'where am I? what happened, why is everything so dark... oh, I guess that thing sucked my blood until I died. mom would be broken, with how overprotective she is... sigh, it's my fault I died, the first time I enter a forest and I get my blood sucked out of me.' a young man thought as he floated in a seemly dark void.
{question, in a station in which you have to pick a side... would you kill 10 people to save 100 people or kill 100 people to save 10 people... note depending on the answer you pick will develop your future rewards, development of the system, and many others} an emotionless computer like voice sounded within the young man, stunning him slightly.
he tried to look around, but he couldn't tell if his body even listened to him. he didn't even know if his eyes were closed or not, but upon closer thought, he didn't feel as if he was laying on something. more like he was floating, He wanted to ask who was speaking, but he felt an uncontrollable power forcing him to speak his heart
"thats question can't be answered, not everything is black and white. if the 10 people are people, I know and am close with, then I would of course save my people and watch the unknown people die. if I don't know any of the people then I would pick the side with the most people. but even then, it could change depending on outside forces." He said softly
"for example, an anime I watched called Naruto had a character called Itachi. he was given two choices, his family or the village. going off what I said, then standing by my family would be the obvious answer, but what if my family is planning a coup d'état against the village? a stupid move that would lead to the slaughter of your whole family, plus weaken the strongest village which is being eyed by other villages?" he said calmly
"in that case, joining the village would be the best choice, at least then you can save someone you care for... in other words, this question depends too much on the emotions I have towards the people, and the knowledge I have about them, and the overall picture." He said before going quiet awaiting for that strange voice to speak once more
{Question, how do you see the ideals of superheroes} the voice sounded once more, making the young man sigh as he answered against his will, well it's not like he was resisting much.
"it depends, if it's someone like Batman, he should be locked away. he is more of a villain than a hero, sure he saves lives, but how many more people die because he never kills his enemies? but for someone like superman, he is a symbol of peace that everyone looks up to, and he kills if needed... but in my opinion, the true hero is someone like Amanda Waller. the world is not black and white but is mixed with many colors. if matters come down to it, and to slaughter a whole city for the greater good, it people like her who step forward," He said softly,
"a true hero should be amoral, unempathetic, ruthless, and strict. they should know their goals and be willing to do anything for them, at least thats what I believe. this is not an anime where MC has friends who can pull off the win, allowing MC to focus on the main villain without any worries, this is not an anime or cartoon where the god guys would always pull off a win after doing so much stupid stuff, and suffering countless injures. its reality," He said before he went on to wait for the voice to appear once more
{question, what do you think the purpose in life is} the system said once more, this time the young man answered without having to be forced.
"Everyone is born scared, weak, and confused... thats the same way they shall go and leave this world without knowing if there is life beyond death. the purpose of if? thats just something people try to explain for their existence, why are people here? why do we exist? is my life going to be worth something or is it all meaningless?" He said shaking his head softly
"at the end of the day, there is no greater purpose in life. instead, you give life purpose, give it a reason to exist so that within this short amount of time, you leave this world without regret. live while you're young because tomorrow you will look back, and realize you could have done so many things, but you wasted all away. it is too short, it seems long but 100 years isn't enough, thats even more so when School takes most of that away." He said softly
{... question, what are your goals.} the voice asked again,
"to live without any regret. I want to see everything the world has. live as my dad live, an epic story to tell, with him living as he wants... thats living, absolute freedom." He said softly, thinking of his past, but he was dead now
the strange voice went on to ask 6 more questions before it went quiet, this confused the young man who called out none stop, but nothing answered him. but slowly he felt himself getting sleepy, and he soon fell asleep.
{God OF GOD SYSTEM has been fully formed and bounded to the host. The host has been given the goal to bring forth the new gods, travel the infinite worlds, and collect talents all over the world to join your side as you protect this world from its incoming destruction. a world without gods shall slowly fall apart.} the voice sounded as the young man slowly opened his eyes he couldn't hear the voice as he saw a bright light in front of him.
a strong pushing force pushed him, sending him toward the light. he closed his eyes for a moment before opening them. he looked around and saw he was in the hands-on a gaint nurse, he was horrified by the sight, he suddenly began crying, unable to control himself, only at which point did he find out that he was a child. as he was placed in his new mother's hands, he slowly got control of the tears and stopped crying,
looking at the woman holding him with a smile. She had long brown hair which she wears in a ponytail with two locks of hair framing her face over her large, black eyes. She also wears a light shade of lipstick and has fang-like tattoos on both sides of her cheeks,
"what will we call him?" a man with long black hair asked with a smile as he looked at the newborn, too had the same red fang tattoo on both cheeks.
