Soren showered and was bathed by his valet in the most expensive and sweet smelling perfumes.
He then sat in front of his dressing table which had been adorned with jewelry and beautiful tiaras most of which belonged to the royal treasury.
Endra was rich with minerals and the land overflowed with gold and silver, the soil was very fertile and each and every day, it was adorned with thick lawn.
Soren stared back at his reflection and studied his own charm, it was without a doubt that he was that hot and every creature in the land fell in love with him at first sight.
"Your Highness, the gown please." Gerald, his faithful valet and childhood best friend said as he stood behind holding the beautiful Ermine gown.
Soren rose and faced Gerald who could not stop imagining how difficult this was for his master and also himself.
They were used to dressing the young Prince in trousers, shirts and coats, never at once had they thought that there would be a time when he'd have to wear a dress.
Soren touched the gown just so as to have a very smooth feel of it before he would actually dive in.
Soren could admit that the gown felt remarkable and he might love it, but how would he walk, and talk, naturally, his voice was one that was soft but now, he felt the submissive nature he had taken on was destroying it.
Perhaps he was just anxious or scared for nothing, he had seen very many men like him, consorts to Dukes and Kings, Emperors and Barons alike.
Gerald helped Soren into his gown that he looked more of a woman than a man.
Soren looked into the mirror and admired himself for a while before he moved closer and took a seat.
"I am so sorry your Highness." Gerald broke the awkward silence between them as he took hold of the diamond necklace that had rested in it's chest before the Prince.
"For what Gerald, it is not your fault, I do understand that my father is only doing what is best for the kingdom." Soren said.
"But this is so unfair to you. You do not even have a say in your own fate, this is really sad your Highness." Gerald said.
"I am royal birth in chains my dear, what good can I do, I might be excellent in the military knowledge but I am cursed with beauty.
I am of a petite body frame that even the common soldiers are taller and bigger than I am." Soren replied, nearly shedding tears at that very moment.
"Calm down your Highness." Gerald said as he rested his hands on the Prince's shoulders looking at the mirror and for once seeing that he had fixed the necklace just right.
Soren too gazed short of words as his sweet scent flew about the entire room forcing him to inhale and exhale so that he could have a feeling of it.
" It is so beautiful on you. How I wish this fate was not for you." Gerald said.
"I'd envy you now Gerald, you may serve me but at least you get to choose your own destiny once you leave the palace.
But me, what do I have to say about anything?" Soren said as he stared at the Tiara that Gerald had placed on the cushion in front of him.
It was enormous and shiny, beautiful and very sparkling with big diamonds and pearls adorning the floral frame.
"You master are the Prince that might one day become a Queen." Gerald said as Soren stretched out his hands and touched the precious diadem.
He slowly and steadily crowned his head as the light of the sun made it's way through his bedroom window and rested on him.
Beautiful colours shone all over the place and his beautification was complete.
About that same time of noon, different nobles and royals from lands across and near that had been called to attend the Young Prince's sixteenth birthday arrived at the royal residence of Emerald palace.
Convoys of carriages filled the palace courtyard and as the famous and outstanding royals made their way in, their presence was announced by the master of ceremonies.
Such a birthday party one would wonder why it brought masses of foreign rulers into the kingdom.
Thrones cherished one another and there was an unspoken code of conduct that was set to strengthen peace and stability with one another.
Every one knew of Endra the beautiful and the gifted kingdom, it was at times like this that the people of other lesser nations paid tribute to the King's treasury.
In most cases, Royal birthdays were used as an advantage to win over treasures from other lands since everyone turned up with a present to offer and many were jewels and precious stones fit for royalty.
Where every other country could bow, Scoln the biggest found itself equalizing her footing with Endra.
This had followed the Ascension of King Valga of Scoln who threatened the Endran lands of the North and this forced the two great powers into a negotiation in which Soren was the link that could end this long rivalry and antagonism that had grown intense over the last ten years.
As the people in the hall had gathered and talked amongst themselves, the doors were flung open and the silver trumpets sounded.
Silver was for the guest of honor and without wasting time other nobles and Kings inside had to bow.
"Presenting his Royal Majesty, King Valga of Scoln and his Queen Marietta." The master of ceremonies shouted.
There was a very tall figure that made it's way in with a well built body and a rather scary expression that one could tell why indeed he was the most feared ruler.
"And his Royal Highness the Crown Prince Conelm Alexander." The master of ceremonies added as the masses were literally blown away.
Conelm looked as strong as his father but about ten times or more handsome than him.
His hair was pitch black and he was very muscular, he had a clean shaven chin but a fairly good moustache and he had scarlet eyes that burnt with every fierce emotion one could doubt that he would ever love.
As soon as they were settled in just right. The golden trumpets were blown to announce the hosts.
"Presenting the Royal family of Endra, King Richard and his wife Queen Violet." The master of ceremonies said as massive golden doors that stood at the top of a staircase were flung open and the couple marched down.
"The Prince and Princess Royals." The master added as The two elder siblings of Soren marched hand in hand following their parents.
The trumpet tune changed all of a sudden and the Scoln Royal family gazed especially Conelm who looked to be anticipating the next arrival.
The doors were opened even wider as a very small petite figure in a fairly large but perfect gown stepped closer into visibility.
"Presenting his Royal Highness, Soren Lexandrin, the Prince Royal." The master of ceremonies said.
Every mouth dropped and it was as though time had frozen, Slowly but steadily in a golden pair of Stilletos, Soren walked graceful without tripping.
Following him were the people's eyes including those of the master of ceremonies as he shone brightly in the nearly noon light that struck him.
Conelm was frozen and marvelled and for all the people, never had they seen anything that beautiful in their entire life.