The Blessings Of All The Gods

"thats all for the day," A teacher said as the school day came to an end, She allowed everyone to leave while standing at the door, handing out homework. as everyone left, a young man remained calmly looking over a few books before he sighed softly. closing the book, he got up and got ready to leave.

he was quite handsome and had a unique aura about him, that couldn't be put into words. he had long black hair, and deep black eyes, he had on a matching outfit that brought out his charm to the max, with a smell that made people just want to close their eyes and stick their noses onto him

"is something wrong?" the teacher asked softly looking at the young man, the young man just shook his head before taking the homework and left, the teacher was not mad seeing this but instead blushed slightly,

as the young man walked through the hallway, everyone quickly made way for him, once he got a good distance away, they all began talking quietly to each other while looking at his tall straight back.

"He so cool... I'm going to ask him to the school dance." a high school girl said softly, this instantly made everyone look at this woman with disdain.

"he too cool for the likes of you... from what I know, he is too cool to even bother having a girlfriend or lose his virginity. He does as he wants and could care less about others." another high school girl said with a dreamy look. everyone sighed softly, they wanted to approach this new student, yet he gave off a unique aura that made them all unable to keep their cool around him. it was like he had a barrier around him, allowing people to watch but never get too close.

'do I stink? I changed schools and already 3 days in everyone is being repelled by me, my best outfit, and all on... ' the young man thought feeling depressed. he pulled out his phone and called his mom to come to pick him up.

ever since the day, his father told him stories of how he fought against the world, and many people wearing fake smiles and so on, he had grown to trust no one. form the first grade, he saw how those kids always had smiles as they got close to him... just what did they want? were they trying to prank him or something? maybe they just woke up one day and wanted to do something to make others like themselves suffer.

thoughts like this slowly made him reject the thought of making new friends or anything of the like, he kept away from others. at some point, people were unable to near him, he became alone while everyone always throw him strange looks. he tried making friends as he grew up, clearly, not everyone was out to get him... right?

He was quickly proven wrong, when he tried being nice to a woman, there face turned red in rage that he dared to near him. males just froze as they looked at him, and would seem as if they might explode that a lower lifeform like himself dared to even try and speak with them.

this confirmed the fact that everyone in existence was out to get him, only his mother, as for his father he was lost at the store getting milk. he had been waiting for his return for the last 14 years. stores are huge, the lines were long, and coster servers were bad nowadays

"hey mom, school is over where are you? I don't see your car." He said calmly as he looked outside, the voice on the other side of the phone sighed softly,

", I forgot you had school." His mother said lazily as the tv in the background went off, the young man was speechless. how do you forget he had school when you dropped him off this morning? but it was expected, his mother was super lazy. from time to time, she would seemly just sit there as hours passed without even knowing it.

"sigh, I want my own car." He said helplessly

"no, its too dangours. car crashes could happen at any moment," She said calmly, making the young man unwilling. if he had a car... then wouldn't that increase his charm?

"but the bus can also crush... sigh, I don't even have bus money, I'm walking." He said after pulling out his wallet and seeing only 20s. he could go to the store and buy something cheap, but the young man didn't like wasting his money. plus he could get in good work out, from a young age just to make sure he was safe and could protect himself from this evil world, he had made sure to train hard. His mother was also skilled in martial arts and managed to teach him many things, although lazy she was happy to see her son taking an intreast in martial arts.

"you're not taking the bus, just go back to school I will be there in a few minutes," She said as she searched for her key,

"no, it's cool, I'm going to walk." He said softly as he ended the call, he wanted to run his stress off, for the longest he had been alone. he of course didn't have any intreast in being alone, yet here he was, everyone hated him and only his mother was the only thing that seemed to care about him. would he die alone? the thought of him on his deathbed with the doctors not caring to treat him right and no one else around him was something he hated to think about.

