Stay X Calm X Now

Gon's POV:              

I've never felt this panicked. The Nen poison spreading through my body didn't seem real to me until I saw how I looked. My hands shake, and panic surges through my body.

"Calm down, calm down.." I mutter. 'As if that'll help. You're beyond help at this point. You should leave before you cause more problems.' Negative thoughts creep back into my head again.

I smile brightly, keeping up the same type of persona I had when I was 12, only now it was forced. I mentally sigh as I walk out if the bathroom.

"Hey, guys! Good morning, hehe." I smile and laugh. Kurapika seems to be studying my actions and expressions very carefully, as if trying to solve a puzzle.

I always liked and hated that about him. He was smart and vigilent - I had looked up to him. But him trying to analyze me now would be a big problem. Kurapika could probably even notice slight changes in my features easily.

I kept my eyes down as I drank my soda. "Okay guys! What's the plan on capturing the creature?" An all too familiar silence settles over the table. We had these moments a lot since we reunited.

I sigh. "Well, while you guys think, I'll go to the shopping district to get more supplies!" Killua looks like he's about to protest, but Kurapika stops him. "Alright, be quick." Bisky nods her head in agreement with Kurapika.

"I will!" I say as I nonchalantly grab my backpack and walk out the door. I don't usually take my backpack everywhere I go, but I have a feeling I may not return. Maybe I'm being paranoid, but still. No one can really blame me.

~ ~ ~

Once I get to the shopping district, I look around in awe at the liveliness of the area. I accidentally bump into a few people as I was through the crowd. I stop at a booth that looks to have old stuff on it. I observe the vases and knifes. On knife in particular catches my eye.

It's got a diamond encrusted into it, and beautiful patterns. 'Killua would love that.' I think to myself. I pay the sketchy looking dude selling it the money and then walk away.

I feel the overwhelming sensation of being watched, and that's enough to persuade me not to go back to the group. I can't let them get hurt because of me. Whatever is watching me was just out of sight but still there. I can't see whatever or whoever it is, but they're for sure there.

I guess I never lied to the group. I am getting supplies. Just for me, though. If I'm going to be leading this thing away, alone, I'm going to need supplies. I start to think up a plan while twirling the knife I got in my hands.

I find a nice place in the shade to sit down and think. I remember when Killua and I first met at the Hunters exam. We immediately became friends. And he taught me some tricks with his skate board. I smile, genuinely smiles, at my memories with him.

I remember when I brought him home and introduced him to Aunt Mito. We had so many adventures on Whale Island. I miss looking up at the stars with Killua beside me. Back then, before I lost my Nen abilities for a short while, I had always wished to look up at the sky again with Killua.

Now I just wish to see him once more. That would probably be my last wish if I had to choose one.

~ ~ ~

Killua's POV:

I pace back and force as we wair for Gon to come back. I know I should have faith in him, but I don't think he's coming back. He managed to fool Kurapika of all people.

"Arghh! Let's go! He's obviously not coming back. The longer we wait the farther he'll get." Kurapika looks up annoyed at me.

"Just a few more minutes, then we'll go." Leorio and I begin to protest, whilst Bisky takes Kurapika's side. "Guys, trust him. Kurapika obviously has a plan that involves Gon. We need to stay strong as a group. Gon couldn't have gotten far with the tension span that he has."

I slam my hands on the table, almost completely breaking it. "Gon has changed. Not just physically, but mentally. Bisky, I thought you out of all people could see that. Since you're supposedly old and wise after all."

Bisky starts to retort but senses something. "Something is outside - it has a strong aura. We should try to text or call Gon to let him know not to come back for a while. It's dangerous." I'm already trying to call Gon on my phone after Bisky says that.

It goes straight to voicemail. I sadly look down at the floor. Illumi was probably right. I shouldn't have made friends let alone be friends with Gon. I'd only get hurt in the end.

~ ~ ~

Gon's POV:

I decide to leave supplies for them at their hotel room door. I'd also leave Killua a necklace. So he'll always remember me. I have a matching necklace to his, as they are yin and yang necklaces. I have the yang half, whilst I'm giving Killua yin.

I smile to myself while I admire the necklaces. Then, I start back to the hotel. Although, I sense a presence that isn't normal as I get closer.

I see the shadow and gasp, almost dropping my things. It seems to have seen me and gracefully approaches. I feel a calming sensation as it looks at me and reached out. It touches my head, and as fast as it was there, it was gone.

I shake my head. I sneakily walk towards the room door once in the hotel, but as soon as I reach it, it opens. Killua tackles me and pins me to the ground.

"Where have you been, you moron!" Killua starts smacking me and telling me I shouldn't scare him like that. Meanwhile I see the others calmly sipping tea at the table.

There goes my plan to quietly leave without getting caught. Killua let's me up and I hand him the necklace, with a smile. His eyes widen.

"Is this for me?" I warmly smile at him looking at it curiously. "Of course. Who else would it be for?" I hug him and he hugs me back.

I take in every detail of this moment. This moment I wish would last forever.

~ ~ ~


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