In X The X Rain

Nobody's POV:                

Splash! Sploosh!

Gon runs out of the building in the rain, stepping in puddles, not sure of where he's going but just wanting to get away. From seeing Killua to strangely feeling mad about the creature being tested on, he's overwhelmed.

Gon had never acted like that, at least not in front of anyone. He wondered if Killua would've wanted to talk to him before he went crazy and tried to kill the chairman.

Gon spots a bench and goes to sit down, removing his hood. Gon's dull eyes look up at the sky, and he sighs.

Gon's POV:

I know I have to go back at some point before Ging gets worried. But - maybe they don't want to see me. What if there's serious consequences for what I did. Oh no. This is probably really, really bad. Maybe I should head back now and apologize to everyone, and maybe talk to -

Crunch! Snap!

I feel pressure on my arm, and what feels like my bone snapping but I don't dare move. There's a numbness that goes through my body and I feel dizzy, only for a moment.

After a few seconds I regain my composure and slowly look over to my right. Nothing there except claw marks on the bench.. And that's when I feel it. A sudden ache in my lower arm. Slowly, I look down at it to be met with a horrifying sight.

There was what looked to be bite marks? And a symbol carved close to my wrist. My heart drops - if Ging were to see this he'd flip. No doubt everyone would steer clear of me.

Maybe it was just a cat or something that did this- I should patch it up with something. I look around for something to wrap my arm with, but turn up with nothing, and I can't exactly rip my jacket or Ging will know something happened.

Oh well. I'll just rip of some fabric from my shirt. If I keep my jacket on, no one will know.. right? And the wounds aren't even that deep. What's concerning is that my senses didn't pick up anything. Not even my Nen aura could sense anything enter my area.

I think steam (aura) has come out of my ears - I've really never been much of a thinker, and it shows. Haha. I should head back to the Association now to face my punishment.


Nobody's POV:

Once Gon steps foot inside the building, he's met with an eerie silence. He walks to the meeting room and is met with several pairs of eyes from the other Hunters.

Gon had already put his hood back on before entering the room, and has his head down. He quietly apologizes to everyone and sits down hoping punishment can wait.

"Gon, nice of you to join us..again." Pariston says with sarcasm lacing his voice. "I will forgive you, it seems you weren't in the right.. state of mind." Gon quietly nods.

"Anyways, we'll be drawing cards from this hat," Pariston holds up a black hat that he then shakes. "It will be completely random. You will draw cards to determine which team you're on. You will have to work in teams to get this mission done safely." A few people start murmuring, and Gon has drowned everyone out.

Ging hasn't spoken to him, and he feels nauseous. Gon looks back at his wrist, only to see that the mark, which looks like roses with thorns somehow, has spread up his arm. He panics and pulls his sleeve down.

Then, Gon starts to think of a plan. Gon is spaced out and he doesn't realize Pariston has been calling his name until Ging smacks the back of his head, making him even more nauseous.

"Gon, it's your turn to pick from the hat-" Pariston is cut off by Gon standing up and vomiting in the nearest trash can. The room, once again, gets so silent you can hear a pen drop.

Gon laughs a little. "Guess breakfast didn't agree with me haha, sorry about that." He plasters on a big smile and grabs a card. Pariston continues to explain the cards. "Okay, if you're in group A, stand up. Five Hunters stand up and follow Pariston to one corner of the room.

"Group B, over here~" Pariston says as Gon checks his card. 'Guess I'm in group D,' Gon thinks to himself. He doesn't even dare to look up to see if Killua is already in a group.

After calling group C, which Hisoka, Tonpa, and three others are in, Pariston calls group D. Gon slowly stands up and follows Pariston to the back of the room.

There's an awkward silence as everyone in the group looks at each other. The group contains Bisky, Leorio, Kurapika, Killua, and Gon. Bisky is the first one to do something, as she punches Gon in the face and yells at him.

"You moron! What were you doing earlier? You could've been in BIG trouble for trying to kill the chairman!!" Gon sighs, and looks over to the side, his dark unruly hair covering his face.

"I don't know." Is the only answer he can muster up. He tries to lighten the mood by laughing a little, but Bisky keeps going.

"You don't know??? Gon, I'm not stupid. I'm a veteran liar, and I know a fellow liar when I hear one. You may not know why, but you at least have some idea, am I right ?" She narrows her eyes at Gon.

Gon looks directly at her, eyes a dull brown for a moment, so quick that someone who isn't looking for it wouldn't notice, but Bisky and Kurapika did.

"No. I've said I don't know, so please leave it at that." Gon smiles. "Anyways, it's nice to see you guys again! It's been a while-" Bisky tries to cut him off, "Don't you dare avoid my questions -" Then Kurapika speak, "Drop it. He'll tell us when he feels is right. I have a feeling it isn't good, but if we pry we'll never figure it out.

And while you guys were squabbling, Mr. Pariston gave us instructions to form a plan to capture the subject. It is most likely that the test subject is headed towards Yorknew City, where there's a lot more people to hunt."

Gon shivers for a moment, and Leorio looks lost in thought. A brief silence fills the group, then Leorio speaks. "Aha! Why don't we head to Yorknew tonight? That way we can get a hotel room and start looking tomorrow.

Gon, liking that plan and the fact that it gives him more time to try to figure out what the mark means/is, immediately agrees, perhaps too quickly. It doesn't go unnoticed by some group members.

Killua, who's been quiet the whole time finally speaks up. "Alright, we all have a lot of catching up to do later." His piercing blue eyes narrow at Gon.



Heyo! Hope you've enjoyed the chapter! I love writing this and being able to control how the story goes. It's exciting! Please let me know if there's any spelling errors :)


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What do you think the mark means?

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