Tell X The X Truth

Nobody's POV:            

"Where have you been all these years? I mean really. You never contacted me - it hurt." Killua looks to the side, the looks back into Gon's eyes.

"I've been training with Ging. Intense training. I'm hoping my Nen is even more powerful than when I was 13. I can control it better now." Gon proudly says as he chuckles.

Killua's eyes sadden. "Was it worth it? Getting the contract removed, I mean. I know it was painful. I could tell by the way you acted so guarded earlier - like you didn't want to remember it."

Gon pulls Killua closer, and Killua runs his fingers through Gon's hair. "It was, in fact, worth it. I'd do it again. Killua, my only goal in life is to protect those I care about. Without my Nen I'd be weak. The pain was worth it."

Gon puts his nose in the crook of Killua's neck and relaxes. "Gon, I don't want to lose you. You're my best friend. You didn't see the state you were in after the fight with Pitou," Killua scoffs at the name, and pulls got closer, protectively. "It was bad. And if I- if I ever see you in that shape again I don't know what I'll do."

"Everything will be fine, Killua. I've heard from several of our friends about the state I was in. Let's travel again together, 'kay? We don't have to leave each other again. Also, looks like you're the big spoon tonight..."

Gon yawns, and smiles. "I'd love that - you, me, and Alluka will see the world together." Killua genuinely smiles while speaking.

"That sounds.. amazing..." Snores can be heard from Gon as he drifts off to sleep. "Goodnight, Gon. I'll always protect you.. I'll never leave you alone again." Killua closes his eyes, and he too, drifts off to sleep.

Both boys asleep in each other's arms, feeling vulnerable but safe, for now.


Sunlight peeks through the window, and Gon slowly opens his deep brown eyes. He admires Killua's features again for a few minutes, and Killua begins to stir. He opens his brilliant blue eyes. He and Gon stare at each other for a few minutes until they hear a squeal.

Killua shoots up out of bed, in an attack stance with a knife that he got out of no where. Gon just yawns and looks over. Bisky is bouncing up and down, looking and squealing at them.

"Eeeeee! You both are so cute!" Killua smacks her with a pillow. "Oh shut up you old hag! We're friends, you moron. Nothing more, nothing less." Gon feels a pang of hurt in his chest but still smiles brightly. Just as he's done for years.

"I'm going to go make some breakfast, you guys can continue bickering here haha." Gon forces a believable laugh out and walks towards the small kitchen area in the next room.

For years while traveling with Ging, Gon wasn't happy for long periods of time. Maybe it was the weather, or maybe he missed his friends. Perhaps the latter.

There was nothing he could do. Ging told him that he needed to focus on important things. And friends just wasn't on that list. So, Gon was forced to drop all communication with anyone else besides Ging.

By the end of his third year with Ging, Gon was a lot stronger. Gon had how to come up with believable lies, and great acting skills. Of course, he wasn't all upset. After all, he had his dad. Even if Ging didn't understand him, he was there. Ging toughened him up.

"Gon, Gon!" Gon is snapped out of his thoughts by Kurapika calling his name. Gon looks down to see that he spilled water everywhere when he wasn't focused. He quickly grabs napkins and dries it up.

"Gon, talk to me. What's wrong. And don't say nothing, because you zoning out and not paying attention to your surroundings I'd not nothing. The Gon I knew had keen senses and didn't zone out like that."

'There it is.' Gon thinks to himself. 'Kurapika is pitying me.' Gon sighs as he turns to look Kurapika dead in the eyes, his bright brown eyes a dull and cold.

"Don't compare me to who I used to be. I was weak. I let myself get swallowed whole by my desire to kill Pitou. Though, I don't regret killing them. Kurapika, I couldn't even stay conscious long enough to kill the King. My old self was clueless and gullible. Just be happy I'm still here, 'kay?"

Gon senses people coming into the room and he smiles brightly and laughs. Kurapika remains silent, analyzing what Gon said. "Haha, Kurapika. Anyways, I'm going to go take a shower and get ready. I'll be back - 'kay, bye."

Gon smiles at Killua, Bisky, and Leorio as he leaves the room, leaving Kurapika still and silent. "He's turning into a monster." Kurapika mutters to himself.

"What's that Kurapika? You say something?" Leorio asks, a concerned yet curious look on his face. "No, nothing." Kurapika states as he too, leaves the room.

Killua narrows his cat-like eyes at Kurapuka. 'Weird..' He thinks to himself. Leorio simply shrugs his shoulders and goes about his business. Bisky is making a healthy smoothie whilst humming a song.

Meanwhile, in the shower, Gon can feel that aura again. He looks down at his arm and almost lets a noise of surprise and terror. The markings are not just on his arm, but part of his chest, too.

The aura is calm, and almost lulls Gon to sleep, in a trance. But Gon knows not to succumb to it. His knees feel weak, and his body heavy. As he steps out of the shower he almost slips, barely catching himself.

He pulls on his jeans, green hoodie, and green Converses. Gon looks at himself in the mirror and notices something strange. The corner of his eye is turning black. His pupils have a hue of red around them.

Gon tears up. 'I need to talk to it. And soon. I don't have much time before I lose control. And when I do, I don't want to be around my friends.'

He wipes his eyes and puts on a happy face. 'Just act normal and think of a plan. Easy, right?'



Hai! Yes, I am using they/them pronouns for Pitou since I don't exactly know their pronouns, and it just makes sense haha. Don't forget to vote if you've enjoyed this chapter ~ also from now on, I'll be posting new chapters everyday at around 2:00pm. :)