"Saiko... Saiko Inuzuka." She said with a smile, the man seemly the father nodded slightly approving the name. the newborn on the other hand looked at them, he saw two huge dogs at the side of the beds. he froze for some time, not believing what he was seeing,
'i love you mom... but I not coming home aiming to come home any time soon...' he thought as his eyes brightened at the sight before him...
time went by, Saiko went on to leave the hospital and went home with his new family. although on guard against this new family... what if they wanted to brainwash him and turn him into a mindless slave that would work none stop for them? that couldn't happen,
Anyways, his mother was a talker and went on to speak to him as if he could understand. He was born into a powerful clan within a village that was considered the strongest, the clan was known as the Inuzuka clan. the Inuzuka clan was a family of shinobi in Konohagakure known for their use of ninken as fighting companions and are easily identified by the distinctive red fang markings on their cheeks.
Ninken meaning Ninja Dogs is essentially dogs that have heightened senses and abilities, and as such, can work and be summoned alongside shinobi.
anyways, upon returning home, a part was soon held where many people came to see the newborn. Saiko's eyes were bright as he saw a few people he had seen in an anime.
"So this is my nephew... Kakashi, come this shall be your little brother." a silver-haired man said as he pulled over a silver-haired kid who was wearing a mask. the white-haired kid's eyes were indifferent as he looked at Saiko,
Saiko looked at this silver-haired kid, from what he understood, his mother's sister married this silver-haired man, and this was their child. but his mother's sister died a few weeks after giving birth.
the silver-haired man was called Sakumo Hatake, also renowned across the shinobi world as Konoha's White Fang. Sakumo was well known for his talent and had a high chance to become the next village head, he was a gentle humble man. but his son, on the other hand, Kakashi Hatake was a bit too talented, leading to him being arrogant.
Kakashi was forced to hold Saiko, making him slightly annoyed, but he looked at Saiko who was just looking at him with a dazed look. he relaxed slightly, Saiko was a but too adorable to dislike, that was even more so with those pure silver eyes.
other people went on to hold Saiko while giving him their blessings and gifts. at some point, Saiko got too tired and fell asleep. Saiko went on to spend the next few months of his life just sleeping, going to the bathroom, eating, and listening in on his parents talking.
From what he heard from his parents talking, currently, there was a great shinobi war that had been raging for 7 years now, and countless people have died and many talents names were spread all over the ninja world.
Since his mother just gave birth, Saiko's father took some time to be with his family, which was 6 months. but things soon happened that caught Saiko's father's attention, Saiko's black hair which he had been born with had fallen out and new hair had been growing... but it was white. his mother didn't care much, but he as the father knew damn well he didn't have white hair, and no one in both family had white hair
Saiko could understand what was going through his mind, he too had similar thoughts to him. so when his father secretly took a bite of his hair to go get a test, he awaited as he wanted to see the outcome, why were his pupils silver and eyes white? was Sakumo his real dad?
but it turned out his father's worries were missed placed, this only deepened the love his father gave him and his mother. seemly guilty of not trusting them, but only Saiko and he would know about all of this.
in a blink of an eye, Saiko was 6 months old. his father was already getting ready to return to the war, and he and his dog said goodbye to the both of them before they left.
months went by, and news soon hit the village, Sakumo chose to save his comrades rather than complete an important mission, which caused the nation and the village to suffer a great loss.
this lead Sakumo to gain hatred for the village, and the chances of him becoming the next village head were pretty much destroyed by this. even the people he saved were not happy with Sakumo choices.
Saiko was on the side of the village when it came to his, a ninja was ready to put their life on the line for the village. every ninja knew that going out on a mission had a chance of never coming back alive, Sakumo should have completed the mission. this was even more so during a time of war, if it was any other time other than war, then it could have been overlooked
Sakumo came to pay a visit to Saiko and his mother, Saiko's mother tried her best to be there for him, but Saiko could tell that Sakumo was planning to do something. Saiko wanted to stop him, but what can a baby which was still having trouble speeching do?
as for why Saiko who has been reborn into this world had a hard time speaking it was because of two things. one his was a baby's body, and to this was a new world with a new language. Saiko could understand what they were saying, he found he could somewhat understand what others meant, even though he didn't really understand.
anyways, Sasukmo after paying a visit when on to go home. The impact of the mission's failure caused Sakumo to be vilified by the Land of Fire, the villagers of Konoha, and even those he had saved. Dishonored, Sakumo fell into a deep depression, which caused his abilities to suffer as a result.
as his abilities shuddered, so did his depression grows. a few weeks later, news spread, but it was limited to his friends and family. the news that he took his life spread, and Kakashi was the one who found him. for the next few days, Saiko was around Kakashi much more as his mother looked after Kakashi. but Kakashi didn't move in with them, he instead chose to live alone.
maybe it was because of Saiko, but Kakashi healed quickly from the event of seeing his father. although his worldview had changed, he became more stern, aloof, and cold toward others, but how can anyone hate Saiko?