So, he ran deep thoughts about his future, meanwhile, his phone was ringing, but he had put it on mute when he was in school and didn't put it back. the phone was not on vibrate. as he neared his horse, he saw something falling towards the forest from the sky. it was a golden thing that instantly caught his eye.

growing curious, he entered the forest and headed to the spot he saw he fall towards. alone the way, he passed a river. as he was making sure to step on rocks so he didn't get his feet dirty, he froze when he saw something within the river. he reached out and picked up a strange golden rock

but upon closer look, it seemed like it was the same thing he saw fall from the sky. he saw it was not a rock, it was oval, and the item had a Triquetra symbol. one side had a lightning bolt, another side had a tree that had a well, and the other had a spear. in the middle of the Triquetra was an eye that seemed to be looking right at the young man.

there was a crack running down this golden thing, with some imprints of damage, clearly, this thing was badly damaged.

the young man flicked it over and saw nothing on the thing's back, thinking for a moment be put the thing into his mouth and bite down on it. but he found that his teeth felt as if they were biting into the hardest thing in the world. the young man was confused, clearly, this was not made out of pure gold, but what could it be then?

he should ask his mother, with this thought he turned to leave, but he tripped. he quickly reached his hand out to break his far, but he was holding that strange golden thing in his hands, his hand landed on top of it, while his fingers were under it. to say the least, this brought him great pain, he didn't even notice that his other hand was bleeding as he cut it open on a rock.

as he put the golden thing into his left hand, while shaking his hand in pain, the blood dripped onto the symbols marked on it. the symbols glowed for a moment before they sucked his blood, the young man didn't notice that his body was being sucked until his head grew dizzy.

He quickly threw the thing away in horror as he stumbled to remain to stand, but to his shock, the thing floated off the ground and towards him. he tried to move, but the thing slammed into his chest and was absorbed in his chest, he fell heavenly on his back, dying on the spot.

slowly, his body slowly turned to turn into a mommy as all his blood was shocked along with his soul. a few hours later, a woman floated from the sky eyes wide in disbelief at the sight of her son...

within a unique space, the young man's soul floated in the middle in the middle of a stage where countless shadowy beings looked at him closely. they were all on high sits, seemly to look down upon everything

"Strange, a mortal had enough power to awaken all of our wills. I have searched through his memories, I deem him worthy to carry out our wills." the being who sat in the middle of everyone said calmly,

"We were unlucky that this medallion has fallen here, even if we don't want to we have no choice but to accept him. he is the only one." a shadow which had 3 eyes said calmly,

"Nothing just happens, everything is fated to happen. this boy was fated to find this, call it luck that he happened to be walking by the forest where the medallion was falling, or how he happened to cut his hand. everything is fated to happen, it's only how the fated thing shall come to happen," a man with one eye and two birds on his shoulder said softly while looking at the young man.

everyone went quiet at his words, indeed no one lock was that overpowered. everyone sighed, this medallion was going to save their wills and help them return to fall power. but it was damaged in a battle, now all they could do his pass on everything they could upon a person.

the one sitting in the middle of everyone stood up seeing everyone had accepted the young man, he took a deep breath, he too was unwilling to die, but what can they do? sure if they worked together, they could replace this young man, but only one of them could, and if such a matter came up they could fight for the chance to live once more, ending in all of their death.

"than I, the king of Gods Zeus shall give this young man all of our blessings, and hopes for the future." He said in a booming voice as he reached his hands towards the young man, everyone also stood up, starting with the strongest among them.

the one shadow, along with the 3 eye shadow stood up, followed by everyone else. countless shadows all raised their hands towards the young man before they all looked towards the one known as Zeus.

"Let's all name him together, I alone am not going to be enough to grant him the name I wish... since we are all going to die, let's go out with a boom while leaving behind something that could get payback for us all." He said with a smile, the gods all nodded in agreement.

"With the Blessing and acknowledgment of all the gods... Thee shall be worthy of the name, YHWACH THE ALL MIGHTLY. GOD OF GODS." Zeus' voice boomed as all the shadows began growing weaker, their strengths and powers absorbed the young man.

"a bit overkilled with the titles," the 3 eye shadow said with a slight laugh as he disappeared, followed by countless others,

"this world now rests within this brat's hands... I fought against my fate all my life, yet here I am, realizing that all that fighting was pointless." the 1 eyed shadow said in a soft as he too disappeared,

"sigh, we did all we can do. we brought this danger upon this world, Zeus is no righteous being, but I can see clearly which side am on." Zeus said as he watched all the shadows disappear before he waved his hands, using the little power of the medallion to send the kid away, to a world where he shall bloom before he too disappeared.

sadly, as the soul shot towards the world Zeus wised forward, and the soul was caught within a storm, leading to the soul falling towards a low-grade world, where went on to be reborn as a human,