Think X About X It

Gon's POV:                

"Damn it!" I mutter to myself as I slam my fists on the sink. I really hurt Killua - I shouldn't have pushed him away. If he didn't hate me already, he does now.

Oh, I just remembered - I should write to Aunt Mito. I'll tell her I've met up with Killua again. I'm sure she'd be thrilled to know that. I'll probably leave out the fact that I'm getting hunted down by something and am probably gonna get possessed.

I chuckle lightly to myself, then I hear a knock at the door. "Sorry, I'll hurry up! Give me a minute." I assume that someone needs to use the bathroom, so I hurry up.

"Gon, buddy, it's me, Leorio. I'm not here to fight or question you. I just want to see if I can stop the markings from spreading. I'm worried about you."

I sigh as I listen to Leorio talk. I don't really have a plan on how to get rid of the mark - well I have an idea of how, but it'd be painful, and they'd yell at me for even thinking it as an option.

"Alright, I'll be back at the seats in a minute.." I say as Leorio sighs in relief. "Alright, kid. Hurry up."

I arrive at the seats a minute later, an eerie silence rests over all of us. I awkwardly sit down by  Killua and show Leorio my arm. He quickly gets to work and examines it.

"You know.. maybe we could just cut it off? I don't mind losing an arm, and those metal prosthetic ones seem cool-" Killua smacks me upside the head as I ramble on.

"You idiot! We're not cutting your arm off. There's gotta be a better way." Killua scoffs at me for mentioning that option. I look back at Leorio, but feel Killua's gaze linger on me for a second too long.

Leorio sighs, and I look down at my arm ready to ask if he can fix it when he speaks. "I've never seen anything like this, definitely some type of poison. It's spreading through your body slowly- but it seems to stop for short periods of time. I don't know what it is.."

It finally clicks for me. Nen was tested on the creature - so it most likely is able to use that.. "Nen." I breathe out.

All of them stare at me, confused. Kurapika gets it first. "Oh my god! You could be right, Gon." Killua also seems to get it right away, but that only seems to worry him more. "Wait, it can use Nen?! This is just like the Chimera ants all over again."

Bisky nods, "But what does this mean for Gon? Can we somehow exorcise the Nen from him??"

I look at her, "Aren't you the oldest person in this group? Don't you know if we could exorcise this??"

Bisky shakes her head, "I don't know anyone who could exorcise this. We need to figure out how the creature's Nen works.

Kurapika intuitively taps his chin with his finger, "Maybe it's like when the creature is near, that speeds up the process of the mark spreading. And when the creature is out of the area, the mark stops spreading."

Everyone thinks for a minute. I feel my eyes widen. "It knows we're here. It knows we're on the train! And it knows where we're going! We -"

Kurapika cuts me off. "Wait, slow down. Gon, how does it know we're here? And while you're at it, let us know anything else you're hiding. No secrets between all of us."

I contemplate what I'm going to say next. There's no use in lying to them.. I'll just tell them how u know it knows we're here.

"The markings - while I was in the bathroom they burned and grew more - that must mean the creature was near by, right?"

Kurapika nods his head, and they all go silent. "Gon, is there anything, ANYTHING else at all that you need to tell us? No more secrets."

I think for a moment. I'm not telling them that strange peaceful feeling I felt when it's aura surrounded me in the shower - and I'm not telling them about the large aura. It's not important.

"No, I think that's everything." Killua narrows his eyes at me. He gets close to my face as pins me to the seat, trying to read my expression. I squirm a little under the pressure.

I decide to lighten the mood. "Are we about to kiss?" Killua backs up really fast, and Leorio spits out his tea. "Idiot! Don't say stuff like that!"

Kurapika chuckles, and Bisky fan girls. "Ooooh, I'll plan the wedding!" My face heats up, and I can tell Killua is flustered too. Although, I like the playful teasing and atmosphere. I wish this could last forever.


Nobody's POV:

As they arrive at their destination, the group decides to check into a hotel, since being on a train cramped up the legs and was overall, exhausting. They had to walk to the hotel since there was no taxis available.

Bisky continued to tease, seeing as it got under the boys' skin. "So who's the top~" Bisky asks and Killua smacks her with his bag. "Obviously me~" Gon says, knowing what she meant because he had found Ging's porn magazines and had the misfortune of being curious, and reading them.

"Huuuuh?! Obviously, I'd be a top, but that's hypothetically. I would not fawk my best friend." Killua scoffs.

Bisky teases some more. "Ooooh. So you guys are switches haha!" Gon starts to think, and Killua smacks both of them upside the head. Gon and Bisky laugh, and they all enter the hotel room.

Coincidentally, there's only three beds. Call it a cliché, or call it fate. Killua goes to call dibs on one of the beds but Bisky speaks first.

"Oh no! Only three beds? Well, I'm a lady, so looks like I'll be getting a bed to myself. "Whattt?!" Killua starts protesting, but then gives up and is about to ask if he could share a bed with Kurapika.

Kurapika and Leorio have already decided to share a bed and Killua's jaw drops. Gon smiles and says, "Looks like you're stuck with me. Wanna cuddle? I'll be the big spoon. Hehe."

Killua scoffs again. "No, I'll be the big spoon!" They both start bickering. "Just shut up! You both can be the big spoon." Leorio tiredly says as he lays down to go to sleep.

"Fine!" Both Killua and Gon say.

Facing each other, they both discreetly admire how much the other has changed. Gon hugs Killua tighter, and Killua does the same.

"Hey Gon, I have a question.."

"Yeah? What is it?" Gon says as he scoots closer to Killua.



Hi! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I love how wholesome Killua and Gon are ^_^ Don't forget to vote if you liked this chapter :) I'll also questions next chapter~