"Kakashi what are you doing here?" Saiko asked while quickly hiding the book which was in his hand to see Kakashi standing outside, it was rare for Kakashi to come to their house... by rare, it meant it never happened unless he had no choice.
Kakashi's eye twitched seeing the book in Saiko's hands, it was a book on ninjutsu, things a kid like him should have. it was clear Saiko stook this book from his parent's room.
Kakashi's hands flashed, taking the book out of Saiko's hands. Saiko quickly tried to get it back, but he was too short, Kakashi simply raised it up leaving Saiko standing on his tippy to grab it. Kakashi was only 6 years older than Saiko, Saiko was a little over 1 year old at the moment
"Saiko who's at the door?" Saiko's mother asked as she came from downstairs, she froze for a second seeing what happened, before she walked over. a moment later, Saiko was holding his head in pain, while his mother held the book, coldly looking at him.
Saiko's father also came over to see what was going on, he didn't stay on the battlefield forever, he would stay a week or so on the battlefield before returning home until he was sent out. seeing Saiko was in trouble, he quickly went quiet, acting as if he was not the one who left the book out in the open.
"Today is the day, I wanted to see the dog he will get," Kakashi said calmly, Saiko's mother smiled slightly hearing Kakashi's words. today was indeed the day Saiko shall get a dog of his own, the dog would be more than simply a pet to Saiko, it would be like a brother
"We were just about to get going." She said as she went to put the book away, before picking a few things. after which, they left heading towards a small park where Siako could pick a dog. Saiko being too young to walk so far, hoped his father's dog which ran all over the place, while Saiko had to go faster.
"he is only one year old yet is so intelligent, he can already read?" Kakashi asked while looking at the huge dog which was more like a wolf, carrying Saiko jumping from time to time,
"yeah, when he was 10 months old he had me teach him, ever since he had been running around getting his hands on anything to read." Saiko's father said pridefully, this was his pride and joy.
Saiko was abnormal, but his parents believed all the strange stuff around Saiko was because he was special, their special child. they soon arrived at the park where they saw countless puppies playing. Saiko and a few other children were allowed to enter and pick a puppy,
Saiko was the first to enter, the aura he gave off made the children see him as different from each other, and he was like the leader among the children. Saiko stood out no matter where he went, be it that was a bit too grown for his young age, or that aura,
'fuck these kids.' Saiko thought angrily, he didn't believe he stink or that he looked bad, the world was just out to get him, and people just liked targeting him, why else would they let him go first? they must be waiting to watch as no puppies accept him
{sensing the hosting his searching a for best pet... scening for a worthy pet among the 52 puppies... the best dog among the 52 available dogs have been picked.} a voice sounded slightly, making Saiko who was stepping forward freeze. what was this voice? was it not the same voice he heard not too long ago within that darkness before he was reborn?
Saiko quickly acted normal, he instantly realized what was happening, he had thought something like this would happen. he had always questioned if he had a gold finger, and now it was confirmed, he would have to release these joyful emotions somewhere else where no one would be watching him.
'why did it appear now? I have been calling out to this thing for months and it pops up on? why, system you there? where is the pet?" Saiko asked while looking around at the many puppies which instantly surrounded him,
'oh? Do they like me or do they want to eat me?' Siako thought in confusion seeing the puppies wanting to play with him, but he quickly snapped out of it as the system answered him.
{with the bush. to the left host would see a marker.} the system said as Saiko turned to look towards the bush, there he saw a thin ray of light that floated over something within the bush, the marker looked as if he fell from the sky, but couldn't touch the ground.
Saiko wanted to see how high the marker went, but that would not look normal for him to look straight up into the sky. So, he carefully stepped over the puppies which seemed to have a strange attraction toward him.
