After X So X Long

Nobody's POV:   

It was raining, and the sky grew darker by the minute. Killua was holding onto Alluka's hand as they ran. Behind them, a tall figure chased after them, taunting them. Killua's knees threatened to give out, but the adrenaline kept him going.

He noticed Alluka breathing heavily and panics inside. Killua looks back at where the figure was following them, but it's gone. He doesn't dare slow down though, but in one fluid movement, he picks Alluka up. Any longer with her running behind him, she'd have surely fainted.

As Killua turns a corner, he sees his eldest brother, Illumi. Illumi tilts his head and speaks. "Kil, mother misses you. Come home with Alluka. Or better yet, let me dispose of that thing."

Killua grinds his teeth together, and as he turns around, he hears a familiar voice. "Killua... Hey! Killua!" Gon. Killua would know that voice from anywhere - but that's Gon from when he was younger.

Killua turns back to Illumi. "Stop torturing me! That's not the real Gon, and I'm NEVER giving Alluka up!" Killua turns around to see Gon - standing in front of him, eyes dull and body slouched.

"This isn't your fight, Killua. Don't get involved." Gon says. The words hit Killua like a ton of bricks. "Give up, Kil. You're weak. Having friends made you weak, especially Gon. No worry, I'll dispose of him too."

Killua starts to protest but then everything fades into black.


Killua shoots up out of bed, in an attack stance. Sweating and paranoid, he looks around the room. His body calms a little as he reallizes it was just a dream. A really vivid dream. Killua sits back down, and as he does he hears the door open.

Leorio and Bisky walk in the room, arguing over who knows what. They both pause as they see Killua. Leorio's eyes light up in recognition. "Kid! It's been years haha. How have you been? How has Gon been? I haven't been able to get in touch with him."

Killua looks to the side, and his bangs cover his eyes. "I've been great, old man." He teases a bit, avoiding the second part of the question. Leorio and Bisky both get the hint, well, at least Bisky does. Leorio just continues on talking.

"I finally graduated college - I'm a real doctor now, and I've been requested for this mission in case anyone gets hurt." Leorio says as Killua smiles. "That's great! Anyways, why don't you both settle in here? Dibs on this bed." Killua sticks his tongue out and Leorio laughs, completely forgetting his argument with Bisky.

"I've missed you, kid." He chuckles and he ruffles Killua's hair.


Gon is relieved to have made it to his room without feeling that aura. 'Maybe that thing isn't really after me and Ging was overreacting.' Gon thinks as he enters the room. He pauses when he sees a familiar person sitting on one of the three beds.

Gon squints a little, then realizes it's Kurapika. Gon, happily, smiles and runs to him. "I've missed you! How have you been?! Hehe." Kurapika, not realizing it was Gon who ran after and spoke to him, puts Gon in a choke hold and has a knife pointed at his neck.

Gon flinches as it draws blood, and Kurapika's eyes widen as he realizes the person who hugged him from behind was in fact, Gon. "Gon! Don't do that again. I could've killed you just now - you shouldn't sneak up on people." Kurapika lectures Gon, and Gon giggles.

"Alright, alright, mompika." Gon says and bursts into another fit of laughter. A tick mark appears on Kurapika's forehead. "Tsk - don't call me 'mompika' you childish moron!" But even Kurapika can't help but to chuckle a little.

After telling Kurapika that his dad would be there soon, Gon goes to the bathroom to wash up and get ready for bed, since it had gotten a little late, and he had to get a good night's sleep. They would be told what the mission is tomorrow, after all.

In the shower, Gon zoned out while thinking about what that aura could've came from. He gets a chilling feeling, and once again, his body freezes. Only this time, he feels a sharp pain shoot up his body, his knees buckle, and he sees a dark shadow move.

The last thing Gon hears his Kurapika shouting his name and banging on the door, and his father frantically calling someone on the phone, while screaming at Kurapika to kick the door down.


Not too long after the chaos, Gon wakes up to see people surrounding him, who he's guessing are other Hunters at the Association. The room goes silent as he sits up. "What happened?" Gon asks as she scratches the back of his wild unruly hair sheepishly.

No one dares to speak until Ging speaks up. "Gon, do you remember seeing anything whilst you were in the bathroom before you blacked out?" Gon thinks carefully, and he does remember the shadow. But he lies and shakes his head no.

Gon doesn't know why he shakes his head, he just does. It may be because thinking of the shadow doesn't bring a dangerous or threatening feeling. It almost feels peaceful, which is confusing since the aura was that he felt before was wild and filled with pain.

Some people murmur amongst themselves after Gon answers. Ging gets lost in deep thought, and Kurapika enters the room. "The meeting will be in 20 minutes, the chairman told me to let you all know. Gon's eyes widen.

"How long have I been out?" Ging sighs. "Not too long, kid. Just all night. Thankfully we haven't missed the meeting with the information about the mission." Gon breathes a sigh of relief, glad they didn't miss the meeting.

"Well," Gon says as he shakily stands up. "Let's get ready to go." He smiles brightly up at his dad, and Ging ruffles his hair. "Alright."



Hiya! Me again, hope this doesn't get too confusing 😅 and I hope you all enjoyed reading this. Don't forget to leave a like :3

I also have no questions for this chapter but there will be some next chapter~
