Sticks X And X Stones

Gon's POV:                    

As I stare up at the darkening sky, Ging comes back from the crowded trees with more firewood. I slightly glance at him, but go back to reminiscing about the past. I miss Killua, Leorio, and Kurapuka...

Yeah, I haven't really been in contact with them these past few years. At all. I'm not sure if they even remember me. The happy, determined 13 year old boy. I've still got that charm to me - but with Ging's intense training, I've tightened up a bit.

I'm brought out of my thoughts when I hear Ging talking on his phone. My ears perk up as I curiously listen to the conversation.

"Yeah...mhm...when?..That soon?...alright bye." Ging sighs as he ends the call. His golden brown eyes look over at me and I quickly look away knowing I've been caught eavesdropping.

"Gon, listen son.." Ging begins to say and trails off. I look up at him with interest and a look that says 'keep talking'. "There's a mission that the chairman has requested I attend.. if you'd like, you could come with me. We can see if your Nen training has paid off."

I skeptically look at him. "You mean, you really wouldn't mind me coming with ? What if after a these years my Nen still isn't as strong as it used to be before.." My voice trails off and I'm sure we both know what I'm talking about.

"Listen kid, what happened was in the past, you've improved greatly over the years. It's time to put your skills to use." Ging says as he tiredly looks at me.

"Alright, if you say so." I smile brightly and chuckle. Maybe this mission will take my mind off of things. "What even is the mission about?" As I ask, Ging looks over to the side. "Well- I wasn't told much. I was told we'd be meeting up with other Hunters at the Association next Monday to discuss the details. The only reason I've accepted this mission is because I've heard it's interesting, and the chairman promised it wouldn't be a waste of time."

I sigh. "Guess we should get some rest and head to Swardani City tomorrow." Ging nods, and we both settle down on the ground to sleep. During these past few years I've enjoyed traveling with Ging, and better yet, he doesn't pry. I don't know if he realizes I sometimes put on a smile for show, he's always known more than anyone could guess.


Nobody's POV:

As the light peaked through the trees, Gon opened his soft golden brown eyes and looked up at the sky. He smiled to himself, knowing last night was one of the rare nights he didn't have nightmares. As Gon begrudgingly sat up and looked around for Ging. Of course, Ging was already up. It was evident by the empty hammock not far from Gon.

Gon didn't bother to look for Ging, knowing he was probably collecting more supplies and food from the forest. As he waited for Ging to return, he put on a simple white long sleeved shirt, with jeans and black Converses.

Gathering his things, Gon sniffs the air, tracking Ging's scent. Before he goes to find Ging, as if right on cue, Ging comes out of the tangled bushes. "I've gathered my things - are we heading out to the City right now?" Gon says as he jumps up and down in excitement.

"Jeez kid, I can't believe you're this energetic this early in the morning. Even as you get older, your energy stays the same." Ging chuckles slightly. His eyes light up for a second in rememberance of something, then he shakes his head. "Yeah, yeah, let's go." He yawns as he begins to trudge towards the city.

Lucky for them, they had been planning to pass through anyways. Ging had wanted to have a word with the chairman, Pariston. Although, Gon knew he had also wanted to talk to Cheadle.


Nobody's POV:

It didn't take Gon and Ging long to get to the City. They both were fit and able to walk for very long periods of time without getting tired. Thanks to the years of training. Gon looked around as they walked with a small smile, remembering some memories from years ago in the city.

He remembered when he woke up to see Killua and Alluka. He remembered seeing his dad for the first time since he was a baby. The small smile remained on his face, only saddened. No matter how much he tried taking his mind off Killua and the rest of his friends, it always managed to wander back.

Ging, noticing the shift in Gon's mood, sighed. He was never good with emotions or kids. Let alone a teenager. He thought about ignoring the it as always, but decided to bring it up later when he was prepared.



Hiya! This is my first story, and constructive criticism is very welcomed. Here are some questions so I can interact with you :)

·Who's your favorite character in Hunter X Hunter?

·What's your otp in Hunter X Hunter? (All ships are valid as long as they're not illegal 😅🗿)
