? forget about this now. just for me. and trust me, it'll never happen again."

(PSA :: BABE NOT AS A GIRLFRIEND, neither any of you mentioned bae,babe or anything like that as if you were both girlfriends. you said it only as close bestfriends. even though you just met like a day ago, lets not talk about that)

you said while hugging her in a tight hug leaning on her shoulders. her shirt was so warm, everything was warm. she had a victoria perfume on, you could tell from the smell. she smelled so clean, and her hair was in a usual tight ponytail with bangs falling.

you looked back at her face, and dried off her tears while watching over her light-brown orbs.

"OH HELL YES WE SHOULD! besides, i'm actually starving. how about you bring me some potatoes and pancakes?" she yelled back while moving her bangs to watch you.

you didn't want her to starve even more so you immediately sat up from next to her, and went back into the kitchen which was right infront of the living room.

you were also starving, because you didn't eat either. you had to wait for her, so you both can eat together. you have always adored food, and she always did too. though you kind of realized it when she mentioned more food to bring. you didn't think of it as a weird way, because you both honestly had food as your favorite part of your life. you responded back and said ::

"YESS I WILL, by the way how many potatoes? just 3 or 2?" you responded back when you didn't even have enough time to think over anything else, she responded back immediately.

"NO WHAT? make it 6 please." she yelled back.

your eyes widened, SIX POTATOES? you mentally yelled at yourself. i mean i actually never thought she would want this many, wait why am i talking about her obsession with potatoes like that when i was thinking if i could make more than 6 pancakes? wtf pathetic ass.

"OKAY, I'LL TRY MAKE THEM FASTER" you yelled while watching sasha bring her phone to scroll down through youtube videos. she also kept looking around your house aswell, until she mentioned something.

"damn are you some kind of rich y/n or something" she said teasingly. you knew she would mention this already, because you expected it from her looks around your house.

you rolled your eyes when you heard her mention that you're "rich" or something. and responded back while leaning down to bring the potatoes.

"maybe don't ask me, ask my mom instead dumbass" you laughed off while starting to fry the potatoes.