Who X Was X That


I prepare for bed later that night, my brain tired from discussing the plan over and over again. I was going to be the bait for the creature. Killua would use his ability to electricute and paralyze the creature. Whilst Kurapika would tie it up. Leorio would give it some medical stuff to make it sleep while they transport it back to the Association.

I don't know why there'd need to be four groups to capture this thing if there was only one. I shake my head, feeling a head ache coming on. There was too much for my brain to handle. And I don't even know what Bisky's significance to this plan was.

I look over to the guys and see that Kurapika has stepped out onto the balcony area to answer a call. With my good hearing, I could make out bits and pieces of the conversation. Something about a deal, and payment. I think I should move closer. Nonchalantly, of course. But just do I could hear Kurapika and the other person on the phone better.

I know I shouldn't eavesdrop, but they were the ones telling me I should be honest. So, I don't see the problem. I suddenly remember the knife I bought that I thought Killua would like. I think I should hold onto it for now, since I don't really have weapons and Killua could morph his fingers into basically knives. I shiver at the thought.

Killua comes out of the bathroom from taking a shower, and I admire his toned and. In a friendly way, of course. He doesn't notice, or I think he doesn't. Maybe I should text Ging. Y'know, check on him. Make sure he hasn't died. I chuckle slightly, knowing it'd take a lot, and I mean a lot, to take Ging down.

Killua looks at me curiously, hearing me chuckle. "What's up?" He says to me, coming over to sit near me. I shrug. "Just thought of something." I smile. I decide I should change the subject.

"So, how has taking care of Alluka been? She's grown quite a bit, hasn't she?" I smile as his eyes light up. "It's been great traveling with her. Though, it'd be nicer if I knew Illumi wasn't still after us. That's a mood killer. But she's happy, and I'm happy she isn't trapped anymore. Shopping with her is tiring, haha."

I laugh. "I'm glad you both have had fun. And when do you think Illumi will stop? Have you actually seen him?" I sigh as I look at Killua. Genuine concern laced in my voice. "I don't know- but he's relentless. He'll stop at nothing to get to us. I haven't seen him, but I've felt him. Like his presence. And he has a very distinct presence and aura." Killua sighs, sadly, looking over at me.

"Don't worry though, I think we've lost him for now. He still has other duties as an assassin, and can't exactly drop those to dedicate his time to trying to capture Alluka and I." Killua shrugs his shoulders and shakes his head, as if contemplating what Illumi would do.

"Hey, no worries Killua. I won't let him harm you or Alluka. You both are my friends, and I'd do anything for my friends. Let's get some sleep." Killua nods in agreement and lays down beside me.

"Oh, and I'm big spoon tonight, haha." Killua sighs, defeated. I smile triumphantly, as I wrap my arms around him, pressing my face to his hair. Our breathing slows to the same pace as we both fall asleep.

~ ~ ~


I smile sadly as I look into the room at the two younger boys. They look peaceful, just as they did when we first met. I think back to all the memories with them, and smile. They've really grown over the years. In both terms of strength and features.

I grimly look at my phone. Hisoka had called earlier with the info I asked for. He discovered that there's not only one, but a few test subjects that escaped. The Association was only giving a snippet of the details. In exchange for that information, Hisoka wanted me to help him track someone down. We're meeting somewhere in Yotknew. Probably where we met before the auction a few years ago.

I sigh, packing my things, I look at Leorio who is mumbling in his sleep. I turn on the lamp to see a little better. I almost jump when I see Bisky staring at me. Hands laced together, gracefully on her lap.

"Do you have to go?" She asks, knowing what the answer is. I nod and she sighs. "You know how much those boys have wanted to spend time with you, especially Gon.." Her voice trails off. "And what about Mr Leorio?" I've seen the way he looks at you."

I look away. I can't just break the deal with Hisoka. "I will return. And when I do, I'll spend time with them. I have to go, I made a deal. I'll keep in touch with Leorio.." Bisky seems to accept this. She looks tentatively at me, knowing I have something else to say.

"Bisky, there's more than one creature. Do what you want with this information, but please, please stick to the plan. If something goes wrong-" "It will be fine." She cuts me off, a comforting smile on her face. "But if something does," I start again. "call me. Okay? I know as much as you do that Gon is in danger. And we both know that if he gets controlled by those things, it could mean destruction. To himself and everything around him. We've both seen what he can do."

"When isn't Gon in danger?" She sighs. "That boy has shown promising strength. Ever since I started training him on Greed Island, I've known that. He also has a knack for jumping into battle without second thought. Don't forget about Killua. He may be sharp, but he has his weaknesses. I'll make sure to keep an eye on both boys."

I smile thankfully at her. Comforted knowing she's got everything under control, I silently leave.

~ ~ ~

No one-

Bisky smiles whilst looking towards the door for another minute. Without looking away, she says, "Come out, Killua. I know you're there. I've known since your presence disappeared."

Killua steps out of the shadows. His brows furrowed, and eyes sharp. "Just how much danger is Gon in, Bisky?! And how the hell do we take down not one, but several creatures? Kurapika was crucial to the plan."

Bisky calmly continues to twirl a lock of her blonde hair as she looks up at Killua. "We'll be fine. We just have to lure one out at a time. Is Gon awake? We should all go back to sleep."

Killua huffs as he looks at her. "I made sure not to wake him up. Do you plan on telling him about the recent development?" Bisky looks down at her lap, and crosses her legs again. "Not necessarily, no. I don't think there's need to worry him just yet."

Killua is agitated at this point. "We've told him to be honest with us, yet here we are, decieving him-" Bisky cuts him off. "We're not exactly decieving him. We're just waiting a little to tell him the truth. Nothing he hadn't already done to us."

"If the level of threat gets worse, I'm telling him right away. I don't care if you tell me not to, I will let him know. Maybe he has lied to us, but he has his reasons-" Bisky looks Killua directly in the eyes. "And so do we."

~ ~ ~


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