Chapter X: Full House

Con brought the cup of coffee to Tess’s table and they both enjoyed their coffees in silence. He could get used to this, he thought, having coffee with this lady in the morning. Then he stopped in his track! Where are these thoughts coming from? He met Tess last night. Sure, she was lovely and different, but still. He is not someone who settles. He explores the Earth without getting to attached to someone. That was his rule of surviving.

But Tess was smiling at him and he forgot about his rules. He enjoyed looking into her eyes and responding to her smiles.

- I am really hungry as I didn’t get to have my breakfast. Do you want to join me home and have some food as well?

- I don’t know. I don’t really go to a girl’s house on the first date, said Con.

- Oh, I see. Well, first of all, this is not a date, second of all, I really don’t believe you, said Tess laughing.

- Ok, you really shouldn’t. Breakfast it is so?

- Yes.