The X Anger X Struggle

Nobody's POV:                

After all the Hunters leave the room Gon was in, they talk with hushed voices walking down the hall, only bits a pieces could be heard. Even Gon's excellent ears could only pick up a few lines.

"I feel bad for that boy," "Hopefully the chairman can get things under control before someone, like that boy, suffers the consequences of-"

The voices cut off, only leaving Gon frazzled and confused. Him, being as curious as he is, wants to know what things needed to be kept in control and what the consequences were. Ging, seeing that determined look on Gon's face, sighs. But he doesn't say anything. Not yet.

Provoking Gon wouldn't be good. It'd only push him harder to figure out the answers, and Ging, only knowing a little information on what's going on, wouldn't want Gon to know. So, with that in mind, Ging decides to lie as long as he can to Gon about what he knows.

Even if in the end, the lies would build up. Ging was sure that Gon would forgive him and understand his reason.


Entering the meeting room, Gon looks around in awe. It's a good sized room with paintings on the wall and a large circular table. Ging directs Gon to their seats and they sit down.

The hair on Gon's arm stick up, and he looks around, only to see Hisoka has entered the room, looking as smug as ever. Gon sighs, wondering which was more  dangerous, the 'creature' or the perverted magician Hisoka.

Gon let's out a small chuckle remembering how he fought Hisoka at the Heavens' Arena, and how he and Killua basically studied Nen hard for it. A faint smile covers Gon's face, and it doesn't go unnoticed by Ging.

Killua enters the room with Leorio, both bickering playfully. Gon slightly looks up, and his eyes widen. But he doesn't say anything. After all, he didn't even try to contact Killua these last few years, due to intense training, and no doubt Killua would be mad.

Killua's eyes scan the room, but he doesn't notice Gon, who put his green hood up as soon as he recognized Killua.  Killua's eyes narrow down on Hisoka. 'Tch.' He thinks. 'Can't believe that creep is here.' He shivers remembering how Hisoka spoke about Gon.

Killua and Leorio sit down and whisper. "Hey old geezer, what do you think they're gonna tell us? This better be good." Killua says as Leorio scoffs. "I'm not an old geezer, and I don't know, I'm kind of intrigued - maybe I'll see Gon here." Killua is caught off guard hearing that name but quickly recovers. "Sure.."

The room goes silent when the door slams open, to reveal Pariston. He has his signature smirk on and passes papers out. Whilst the Hunters read the information on the paper, Pariston goes on to explain the mission.

"I'd like to welcome all of you. So glad you could make it. I've chosen people who I think have plenty of skill. While you all are reading the paper, I'll explain what's going on." He takes a deep breath in, smirk never leaving his face.

Thinking of a way to sugar coat it, he goes on. "For all of you, I don't think this mission will be too dangerous. Basically, one of the science test subjects has escaped one of the Hunter science facility, and we need all of you to retrieve -"

Pariston is cut off when someone raises their hand. He arches his eye brow, but allows a question. "Yes, you in the dingy green jacket, what is your question?"

Gon, still with his hood on covering his eyes says, "What exactly were you testing on that creature? And why?"

Pariston's eyes narrow, but only slightly, and his smirk still never leaves his face. "Ah, I love curiousity. So refreshing. Let me ask you something; who are you? And you referred to it as a creature? I'll answer one of your questions if you answer one of mine."

Pariston's smirk widens. Of course he knows about Gon and Killua's friendship and how it drifted. He knows a lot about every Hunter. Gon takes a few agonizing minutes to answer.

"I referred to it as a creature, because I refuse to call it a test subject, poor thing is probably suffering -" Pariston slams his hands down on the table, making most of the Hunters flinch.

"That's enough," He smiles wider. Not the question he was hoping Gon would answer. Pariston had been aware that Gon was hiding from Killua, meanwhile Killua couldn't get over how familiar the male in the green jacket's voice was.

"I'll answer one of your questions now." Pariston laces his fingers together under his chin as he waits in anticipation for Gon's question. Gon looks Pariston dead in the eyes.

"What kinds of tests did you do on the creature?!" He feels himself getting angry but doesn't know why. Pariston is taken a little aback by Gon's straight forwardness and obvious anger.

"Nen tests. One of our top scientists is working on it. As to what the tests are for, that information is not for a child like you. Gon, not realizing it, has stood up and ran towards Pariston, and put his hands on his neck. His eyes blazing in anger as his grip tightens.

Gasps are heard throughout the room. "Gon! Get back here NOW!" Ging's voice booms across the room. Gon doesn't budge, but his grip does loosen. Killua, hearing that name, looks right at Gon and his jaw drops.

Killua doesn't know what to say or how to feel, so he just watches the show. "You're using an INNOCENT creature for your sick Nen experiments? An INNOCENT creature? Not only that, but you're putting people at risk! It's escaped now, and you expect us to pick up YOUR mess?!" Gon yells.

He doesn't know why he feels so much anger. Maybe because Killua is there - he's suddenly reminded that he's a failure of a best friend. Reminded that Killua will forever hate him.

Gon feels strong arms wrap around his torso, and he looks behind him. It's Ging, and he's furious. Gon squirms and gets free, running to the door just as the lights go out. Again, people gasp, and some girl screams.

Gon takes this chance to run out the door. During the struggle with Gon choking Pariston, Hisoka was observing him. 'Hes become a lot stronger and more ripe over the years.' Hisoka licks his lips as he thinks. 'Perfect.'



Hiya! So I'm thinking of making the chapters longer, just because I like writing longer chapters to give more detail. I am aware that Pariston is not the chairman. (I think it's Cheadle) But I think it's better that way and I'm too lazy to fix the parts where it states he's chairman, haha. Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Questions ;

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I need some ideas - as I am going to make this a long book. Do you have some ideas for me and plot twists? :>

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                                  -Allen <3