"why are they glued to him?" Kakashi asked in confusion, one couldn't just get any puppies, sometimes parents would pick the best puppies out of a group for their children, but that was for those who had a high status. for the others, they had to gamble that the puppy they took a liking too had a high potential above the others. there was also the trouble of making them loyal,
"he is an alpha, a born leader. everywhere he goes he is number one." Saiko's father said pridefully, making Saiko's mother roll her eyes slightly. Kakashi ignored such words, his attention was more on what Saiko was doing. why was he walking over the bush?
the many other parents and children also looked on in confusion, but they all soon froze when Saiko lifted the bush to see a puppy that was covered in blood. Saiko quickly took the puppy out and saw that it had bite marks, the other puppies seemed to have ganged up on this one. it was half asleep from the blood loss and was looking at Saiko with puppy eyes, hoping he would save it
Everyone was stunned seeing this, they knew wildlife was ruthless, but these puppies were a bit too ruthless, even hiding the puppy's body, and masking the smell of blood with their pee.
a woman who took care of the happenings quickly rushed over to look at the puppy's health. she quickly took it out of Saiko's hands, her hands glowed a soft green color as she went on to heal the puppy. luckily, the puppies seemed to have been in a hurry to do this and finish the job before anyone could come to stop them, this ended up allowing the puppy a chance for life
"is it going to be alright?" Saiko asked softly, everyone's attention was drawn to the puppy in her hands, they were all dog lovers. the woman smiled slightly as she nodded, this puppy had been saved from a man who was doing research on it, but it gave off an aura that made all the puppies fearful of it. she didn't expect the puppy's instinct would kick in, trying to kill the little thing.
"It's going to need a few months rest, there will be some scars, but it's going to be perfectly healthy. thank you for spotting it before it was too late." She said with a smile, Saiko nodded with a slight smile
"Well, I pick him. is that alight? I will take good care of him." Saiko said softly, the woman was stunned slightly the moment, she looked over at Saiko's parents who spoke to each other for a few seconds. if the dog Saiko picks dies then the trauma that could bring was huge. but seeing Saiko looked at them with expecting eyes, they gave in and nodded. they will just be as twice as protective from now on...
seeing as she had no reason to say no, she handed the puppy to Saiko. but this action caused the puppies to start showing their fangs, they didn't like the puppy's Saiko hands. how could that thing be worthy for this human?
but in Saiko's eyes, these puppies want to kill him because he didn't pick them. even animals would put on an act to get benefits, and when that does work, they want to kill him. his father from his last life was not laying, so many people are to face.
the puppy in Saiko's hands looked at Saiko with puppies, as if begging for this human to save him, Saiko had a soft spot for this little guy. all his life he was bullied, yet he was never bullied to this level... this poor thing. he needed to grow stronger before these bullies try and do some funny stuff.
A geed growl made all the puppies shake in fear, looking over, they saw a huge dog walking over towards them. they quickly lowered their head, as if they saw their mother.
Saiko didn't want to say there any moment so he went over to show his parents the new dog, the puppies weakly looked at the new humans in front of him, his parent's two dogs carefully smelled the new addition to the family, their eyes narrowed slightly as they realized why this puppy was attacked. it didn't have the smell a dog should have... it was a mix of all kinds of smells, making them see it as a freak.
"so what name did you pick for the little guy?" Saiko's father asked with a smile, Saiko nodded slightly, he will call him Shin. but as soon as he did, he felt his body go weak. he felt as if something just drained him of all his energy, making him have a hard time carrying the puppy
{sensing the host has named a being... congratulation on completing a hidden mission. Hidden Mission- Get and Name a Pet.
Reward- [Bloodline Strengthen Pill (for the pet)], [pet taming techque]. [Pet Strengthening art]
{snesing host has completed a hidden conquest. Hidden mission- complete any mission of the system. time limit- 100 years
reward- [starter pack], [full access to the system],}
"thats wrong? you stayed up again?" Saiko's mother's eyes narrowed eyes, to which Saiko quickly shook his head. Saiko liked to stay up when he learned to read, he never knew how enjoyable reading was when there was no TV, phones, or anything to do.
"let's get going, the little guy needs rest." Saiko's father said as he picked Saiko up, Saiko was not able to help but fall asleep, his eyes instantly shot, and he entered dreamland.
"he must have not been able to get a hint of sleep last night,..." Saiko's father said with a shake of his, Saiko's mother on the other hand took hold of the Shin. kakashi said his farewell as he returned home, and by saying, he just barely nodded, a node so slight they barely noticed. why talk when you can just nod your head?
anyways, Saiko woke up the next moment feeling refreshed, sure he was hungry, but that tiredness he felt was gone. Saiko quickly remembered the rewards he had gotten yesterday, he thought for a moment before calling forth the system
a screen instantly appeared in front of him, it showed a 3d image of Saiko from head to toe along with the clothing he was wearing. there was currently an arrow pointing to his stomach saying he was hungry, but that was all that could be side
Saiko saw that there were two pages on this screen, waving his hand, the screen flipped like a book, showing a screen that had his status.
