On X The X Train

Nobody's POV:           

Ging had apparently wanted to stay behind and watch over things at the Association, as well as get more information on the creature. He wouldn't even let Gon hug him, which made Gon sad, as he felt like Ging would just disappear again.

Gon and his group are now at the train station, getting tickets to the nearest town, Milibau. From there they'd take another train to Yorknew. Gon is playing the Dino Hop game on his phone whilst Kurapika and Leorio catch up on what's new.

Bisky had been occasionally glaring at Gon while Killua took a nap. Or at least, attempted to. Gon looked up and tried to talk to Leorio without it being awkward. After all, it had been a few years.

"Hey Leorio! Did you graduate med school? Was it fun?" Gon smiles. Leorio, with his decent sized ego, was happy to talk about himself.

"Why yes, yes I did! What have you been doing these past few years, Gon? You never contacted me - or any of us for that matter."

Everyone got quiet, and Killua peaked one eye open. Leorio had asked the question everyone else had wanted to ask. Killua hoped it was a good reason, for Gon's sake.

"Oh, haha, sorry about not contacting you guys. I've been training my Nen. Nothing too intense but yeah. It's taken a lot to make it stronger than it was before what happened. I don't regret what I did though. I just regret how it turned out. I didn't even get to punch the king-"

Killua abruptly stands up, and angrily walks towards Gon.


Everyone, once again, goes silent. "You idiot! You could've died! Then what? It would've all been for nothing. The best thing you could've done was forget about Nen! Something like that could happen again, and you'll for sure die! How did you even get your Nen back, you moron!? I thought you made a Nen contract where you gave up your Nen??"

Gon doesn't speak, but instead looks to the side.


"Ging, where are we going?" Younger Gon skips as he follows Ging. "To a friend, kid. He can break or bend Nen contracts." Gon looks up at his dad in awe.

A little while later, they meet Ging's friend greets them and sits Gon on the couch in her home. She introduces herself to Gon as Kyoka.

She puts her hands over Gon's heart area, and behind her type of exorcism. Gon screams in agony as he feels sharp pains in his chest and head, and this continues for the next few hours.

Once done, she warns Gon. "Gon, I must advice you be careful. You had used a lot of Nen, AND made a Nen contract. That is a recipe for disaster. From the tales I've heard from your father about you, one can only assume there'll be more trouble in the near future. You can't Nen for an extended period of time. An hour tops. You can however, slowly work with it to the point you can use it for a little long, but it'll take years."

Gon nods, relieved that the contract isn't in play anymore, but worried about how much time he has to use his Nen per day. Only one hour? He sighs and thanks Kyoka.

✨End of Flashback✨


✨Back to present✨

"Ging had one of his good friends remove the contract." Gon plasters a big smile on his face as he looks at his best friend - well, his old best friend. He doubted Killua still considered him a friend.

Killua narrows his eyes at Gon. "Really? Was removing the contract quick and painless?" Gon quickly nods and smiles.

"Of course, lighten up Killua. It's in the past anyways haha." Leorio yawns, clearly tired of the dramatic teen dispute, Kurapika is eating some trail mix, and Bisky is using her Nen ability to do her hair and nails.

Killua starts again "Well-" but is cut off by Bisky, "Ladies, ladies, settle down-" Leorio starts cackling, and pretty soon Gon is laughing as well. 'it feels so good to actually laugh, I miss this' Gon thinks to himself.

It's all fun in games 'til Killua morphs his hand. They all get silent again, then Gon and Leorio burst out laughing again. "Oh my *wheeze* he's gonna kill us BAHAHa-" Leorio cackles more.

"Guys, it's time to board the train. Quit being morons and let's go." Kurapika says, chuckling slightly. Everyone quickly boards the train and sits down. Killua and Gon being forced to sit together since Leorio wanted to sit with Kurapika, and Bisky refused to sit with any of them because 'they stink.'

And so the awkward silence begins. Gon starts, "So," and Killua repeats it, "Soo,," and that continues on for a few minutes before Gon's eyes light up.

"Hey! We're the same height hehe. You used to be shorter than me~" Gon laughs. "I was not! If I recall, YOU were the one who was shorter!"

And the train ride continues like that, Killua and Gon arguing playfully like old times, Leorio and Kurapika sharing the Trail Mix, and Bisky taking a nap.


After boarding the next train, still sitting in the same seating arrangements as before, they all decide to take naps so they're well rested.

Before Gon drifts off, he looks at the mark on his wrists, and his eyes shoot straight open. Gon stands up so fast his backpack falls off his lap and onto the floor creating a loud thud.

Gon winces and realizes Killua had been watching his movements, eyes narrowed. "You okay, Gon?" Gon sweat drops, "O-of course! Haha. Why would I be? I just need to go to the bathroom."

Killua skeptically nods his head and scoots over so Gon could get through. Once Gon thinks he's out of Killua's sight, he runs to the bathroom and locks the door.

Panicked and confused, Gon debates on calling his dad. "Maybe I should tell someone.. " Gon mutters to himself. "But what if that puts them in danger, too? What then?

Gon is almost drowning in his thoughts when he hears someone knock on the door. "Gon, you okay in there? It's been 10 minutes and I'm concerned."

"I'm fine, Killua. I probably ate something that didn't agree with me. I..I'll be fine." Gon touches the mark with his opposite hand and he sees some type of visions.

Blood. So much blood. Gon sees an ungodly amount of blood in the visions, and is concerned as to wether it's his own blood or others.

"Gon, I'm coming in there right now if you don't come out." Gon sighs and stiffly walks towards the door.

"Killua- I need to tell you something." Gon says as he opens the door and begins walking to their seats.



Hope you liked this chapter! Don't forget to vote :) I'll do more questions for you guys next chapter hehe <3
