There was a very loud sound Soren could tell that brought him out of his dreams, one he hated and one he deeply resented. It was the sound of his curtains opening.
It was a matter of time before he felt the heat of a brilliant beam of the sun on his face, followed by the old rough voice he was not expecting to hear.
"Soren, get up." The voice called, he feared that familiar tone and in an instant, his eyes flew open.
"Father, mother." Soren said as he sat up in his bed to look at the two wonderful people he cherished in all his life.
There was a very light meow and a fat white furry cat made it's way to Soren's lap.
"O, you too Chess." Soren said as he cuddled the car before he brushed it's far as he looked at his parents who were mysteriously silent.
"Happy birthday son." Soren's father said as he held the shoulder of his son, his dad was supposed to be saying that happily but Soren noticed, he was rather sad.
"Thank you Father." Soren politely replied.
"Oh my dear, you have really grown too handsome." His father added.
"Tell him Richard." Violet, Soren's mother suddenly said. She was a very beautiful and jolly woman though not at that very moment.
She had a fair height and her son had inherited her beautiful red hair much as the hazel eyes had come from his father who was also quite a very charming man despite being old.
"Tell me what father?" Soren asked.
The old man kept quiet for a while as Soren's bedroom doors flung open and the King's Prime Minister made his way inside.
He was followed by a very beautiful conical Ermine gown with gold and silver thread, adorned with glitter and some diamonds.
"Your Royal Majesty, his highness's attire is here." The Prime Minister declared as he bowed his head.
"A dress?" Soren questioned as his gaze shifted to the old man who was rather ashamed to look him in the eye.
Everyone understood the trend of a dress, a dress meant that someone was never fit to command or stand up. In every context in the whole of Evergard, their world, presentation of a dress to a man meant they were to submit to a particular male authority.
King Richard gathered some confidence to face his son and look him in the eyes.
"Forgive me son." The King said.
"There are four hours to the celebration of the Prince's birthday." The Prime Minister said.
"That is it, you may leave." The King waved the Prime Minister away as he settled in an awkward silence.
"Father, tell me, what is the problem?" Soren asked calmly, he understood best that whatever his parents did was for his own welfare.
"My dear child, I know how much you love your trousers, I raised you up, but this is beyond my control and it is only for the welfare of our kingdom." The King said.
"I understand father, but at least tell me what is going on?" Soren asked.
"It is his life Richard, he deserves to know why this is happening." Violet added.
"This is against my will but Scoln threatens our boarders, Scoln is the biggest kingdom in the world and we are second to it.
We have been at war for the Northern lands for centuries and the only way that we could perhaps create a union amongst our two great nations is in the pact of a royal matrimony." The King replied.
"You are strong Richard, go to war with the Scolns, I cannot lose my son to an enemy." Violet said as she moved and sat beside her son and embraced him.
"This is the only way of Allegiance, if we go to war with Scoln, the people in the North will suffer.
Scoln's only demand to end this war and promote a sustainable peace is through marriage.
Sabrina who at first I had arranged for was never appreciated and it turns out, the Scoln Royal family was searching for you alone." The King replied.
"I understand father, it is just a Scoln Prince, how bad could it get." Soren tried to comfort his parents who even became sulkier than they already were.
"Not just any Prince my son, it is Conelm Alexander, the Crown Prince of Scoln who wishes to marry you." The King said.
"I am sorry son, I'm so sorry." Violet said as she started to shed tears.
"I understand father, I need some time alone, I'll get ready and come down soon." Soren replied.
"Let him be Richard, he needs time." Violet said as she walked out fast enough and her husband followed.
Soren was quiet and Chess seemed to understand the silence that she didn't tamper to meow as well.
Soren's life had changed, he did not love it being his sixteenth birthday at all, he had been deprived of his normal Princely life in just one simple dawn.
Soren stared at the beautiful Ermine dress that was stationed on it's mannequin before him, with diamond jewelry and a beautiful diamond and pearl tiara.
In an instant, this was the biggest birthday surprise he'd received in his entire lifetime but he knew that surely, there was still a long list of bigger surprises he would face.
At that very moment, Soren felt uneasy, confused and also flabbergasted.