The X Twisted X Truth

Gon's POV:                 

I have to think of a way to twist the truth. Killua would question me about the creature and then go on a rant about me being reckless running out in the rain, knowing it was there.

I look over at Killua as we walk back to our seats. His skin is fair, just like the last time I saw him, and his hair is slightly longer. His features are rough and defined. Killua seems to notice me staring, and narrows his eyes.

"What? What do you want, idiot."

Just as prickly as ever. I really miss when we were kids. As well as our fun adventures. I really wish it had never ended, but sadly, all good things have to come to an end..

"Nothin', just thinking." I smile brightly as I look back at where our group is sitting. We both sit down and settle in our seats. Killua waits, and watches me expectingly. Waiting for me to speak.

"So - you remember when I ran out into the rain earlier?" Killua slowly nods his head, trying to read my expression. I can tell he's trying to analyze me - he's got that look he always had when doing so to anyone.

"Well, I slipped and something bit me. Probably a snake or something - but there's kinda this mark growing on my arm -"

"A growing mark on your arm?! Gon, that is no snake bite! Let me see it!!" Killua tries to grab my arm, but I forcefully pull away.

"First off, wrong arm, second, please don't freak out. Don't tell, okay? We don't need to get anyone's attention." I whisper to Killua, and he reluctantly nods in agreement.

I slowly life up the sleeves of my green hoodie on my right arm. As I do, Killua's eyes widen and I know he's shocked and doesn't know what to say.

At least he isn't freaking out. I guess it could be worse -

"What the f-" I cover Killua's mouth with my hand as his voice starts to get louder. I look him dead in the eyes, to make it clear to him that I don't want anyone else knowing any time soon.

"Gon. This is bad. That was no snake - it was something else. I see the bite marks - but I don't know why there could possibly be a mark like that of roses."

"Wait back up a minute.." I say, kind of puzzled.."Did you say marks? As in plural? I only saw -" I mutter the last part, but stop myself. I don't need him to know that I have seen the creature before.

"You moron! Did you not notice the second bite ?" Killua shakes his head, thinking of what to do next. "No, I guess not. Either way, the problem is the growing mark. Not the bites."

"Gon, you're always so reckless." There it is - the lecture. But for a second I see a bit of sadness and fear in his eyes. "I don't want to lose you - if you don't take care of yourself, you will die."

I look down, guiltily. I know I always rush into danger without second thought, but it's a habit, or rather, an instinct.

"Killua, nothing can kill me. I'm strong! And I'm getting stronger. Haha." Killua looks like he's ready to murder something, and I sweat a little.

"I almost lost you once!" Killua raises his voice. "I'm not going to let it happen again! Gon, do you even realize how much people you hurt by rushing into danger? By putting yourself at risk? One of these days you WILL regret being reckless, and I won't be there to comfort you!! You need to learn to have some self control, and know when it isn't the right time to fight. And now, you have strange markings on you, and we don't know how to fix this!" Killua yells.

Everyone on the train stared at us, even our group, who is now fully awake and staring at us.

I clench my hands into fists. "I rush into danger to SAVE people. It has nothing to do with self control! You don't know me, you haven't seen me in years! I'll NEVER regret rushing into danger to save lives, or even just a life. It's my nature, who I am. And if that's how I die, so be it! I know, rushing out into the rain earlier, alone, was a bad idea! But I would've KILLED someone. Killua, I'm scared. It KNOWS who I am. It's tracking me. And if we're not careful, it'll take control of me and hurt people - everything, EVERYTHING I've done has been to prevent harm from anyone. I- Im going to end up hurting someone in the end if I stop to think."

Everyone on the train goes silent. Killua ends the conversation by saying. "Don't come crying to me when what I'm saying is proven to be true. YOU will be seriously injured, or worse if you don't control yourself. You may think you're saving lives, but what happens when the tables turn, and YOU'RE the one taking lives? That thing that is tracking you could potentially be taking over your body. To it, you may be just a vessel. And tell me this, how did IT encounter you?? Why didn't you say anything until now? And Gon, what do you plan to do if things go haywire.

I know exactly what I'll do, even if it hurts the people I care about most. I stare blankly at Killua as I answer. "I've encountered it about three times, and I couldn't say anything. If I did, the Association would've locked me up and questioned me. Even worse, used me as a trap for it. If I ever get possessed by the creature, I'll kill myself. That way, I won't hurt anyone."

Killua starts, "No way-" then Bisky interrupts, "Now wait just a minute, kid. I will not allow you to kill yourself, I-"

"Good thing it's not your decision then, right?" I quietly walk away from them. I need to distance myself from them. I can feel the markings moving up my arm, and I know it won't be long. I don't want to hurt them, but I also don't want to physically hurt them...

They call after me, but I decide to hide out in the bathroom, thinking of a way to quickly and efficiently kill myself if it comes to it.


Killua's POV:

Damn him! He can't just say all of that and walk off. That thing is tracking him! And he's plans to kill himself of things go haywire?! I can't believe -

I'm interrupted by Kurapika speaking up. I forgot he was even here, same with Leorio. "He's different - I don't know what's changed but it isn't good. And it's not the markings, or the possible poison in his veins. I noticed it before he went out into the rain and got bit. I was listening to you guys talk, Killua."

Kurapika continues to think while Leorio pulls out his medical supplies and books. "I'll go see if I can persuade him to let me look at his arm. Maybe it's a type of posion I've read or learned about, and I can stop it from spreading, for the time being."

I'm worried for Gon, but I know there's nothing else we can do. I nod and decide to wait there and think of a plan to catch the thing with Kurapika.

Leorio gives us a small salute as he walks away.



Hai! Hope you enjoyed this slightly longer chapter! Things are getting ✨juicy✨ up in the club here~ don't forget to vote if you enjoyed the chapter :)


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Or do you just want me to write in 3rd POV?
