Soren sat at his study table as he was greatly overwhelmed by a series of feelings he could not comprehend.
He was lost in thought as he stared at the mirror while admiring himself at some point.
Suddenly, there was a knock at his bedroom door that brought him back to reality as its disturbance was largely overwhelming.
"You may come in." Soren softly spoke as he stood up from his seat behind the table and moved closer to his bed.
At that very moment, Gerald stepped in looking quite blissful as he studied the young Soren who was simply just getting used to the colourful dresses.
"Your Royal Highness." Gerald said as he bowed his head as usual.
"It is fine Gerald." Soren said as he sat down on his bed.
"You look so lost your Highness, what is the matter?" Gerald asked as he suddenly felt concerned.
"It is the same old and usual feeling of mine, confusion at this moment cannot seem to cease haunting me that I feel I'm completely losing myself." Soren replied.
"It is about the Prince of Scoln." Gerald said and Soren just gave a sigh.
"Why me of all people in the world, why me and not my sister, why did it have to be me?" Soren said his voice feeling stuck in his vocal chords.
"I simply don't know Your Highness, I don't." Gerald said.
"Do the gods really mean to have forsaken me, all my life I have endevoured to be righteous but surprisingly, fate cannot recognize that." Soren said.
"Your Highness, you really need to give everything that is happening time, we are all victims of circumstance but we should not hold ourselves back." Gerald said.
"But I'm starting to feel different, the very moment that we danced, it felt like i already knew him but suddenly I cannot comprehend how.
I am simply being taken to suffer in a marriage that wont make sense, to have me around just for pride, because of my charm.' Soren said.
"But the dance was a week ago your Highness and you need to get ready for your second presentation to the Imperial family of Scoln.
"That is the bitter truth i get, but look at me, I am not that confident to face the world in a dress, i feel so utterly small, i need to simply be my old self but I just cant even if I wanted to." Soren said.
"Just be at ease Your Highness and let nature take its course. You are not weak because you wear a dress nor are you inferior because they treat you as a woman.
You I believe will cause nations and prestigious men to bow to you." Gerald said.
"I have never been less proud in myself than I am now, it is very hard for me but I can simply not break my father's promise for my own freedom.
I am for my people and they are for me, if it requires me to exchange my freedom for theirs then I'll have to do it even if it leads my life to the Scaffold." Soren said.
There was another knock at the door before Gerald would speak which interrupted a continuation to their conversation.
"You may come in." Soren said and the door opened to reveal one of the palace valets.
"Your Royal Highness, the Scoln Royal Family is here, Your father requests for your immediate presence at the throneroom." The valet said.
"It is alright, I'll be there." Soren said and the valet turned and left the room at once.
Soren remained looking at Gerald as he stood up while holding a fan in his left palm and walked out as Gerald followed.
"If it isn't Richard, my old acquaintance, I am here to see another glimpse of my future son in law." Valga spoke as he approached the King of Endra who sat on his golden throne with his wife.
"It is a pleasure to host you once again, perhaps if you would please have a seat and wait, i already sent for Soren." The King said.
"Oh you Lexandrins are too hospitable, that is what I really love about you you know." Valga spoke in a deep and frightening tone as he progressed to the beautiful chairs that had been arranged on the King's right.
Conelm who seemed to quiet and tough sat next to his father as they waited with a series of splendid gifts and treasures from Scoln to offer.
Suddenly, the doors of the throneroom were opened and immediately, a petite silhoutte was seen darkening the doorway.
Soren slowly walked towards his father's presence as his cream gown swept across the marble floor.
Chess followed closely behind her master and Gerald also came in keeping his distance and following the earlier.
The servants had paved way for Soren to pass as many who bore the bride wealth marvelled endlessly at Soren's deity beauty.
King Valga was amazed at that very moment as he stared at the young lad who had presumably grown more beautiful in the past week.
Conelm stared trying to get a beautiful glimpse of that angelic face but it proved difficult since Soren maintained his head facing down.
"What remarkable charm this is." Marietta exclaimed too shocked at that sight as well.
"Lexandrins are always full of surprises."Valga said as Soren curtsied to his father and mother first before he turned to do the same to the Scoln royals.
"I am impressed Richard." Valga said in his rough and scary voice as an evil grin graced his handsome but dark face.
Soren mastered some courage to look at the royals that were his future in laws and with such a piercing glaze, it was largely inevitable to lose interest in him.
Conelm froze and that was when Soren noticed that the Scoln Crown Prince himself despite being nearly gigantic and so muscular was too handsome.
Time seemed to slow down as the two froze while looking at each other that the two kings and Queens noticed the presence of a silent conversation between the two.
Soren's heart leaped a beat or two, he was overwhelmed by an emotion of desire, the meeting had somehow triggered a certain feeling in his chest.
"Present the gifts." Valga commanded and the rest of his entourage stepped forward with chests that were too many in number.
The chests upon being placed in front of the King Of Endra, he rose and his wife did the same.
Soren diverted his gaze from the Prince to the chests and immediately, he beheld a spectacular sight.
There were treasures of all colours and precious stones of many kinds, yarn that was too much and expensive silk, ivory silk tafetta, linen, satin in addition to beautifully made gowns that looked to be Soren's perfect size.
The king who beheld the wealth in front of him was not excited or marvelled by the scenery.
His heart rather grew heavy as he witnessed the splendour of all this, his son worth just a pair precious stones and gowns, he'd hate himself for the rest of his life.
"You have honoured your part of the agreement and I'll honour mine by taking what I came for and sparing what I had promised." King Valga said.
"Then I can nolonger wield the reins of my son's freedom and I offer him to you." The King said.
Soren condensed the tears that threatened to run down his cheeks upon what he had heard, alas, his freedom had been bought and he'd nolonger be free.
"Of course but I will give it time, we shall take our leave for Scoln tomorrow and along with us, we shall take your son.
There he shall learn more of his duties, become assimilated into the Scoln royal life style and be prepared for his wedding to My son." King Valga said.
Soren flung his bedroom doors open and then he hurriedly dashed it as he held his cream gown up.
He threw himself on the floor beside his bed and he started to slowly cry out the tears he'd been holding back.
Gerald who was approaching suddenly stopped in his tracks as he had the relatively loud sobs of Soren.
He simply shut the doors to the young Prince's chambers before he would conclude that this was a very sad, bitter and inexpected aftermath.