What X Was X That??

Nobody's POV:

Killua looks out the window of the plane, emotionless. He thinks of the good times he and his best friend, Gon, had. "I wonder where he's at now.." Killua mumbles to himself. He looks over at Alluka whom is sleeping peacefully. 'I need to keep my mind in the game. I have no time to be thinking of someone from the past.' Killua thinks to himself as he shakes his head bitterly.

Once at the airport in the city, Killua and Alluka head towards the Hunter Association building to let them know that Killua will be going on the mission, and to see if they can stay there the night since it's only Sunday.


As Gon and Ging make it into the building, they catch their breath. Gon suddenly feels his knees go weak and his breath hitches in his throat. Ging grabs his arm, concern and panic evident in his eyes.

"Are you okay, kid??" Gon looks up at Ging. "What do you mean, 'are you okay?' No! I'm not okay. Ging, what was that?! Who was that? And what did it want??" Ging looks over Gon's shoulder out the glass door. "Gon, son, let's go somewhere else to speak." His eyes darken and he's on high alert, which only bewilders Gon even more.

They go up to Ging's office, getting greeted by fellow hunters along the way. Ging quietly shuts the door and has a serious look on his face. Gon crosses his arms as he looks at his father, as if to say, 'well?'

Ging sighs, body still tensed up. "Gon, I don't know what that was, but I sensed it way before you did. That thing - I don't think it was a person. But it seemed to take interest in us - in you." Worry clouds his eyes as he looks at his only son. Gon stays quiet, thinking of what this could mean.

Ging takes this as an opportunity to keep talking. "Gon. I don't mean to try to scare you, but it followed us to the restaurant. I think I should talk about this to the chairman. I have never felt an aura that strong from a creature.."

Gon shifts uncomfortably as he speaks. "I have - but this aura wasn't the same.. it was weaker, yet still strong. Remember the chimera ant king? You never saw him but his aura was scary."

Ging seems to think for a minute. "So then.. this must be a creature. No human I've ever met has had an aura like that. Not even Netero.."

They both go quiet for a few minutes. "So what does this mean for me? Am I in danger ?" Gon chuckles at the thought of something taking interest in him. His Nen is still not as strong as it was, and he's quite plain.

Ging continues to wear a serious expression. Very odd for someone who isn't usually serious. Gon quiets down and prepares to listen.

"Gon, this isn't funny. I may not know why it took an interest in you but it did. This complicates things. I didn't even get to see it, I sensed it but didn't know where it was .." Ging has a look of determination in his eyes.

"I'll go talk to the chairman, you go let Cheadle know that we're here for the mission." Gon nods as his dad walks out of the office.

Wandering the halls, Gon eventually runs into Cheadle, who drops her papers and glasses. "Oops! Sorry ! I'll help you pick those up Ms. Cheadle." Gon says as he hastily picks up the papers.

"Gon! Long time no see. Are you and Ging here for the mission? Never thought that man would show up haha." Cheadle chuckles as she finishes speaking. "Yeah, I've actually been walking around the halls looking for you - Ging told me to tell you we're here."

Gon smiles brightly, which also brings a small smile to Cheadle's face as she remembers the father-son reunion. "Oh okay! I'll be sure to check your names off, you'll be given more details later. Why don't you go make yourself at home ? We have rooms set up in the hotel next to the Association for the Hunters attending the mission. I'll be sure to tell Ging the room number you're in."

Cheadle hands Gon a card with the room number on it and the key. As she walks away Gon

takes a deep breath and walks out the doors to the hotel, hoping Ging won't be mad he left. Especially since that 'creature' is still out there, possibly hunting him.

Gon shivers a bit at the thought.


Killua and Alluka, having already checked in with the Association, meet up with Mr Wing and Zushi at the hotel. Killua makes Mr. Wing promise to take care of Alluka and protect her. Feeling content with how much times Killua made Mr. Wing make promises, he heads to his room.

In his room, Killua notices three beds. Sighing, Killua lays on one of the beds and starts reading, whilst waiting for his roommates to arrive.



Hai! I just wanted to say I'll probably be writing in 3rd POV more often than Killua's/Gon's POVs. Simply because it's easier for me haha. Don't forget to vote !


·Who do you think Killua's roommates will be? 👁👁

·What do you think the mission will be about?
