Chapter XII: Girls Talk

Mia came in the room and set down next to the two sisters. Charlie was still meditating with her hands on her stomach. Tess was petting Molly The Cat who decided to join them and was resting on Tess’s legs, purring there sleepy.

- So, what was wrong with Aidan? asked Tess, as calm as Molly The Cat

- Well, Diane left him.

- Say what?!, jumped Charlie out of her thoughts.

- Yeah, apparently she is not ready to have a baby, now or maybe never.

- Well, welcome to the club, Diane, said Charlie.

- So, you’re sure you are pregnant?, asked Mia.

- Yes, one late period and two positive tests sure.

- Oh, I see.

- But tell me more about Aidan? I need to call him. Poor guy, he must be so disoriented.

- He went on to find her. I helped him realise he wanted Diane more than he wanted a baby.