"Well, as you very well knew not everything at the time that a royal birth is expected is presented following the Scoln tradition and culture.
All items that are presented in the particular criterias vary but these come with particular restrictions.
For example if it is food then perhaps the purest is milk and as I said each and everyone of these gifts has a significance." Helren said.
Soren simply shook his head and that was just the sign that Helren needed to know that Soren was keeping up.
"You may proceed." Soren said.
"This also applies for the unpresentable gifts as well, things that at no single point must be presented during this ceremony.
They are called the ceremony taboos and these range from a series of things such as weeds and unedible or useless animal parts such as muzzles and beards." Helren said.
"Who presents a muzzle and a goat beard for a gifting ceremony of an expectant person?" Soren asked.
"Trust me, there are people who do not value most of these traditions, it causes a shift in values that is primarily negative and some people pull them off as part of the ceremony pranks yet they are forbidden." Helren said.
"Wait, how come we did not have that part of pranking?" Soren asked.
"Because you fell unconscious and alongside your husband thr both of you are the gist of the ceremony so it cannot go on without even one of the two of you." Helren replied.
"These traditions are very complicated." Soren said.
"But we choose to be very sentimental about them and attach a particular significance to each and every one of them and given the chain of events that took place yesterday, you would best appreciate it that it awakened the attention of many." Helren said.
"Very fine then, you may proceed with your explanation." Soren said.
"Very well then Your Highness, as I was saying about these unpresentable gifts, the two key ones and perhaps the major forbidden gifts are eggs and alcohol and worse, if the eggs are spoilt or abnormal." Helren said.
"Why is that so?" Soren asked.
"For a royal birth, it is believed that children are all born poor and flawless and that is why unlike alcohol, milk in this case represents purity.
Wines and all other alcoholics like rum represent impurity, it is more of a disgrace to the one's to whom the alcohol is presented because it is more of an insult to the unborn child and their family.
It represents the rejection of the gods and also symbolizes that the presence of the child is a bad omen to the family." Helren said.
"So why would someone present such a gift despite knowing that it is very immoral in the society?" Soren asked.
"That should be the very least of your worries, an insult is not measurable to the threat of life and death." Helren said.
"And why shouldn't it be because as far as I know, the very first time it may be an insult and perhaps the very next one an abuse to the crown." Soren said.
"The presentation of eggs has a worse significance when it comes to this case in particular." Helren replied.
"And what about the spoilt eggs?" Soren asked.
"I cannot believe that I am telling you this but in our tradition which you are really not well versed with, eggs represent life.
In animals, complex creatures emerge from the singular source of an egg and through this we believe that life begins and continues." Helren said.
"But then I do not understand if they represent life then why are they forbidden in the first place during the presentation?" Soren asked.
"Unlike other things in the chain of the unpresentables, eggs give no clear interpretation, remember, every gift that is presented must be at least seen by the expecting couple." Helren said.
"And so?" Soren asked
"They cannot be examined from one's sight so they cannot be accepted simply because they are not very detailed." Helren replied.
"I get it now." Soren said.
"But it is important that you know, here in Scoln, eggs are a food taboo to any pregnant mother.
They are very difficult to digest and these could cause complications between the expectant mother and the child.
That is another primary reason as to why they are not to be presented to the expecting couple." Helren said.
"So what was the significance of the spoilt eggs?" Soren asked.
"The eggs being spoilt to that extent especially yet they primarily symbolize life serves as a clear indicator that a birth will either be still, unsuccessful or even worse, a miscarriage." Helren said.
Soren widened his eyes shocked at what he heard, he felt so shocked at that very moment.
"Wait, what?" Soren asked.
"You heard what I said right and I meant it very well, that was why everyone in the hall shrieked following that chain of unexpected and unfortunate events." Helren finally said.
"So anyone smart enough would clearly know that...." Soren spoke and Helren interrupted by touching his lips.
"Yes, surprisingly, there is someone or there are some people who do not want this royal birth to be a success and that is a fragment of the interpretation." Helren completed as he let go of Soren's mouth.
"What is the full interpretation of the whole event?" Soren demandingly asked.
"Well, given the fact that all the eggs were spoilt and so far abnormal, it means that everyone of your seeds shall suffer the same cruel and dark fate.
It is significant in this way that whoever it was that presented the eggs and the alcohol was a very strong and staunch enemy of the Crown." Helren said.
"Can it be possibly an omen like curse or rather an individuals personal intention?" Soren asked.
"It is clearly the latter, our spiritual leaders intervene to the gods and plead on our behalf, had it been a sign from the gods, then the religious leaders would have been the one's to present it.
This is a clear significance that it is clearly a mortal against this birth and that is why every one in the palace is going to watch you more carefully until that child is born." Helren said.
"But who would that be?" Soren asked.
"For now nobody really knows or understands a single thing or even a reason as to why this is likely the matter and that is why the Crown Prince did not want you knowing anything about this.
If he knew it, without I would lose my head because in the situation in which you currently are, being worried is not among the things you should be experiencing." Helren replied.
"But thank you so much for taking this very great risk to tell me, I can also watch out for myself from now on." Soren said.
"Anytime but please, just do not get me killed or regretting why I told you everything in the first place." Helren said.
"I would not risk it." Soren said.
"We have spent enough time outside, you need to go inside and rest." Helren said as he rose up from his seat.
Soren rose up as well and Helren held his left hand and led him inside into the palace.
The palace looked so deserted at that very moment and the sooner that he approached the corridor that led to his and Conelm's room, he discovered why.
The entire hallway was lined with guards and the majority were seated.
The moment that Soren made an appearence, every one in the corridor stood up and watched as Soren gracefully walked by.
He was quite uncomfortable with all the eyes on him but for the security of the child he was carrying and his very own self, he did well to understand it was very necessary and he had to get used to it.
Soren approached the bedroom door and a couple of guards opened it to let Soren get in.
Once inside, Soren was helped into the bed by Helren and tucked in.
"I sure hope that you can take care your highness, his royal highness will be displeased if he had to lose one of you." Helren whispered.
"I surely will, do not worry that much about me." Soren said as Helren simply smiled and walked away.
The doors were closed immediately Helren made his exit and Soren unable to sleep at that very moment temporarily drifted into wonder.
He could then clearly recall everything that had happened during the ceremony and he could not stop remembering every single word that Helren had told him.
"Someone wants the child I am carrying dead but who?" Soren asked himself as he tried to think of a possible foe.
In Scoln, there was not a single person Soren was sure would be his enemy, none he had barked at or commanded, one thing was however sure, if they were not angry with Soren, they were either angry with his family of in laws or particularly his husband, that he was surely very certain about then.