Soren passed through the masses as they simply bowed down to him, he was in all the glittering splendour that had never been surpassed before.
Soren came to a halt feeling uneasy with the eyes that were fixed on him but he immediately gained his composure from the lustful glances he was given.
The hall was once again in the common tantrum in which it had been before as people exchanged comments.
" He is undoubtedly Charming one can tell." One of the Dukes whispered to his wife.
"Certainly a beauty lies deep inside compared to the handsomeness, it is clear the Crown Prince of Scoln made a right choice." The wife replied.
Soren who stood nearby had heard the latter and surprisingly in the murmurs, he was lost that he simply could not tell who this Prince was.
He had never left the palace quite often except when training, he had attended only three or four Noble parties such as this where masses of nobles from the country and lands beyond had come.
Suddenly, Soren locked his eyes with the familiar blue ones of his sister who slowly made her way to him.
Soren felt guilty somehow because he knew it very much that his sister had lost the right of becoming a consort to the most powerful Monarch in the world.
"Sabrina curtsied and Soren very much understanding the change in his situation curtsied in return, he was by far fairer than her and she was actually more sensitive than he was.
"I am so sorry Rina." Soren said as he looked utterly sorry staring into her eyes.
"It's okay Ren, it is not your fault I can completely understand." Sabrina replied.
"How is it not Rina, I envy you, you get what you want, I was born too beautiful to be taken seriously and now, my last freedom lies in the hands of another man." Soren said.
"Come on Ren, I understand that this is not what you wanted and that a betrothal is not an ideal birthday present.
Dad had no choice, your Freedom was traded for that of the Kingdom, his people, it is understandable.
Look on the bright side Ren." Sabrina said as she looked at Soren and patted his shoulder, she was only two years older but they were both surprisingly the same height.
6'2, it was fair enough and quite Noble.
"I can't seem to see one Rina, all my life, being second is the routine, I understand that it is part of the inevitable but why won't the gods Grant my only wish?" Soren asked.
"Patience my dear Ren. Not every person gets lucky in this life but this comes to encourage us that even when we are tried, victory shall be ours." Sabrina said.
"I'm getting married to a fierce family, just so I could be the inferior link, this is so not good for me." Soren said.
"It will all be fine Ren." Sabrina continued to encourage Soren until suddenly, her face was overwhelmed by a shocked expression.
"What is wrong with you, Rina?" Soren asked as Sabrina slowly withdrew by moving backwards.
"You'll excuse me. Ren." Sabrina said as she bowed her head while withdrawing away from his Presence that Soren had not noticed the Crowds had shifted their attention to him.
"Prince Conelm Alexander of Scoln." The master of ceremonies declared and upon hearing that, Soren turned around only to meet the captivating and intimidating gaze of the Scoln Crown Prince.
The man who would soon be his husband if the heavens willed it evidently had a very strong and muscular build of his body.
He had that pitch black hair that looked so soft and that perfectly round head of his had outstanding jaw lines, his moustache was very small but cute and the side bans were fairly thick that it gave him an adonis look.
The Crown Prince offered his right hand and that was when Soren noticed exactly how small and thin his was.
He was about five inches shorter than the nearly gigantic person before him about twice his own size.
"May I have this dance your Highness." The Prince spoke in a very charming but commanding tone rather than a requesting one as he kissed Soren's left hand.
Soren did not see the signal from his parents to go but he surely felt it and at that point in time, Soren's body responded on its own.
The two walked between the crowds towards the nearby ballroom where the doors were opened to the two and the different couples scattered on the dance floor.
Soren felt that he was the centre of attention at that very moment, something he had wanted but not to a very great degree.
Soren suddenly found his stare fixed onto the Handsome Prince that was standing before him he could barely comprehend what was going on at that very moment.
The two danced so close and somehow, the aura that Soren felt was nolonger a scary one.
The aura that radiated around was that of passion and calmness, never had Soren felt this way with any other person in all his life as he was around the Prince.
Soren's heart was simply racing against time as he tried to feel the reality.
"No. This is too good to be true, it is not a reality, this cannot be happening." Soren kept on telling himself at the back of his mind but it was very difficult to convince himself so.
The warrior Prince, the brave and the bold was frozen as he stared at those beautiful eyes which stared into his, the young Soren was even more beautiful when closer to his sight.
Suddenly, the Prince felt as though the room was empty and they were dancing alone together.
"Oh gods, what is happening to me?" Soren questioned as he felt his heart change all of a sudden.
He did not loath the prince as much as he expected, in fact, if there was a simple interpretation of what Soren felt at the moment, it was minimal bliss that was gradually rising.
The King Richard who like the others stood with his wife as the two remained dancing barely getting exhausted noticed the expression on Soren's face change.
"I do not know but they look to be getting along very well dear." Violet slowly whispered.
"It is possible that Soren does not want me to feel disappointed in my decision but I had no choice.
I hope that this decision of mine could yield the peace and stability that we greatly hunger and that at least the joy of my son is not sacrificed for nothing." The King said.
"The gods will grant your prayer, let us trust that only the very best will come out of this." Violet said as she nearly shed tears.
The King of Scoln looked at his son gracing the dancefloor in the kingdom of his long life foe.
Everyone feared King Valga worse than they feared death and he undoubtedly developed a liking in the decision of his son, such a very charming consort in Evergard was very hard to find, this gave him the assurance of beautiful and handsome grandchildren.
"Such beauty is indeed very rare, no wonder Conelm found it captivating at a very young and tender age." Marietta said to her husband.
"That is undoubtedly right, I must say I am impressed that at least I can foil my enemy into giving me such a prized possession." King Valga said.
"A Queen is deep within there somewhere, a Queen who will be great like no other in time." Marietta said.
"Never has a Queen known the efficiency of court but I guess the male aspect will grant him that luxury after all, it is shocking I spared the wealth lands for a very fine and too handsome lad." The King of Scoln said.
"Do you think it is worth it, we can still rethink this." Marietta said.
"Conelm can be very stubborn but he has seen a potential coruler somewhere in there, who knows, this marriage will be a good omen." The King said.
"We shall simply wait and see." Marietta said as she looked at the young Soren dance lightly on his feet and smiled.
For the first time in all his sixteen years, Soren had began to perhaps rethink that this could be the best birthday he had ever had.
Thank you for reading, this is technically my first bxb story and I hope that you love it, please vote and follow, it encourages me to aim at making it better and better with time.
~Soren Diagle~