Everywhere the land beamed with excitement, the News of a new royal baby in weeks had intensely spread to other parts of the entire kingdom.

Soren who was getting used to the fact that he too would soon give birth to a child was excited but not too much.

There were a lot of painful nights he stayed up late and sweaty but for the sake of the child he was carrying the misery was worth it.

He fed daily on vegetables and medication of aspirin to ensure that his system kept in order.

Soren had to get the presentation to court once again, Lords and Barons, Dukes and their duchesses alike had to gather in order to witness the ceremony.

Tradition in Scoln had it every time, for about the past ten centuries, two weeks after the declaration of a royal pregnancy, the royal couple that was expecting had to appear in court.

Soren as usual travelled with her  husband through the streets that had been lined with thousands.

At that time around, the carriage in which the two travelled was open so as to let Soren breath comfortably and also grant the masses a sight of their future imperial couple.

Soren's stomach had barely grown big enough and all that was there was a tiny bump that had started to show.

The masses were nevertheless rejoicing as the two rode by in royal splendour, surrounded by foot guards and horsemen as they paraded through the wide rode to the parliamentary building.

"I must say the attention may be too much but it is very good to see the people smiling." Soren said.

"They smile because they see you my dear, the fairest of them all and now you behold the birth of a legacy within you." Conelm said.

"Sometimes I prefer to keep it to myself but don't you think that the people should see their king more often in other parts of the country?" Soren asked.

"Well, I am not certain of that but when people in the capital see us it is more than enough, a glimpse or two is better than none.

Our security is far important and as long as they know they have a king, there needn't be any alteration in the daily activities of the monarchy." Conelm replied.

"Can you change that when you become king?" Soren asked.

"Well, It is not that much of a major thing but my roles require I stay at the capital at all times, it is far much more important.

I cannot simply alter the works of my ancestors simply because I wanted, that would not be helpful in the order I am bound to preserve.

Anyway, enough with this talk, being King shall worry about itself once the crown lands on my head, for now, let us just focus on keeping you safe." Conelm replied.

The two waved to the crowds occassionally until the entire parade came to a halt in front of the parliamentary building.

The carriage that carried the royal Crown Couple stopped in front of the doors that led to the entrance of the magnificent building.

At once with the doors open, the parliament was thrown into order at the sound of the golden trumpets that announced the arrival of the future imperial couple.

Moving towards the doors, the King and the Queen awaited to lead the procession inside as a group of young gentlemen robed Soren with a silver mantle.

Immediately Soren was robed over his scarlet gowns, the procession began following the music as the members of the parliament burst into the national anthem.

Making their way down the aisle, Soren glanced at the two floors filled with the members of parliament gathered in the Union Hall.

Many wearing their precious crowns and robes beheld the sight of splendour and pomp as Soren's silver mantle brightly shone casting an attractive bright yellow light that illuminated the path he trode.

The King and the Queen parted ways and made it to their thrones as the rest of the procession came to a halt and turned around including Soren and Conelm.

The rest of the house fell silent immediately the anthem came to an end and the drums were sounded aloud for everyone to maintain the order.

With the trumpets offering the final signal to the house, all members present in their calibers faced the centre of attention upfront to the imperial family and bowed and curtsied to show their honor.

"Presenting their royal majesties King Valga and Queen Marietta and their royal highnesses, the Crown Princes Conelm and his future Queen Soren." The speaker of the parliament announced.

Everyone stood upright and a silence later distilled amongst the people in the house.

"We are all gathered here today, to recognize the gift that the gods have bestowed upon us all." Conelm said in a loud and clear voice.

"As we all know they have remained faithful and sanctified us for their will, they have rewarded us with fame and wealth that is unimaginable and sustained our dynasty for centuries." Conelm added as everyone simply kept up the silence.

"As it was heard and as it has been going about to all the corners of the monarchy, today before you the council and house loyal to the throne do I publicly announce this.

It is true what has been heard two weeks ago and indeed, it is with heaven's blessing that we bring and heir to the throne of Scoln.

For long has our plea been sent to the heavens, they have returned our prayer with an answer of acceptance and may the heavens grant us the will to keep the throne strong.

Long to last, forever to reign, centuries past and centuries to come, may the news of this Royal conception be the music of the land." Conelm said.

There was a very loud applause that burst from the house and the sounding of the trumpets that was loud enough to signal the confirmation of the news to the people outside.

Back at the palace, there was great feasting as many nobles and even common people being elegantly dressed were welcomed to the palace.

Those that could not make it to celebrate the feast simply partied in their homes after the confirmation of the royal pregnancy was passed.

Soren and Conelm sat at the high table with the rest of the imperial family simply as the music played and different people came to showcase their talents.

The hall got intensely active following a series of perfomances in which many couples waltzed.

Opera acts from the famous Scoln play ANGELICA  were the centre of attention and later it was a circus act from the well known theatre in the capital.

"This day has been very beautiful." Soren whisphered to Conelm as the two simply watched the circus act.

"You make it more beautiful." Conelm replied as he looked at Soren and held his left arm with his right.

"I only pray and wish that this joy would never end, that we may smile like this forever." Soren said.

"We surely will and once our baby is born, the jubilation will even be wilder than before." Conelm replied.

"You are the most beautiful and the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me Conelm." Soren said.

"And you are the most beautiful that has happened to me all my life." Conelm replied as he stared into those blue eyes.

Something about their two different eye colors made them quite very beautiful and charming in front of one another.

Conelm caressed the arm of Soren affectionately in his grip and the two smiled as they returned their attention to the circus act.

Soren sneaked his right arm and he held his abdomen as he ran his hands up and down.

He was satisfied, he was feeling very happy, lucky and almost every good feeling there was in the world being able to be loved and loving back.

"My dear child." He whispered as he continued to feel the warmth of his stomach.

"I know you are listening." He added and he broke his speech again as he sighed and smiled.

"You are one very good thing that this life has entirely given me without a doubt.

I used to feel so lost and useless but you have given me a purpose at this point." He added as he sighed once again.

He was short of words and trying  to find something else to say at the back of his mind.

"I may not have seen your face, or heard you speak or even cry but I know that you are indeed very beautiful." Soren said as he stared at Conelm's side, he looked so lost in the fun but he had not stopped to let go of Soren's hand.

"Oh, I hope that you look as handsome as your father and I want you to know that whatever will happen in this world, I shall try my level best to protect you.

I shall shower you with all the love there is in the world and I shall endeavour to keep you smiling all the time never to let you be so sad." Soren said.

"I will be your saviour in the troubles and your light in the dark just so that you know just how much I really love you." Soren added as he smiled at himself.

He gently patted his abdomen and returned his attention to the circus act that was suddenly just coming to an end at that very moment.