Yup X Killua's X POV

Killua's POV:                  

As I stare out the window of the hotel room, I feel arms wrap around me. I tense up, but then quickly realize it's Alluka by her gentle touch. I turn around and hug her back.

"Big brother, when are we going to see Gon again? I miss him." She pouts. My mood darkens as I hear his name from her lips. I miss him, but as much as I do, the hurtful things he said back then hurt even worse than my missing him.

"I don't know, Alluka. Maybe one day." I know I'm lying. I don't ever plan on seeing him again. He hasn't even contacted me, even though I've texted and tried calling him. Thinking about it puts me in a bitter mood, and I think Alluka realizes that.

"Okay...also big brother, I found mail at the door. It has your name on it." My eyes widen - no one was supposed to know Alluka and I are here! I grab the envelope from her and rip it open. I calm down a little seeing that it's the letter is from the Hunter Association, but I don't let my guard down.

I skim through the letter narrowing my eyes. Alluka watches me with anticipation and curiousity, as if trying to read my expression. This letter is very vague, basically only stating that there's an important mission, and that I've been requested to help on it with several other Hunters. Who, weirdly enough, I didn't get the names of.

I think I should at least know who I'd be working with. This must be some mission if they've taken their time to find me and Alluka. I debate on wether I should ignore it or go. The Association did offer to have Alluka under their protection if I showed up to the building on Monday. I ponder it for a bit, slightly getting mad that they found out about not only me, but Alluka.

I finally decide that the best thing to do would be to attend the mission. If it means more protection for Alluka then I'm willing to do anything. I look at Alluka and smile softly.

"Looks like we're going on another adventure tomorrow. We'll be going to the Hunter Association - I'll be on a mission, and some skilled people will make sure you're safe there while I'm gone." As I talk, Alluka frowns.

"Big brother, why can't I go with you? I don't want you to leave me again.." Her voice trails off. I grab her face gently with my hands. "Trust me, I've thought of taking you with me, but it's not safe. You'll be safer at the Association with Pro Hunters than with me on some dangerous mission. You know I wouldn't be able to live if something were to happen to you."

She sadly nods when I'm done speaking. I get an idea, "Hey, maybe I can pull some strings and get my teacher, Mr. Wing, and good friend Zushi, to stay with you. You'll love them, and they're trustworthy." I smile slightly at the fond memories with them until my thoughts trail back to Gon. I shake my head.

"Okay! If big brother likes them, they must be nice!" Alluka jumps up and down, excited to meet new friends. "Alright ! Time for bed." I chuckle as I watch her skip to the bathroom. I call after her, "And pack your things - we'll be leaving tomorrow on an airplane." I hear a noise of acknowledgement from her as she brushes her teeth. I too, go get ready for bed and pack up my clothing.


Nobody's POV:

Waking up, Killua looks over at Alluka's bed to see if she's still asleep. They had always gotten up early, and today was no different. Usually Killua would be the first to be awake, but Alluka, with a big grin on her face, was already up and doing her hair. Having already toasted the pop tarts, she hands one to Killua. Killua smiles and thanks her, then goes to the bathroom to get ready.

Once they're both ready, they head out the door. Killua stops at the front desk to check out of their hotel room, bidding the receptionist a goodbye.


Killua and Alluka had already been close to an airport, so Killua didn't have to worry too much about the distance and who could see them. After Killua pays for their tickets using his Hunter license, Alluka and him board the plane and settle down in the seats. It was going to be a long flight.


Meanwhile with Gon and Ging~

Gon and his dad had stopped at a restaurant in the city to have lunch, and discuss what the mission may be. All is going well until Ging abruptly stops talking. Confused, Gon looks at him but knows to keep quiet and be alert.

That was the thing about Gon and Ging, they understood each other. As if talking with just facial expressions. Ging looks directly into Gon's eyes as if to say, 'follow me, now.' Getting the hint, Gon casually follows Ging out of the restaurant and to a more crowded place on the street.

Along the way, Gon feels a cold and intimidating aura from behind them. Comparing it to the Chimera ant King's aura, it was a little weaker. Gon froze up, but Ging grabbed his arm and forced them through the crowd. Lucky for them, the Association building was right up ahead.

Gon was shaking in fear. Him, actually shaking. Gon knew this wasn't normal, and whoever that was, was dangerous. Gon was determined to ask Ging about it and what he saw when they got to the Association.


Hiya! It's me again. Hope you've enjoyed this chapter as much as I loved writing it :) constructive criticism is always welcome. Don't forget to vote if you've enjoyed this story so far!


·If you could choose one character to be your best friend from Hunter X Hunter, who would it be?

·Which arc was your favorite ? My favorite was probably the greed island arc or the York New arc~