{Name: Saiko (true Name: Yhwach)
Age: 1/ 120
Title: [God Of Gods], [Blessed By All The Old Gods], [The Last Hope], {The neutral one}
Body Cultivation: below normal Human (body cultivation is the strengthening of one body, cultivation of this path will increase one physique strength}
Energy Cultivation: None (energy cultivation is the cultivation of energy, strengthening this will greatly increase the power of one own energy.)
Soul Cultivation: High Academy student (soul cultivation is the cultivation of one soul, once it reaches a high level, the soul can exist even without the body. a soul in itself has many unique abilities, think of Bleach.}
Metal Cultivation: High Academy Student (mental cultivation is the cultivation of one mind, strengthening this will greatly increase one mental strength, and could also awaken mental ability if lucky. increasing this greatly increases metal base ability}
Strengths: low Academy Student (powerlevel 1)
Techniques: [pet taming techque]. [Pet Strengthening art
Saiko's eyes instantly landed on his name and the titles he had, what did it mean by his true name being Yhwach? and what was with those 4 other titles,
{Title [God Of God]- your the God to the Gods, the supreme being among. all gods kneel to you,
Abilities and Buffs- ?????????}
{Title [Blessing Of All Old Gods]- you have gained the blessing of all the gods, all the gods have put their hopes into you.
Abilities and Buffs:
Godly Luck- you're not blessed by the heavens... but by all the gods, your luck shall be extremely high. you shall seemly never suffer any drawbacks. or all miss fortune shall in the end somehow benefit you, becare as to no overlay on this, luck isn't everything.
Supreme talent- you're not blessed by the heavens... but by all the gods. your learning capability is unmatched, you shall learn everything and master than easily, and even push past its peak and reach 200% mastery.
Handsome- you're not blessed by the heavens... but by all the gods. your looks shall be unmatched, and both people and animals will be attracted to your charm.
Blessing Copy- you're not blessed by the heavens... but by all the gods. if you see someone with a blessing from a god you don't have, you are capable of coping with the said blessing and making it stronger upon yourself. as the gods favor you above all others.}
{Title [the last Hope]- you're the last hope, rebuilding the gods and managing them all now falls into your shoulder.
Abilities and Buff:
Talent Search talent- you're talented in the way of searching for talent, you shall find new talents that would take up the role of a god. and stand against the incoming danger.
Talent Blessing- sometimes it's a pain in the ass to find some talents, so just create them. note that this will greatly weaken you for a few weeks at best depending on the talent.
Title Blessing- you can gift a person with the title of a god, there are countless titles to pick from, and once you do say a person could instantly become the said god, losing their physical form and evolving into an abstract existence.}
{Title [natural One]- this is a curse, you shall not ever pick a side between god and bad. you shall be a person who looks at the greater picture, of this world. it affects your heart not your actions, deep down will always know what you should have picked.
Abilities and Buffs-
Calm Mind- you shall remain within a calm state of mind, allowing you to see things clearly even in helpless situations. you shall see the good and the bad within all things before you choose what to do,}
Saiko was speechless at the last title, what did mean? he didn't feel any different, he still had his plans and goals and so on for this world. shaking his head, he tapped the tab which had the world Storage.
he had the [Bloodline Strengthen Pill (for the pet)], and the [Stater pack]. the tapped the starter pack as he could already guess what the other one could do.
the skin went black as a follower gift box appeared before Saiko, Saiko thought for a moment before tapping the box. once he did, the box exploded and 3 new items appeared before Saiko's screen.
{The God Of God Cultivation art- a cultivation art created for the god of gods, using all the wisdom and knowledge of the gods. this cultivation art is created to make one of the strongest gods there could be. with each breakthrough, you can pick the type of god to gain the power, and knowledge of, each breakthrough will double the number of gods you can do this for. but so will the energy needed for a breakthrough and to create them.}
{world traveling function- allows the host to gain the ability to travel from world to world, note that it needs time to recharge after each use. only those considered to be future gods can travel along wise you.}
{low-grade Body Tempering Pill 10x- these pills are used to temper one body, they strengthen one physique by a powerlevel of 1. the stronger your body is, the less effective these pills will be.}