It had been five months since the conception and following the activities and events that had occured during the presentation of the gifts, subsequent threatening experiences had occured.
In the short run, nearly twice had Soren almost been killed, once he was nearly poisoned, the second time he was nearly drowned in the fountain.
None of the news on these attempted murders ever escaped beyond the palace walls and whoever spread this idea was to be suspected for every single one of them.
Sure, the palace was not at ease as well, servants closest to Soren were put under a very keen eye to ensure that nothing went wrong.
Everyone was a suspect from the guards who guarded the royal suites to those who worked in the gardens.
Soren lay under the constant watch of Conelm who announced to the public that he would put his royal duties to a halt.
Soren was constantly bothered everytime, he never left the palace alone and had nearly a regiment following him wherever he went.
Even walking down the stairs, it was nevessary he walked with the help of two men to support him lest he fell and hurt himself or the baby that he was carrying.
Despite everything though, life went on normally and Soren got used to having regular morning sicknesses and even the heaviness of his belly.
Every dish that Soren was to consume was personally tasted by three servants, even the water in which he bathed was always to be warm and neither cold nor hot.
Soren was very understanding when all this happened but he occassionally sat down to talk with Helren and Gerald who were his most trusted company.
It was a very dark and cold misty night and Soren lay on his bed with Gerald keeping him company.
Every once in a while, Soren gazed at the clock face that hung in the room in front of his bed and watched out for the moon that kept hiding behind the clouds.
"What is wrong Your Highness?" Gerald asked."You seem worried." He added.
Soren sighed and a very dark expression conquered his face.
"It is already a half past eight and Conelm is not yet back." Soren replied.
"You know that whatever work he had today was inevitable, the carriage carried them to the West End of the City but they have not yet returned." Gerald asked.
"I do not understand, it was just a small trip to the Central convent, the king would have travelled there on his behalf given he is the Sovereign." Soren said.
"I understand how desperate you are to see him but it is common knowledge that the people need to see the actions of their future king.
I spoke to Helren and he said this trip was inevitable nor could it be extended or postponed to another date.
It is additionally a tradition for the crown Prince at this time of year, don't get so unhappy about it." Gerald said.
"Of course but it is very difficult, I worry for him too much, much more than I worry about myself." Soren said.
"I understand it all your highness." Gerald said.
"I just feel so sorry, we were supposed to be happy after this conception but we are simply living in fright.
We are scared for our own lives and you cannot imagine how hurt I feel that Conelm has barely been able to sleep in all the past few days.
He has nursed me and made sure that I remain safe with the baby yet surprisingly, the time carrying it seems to only fly slowly.
I still have four months to go and sadly, the pain of him not being here with me at this late hour is unimagineable." Soren said.
"Just keep on fighting for his sake, I understand he is simply trying to do what every caring father does.
He feels broken being away from you and worse even guilty for doing so, just be strong for his sake and it shall all be fine.
Do not worry, he shall be back soon." Gerald said assuringly.
"I certainly hope so." Soren said.
"Come on, you should get some rest." Gerald said as he started to tuck Soren into his bed.
"Promise me you shall remain here and keep watch until Conelm returns." Soren slightly whispered as he yawned a little bit.
"I certainly won't let you out of my sight and I shall remain here." Gerald said.
Gerald stood and then he drew the curtains around Soren's bed as he left a small gap from where he could ably watch him slumber.
"What time is it?" Conelm asked Helren who held deep into his pocket and pulled out a pocket watch.
"It is thirty five minutes past eight, we still have around forty five minutes to return to the palace." Helren replied.
"Is the wheel of the carriage done right now?" Conelm asked.
"Not really, it turns out the wheel was badly damaged." The old man fixing the coach wheel said as he pulled the wheel off only to notice a chain following it.
"Wait a moment." The old man said.
"What is it now?" Conelm asked as the old man stood up pulling along with him a very long and thin metallic chain.
"A chain." The old man said.
"Wait, what exactly is that doing there?" Conelm asked as he walked closer and approached the old man.
Conelm grabbed the wheel from the old man's grip and then studied the long thing.
"I do not know why." The old man replied.
"Oh goodness, that means that someone plotted to distort the carriage wheel on purpose." Helren said.
"But why exactly?" Helren added as he started to think and somehow, Conelm's expression changed in an instant.
"Untie one of the horses." Conelm said and the coachmen rushed on to do so.
"Why your Royal Highness?" Helren asked.
"If someone planned on doing this that means that they are off to doing something much worse back at the palace." Conelm said.
"So if they delay you, that means that something is going on back there." Helren said as Conelm launched onto the freed pair and jumped onto one of the white stallions.
Helren followed but before he could set himself, Conelm was speeding away at lightening speed.
Meanwhile, Soren who was asleep felt a very light howl of the wind, it was then that he turned and captured Gerald's attention.
Gerald was feeling cold and had started dozing until there was an intense rush of wind that awakened him.
"What now?" Gerald asked as he turned around to notice that he had forgotten to shut the window.
He looked back at Soren who peacefully shifted under his covers before he stood and went ahead to close the window.
Before he could grab hold of the window, there was a very mild sound that attracted his attention and appeared to come from down below.
Craning his neck and shifting his gaze, Gerald saw that a shield had fallen from the grip of one of the guards and had struck the ground.
Clearly trying to process what was happening, Gerald after keen studying noticed that the guards below were not standing at all.
With all their bear skins soaring high, they either sat and lay down in peace only looking as though they were asleep.
Gerald closed the window and once he had finished, there was another sound that appeared to come from outside the room that followed something shuttering.
Soren slowly shifted once again but remained asleep that Gerald slowly unsheathed his sword and approached the bedroom door.
Slowly opening it and keen to stay quiet, Gerald made his way into the hallway only to notice that every guard in the whole hallway was sound asleep.
Gerald tried to tap most of the guards who were around to get them to wake up but they were unmoved much as they showed signs of life.
"This is strange." Gerald thought as he looked at all the guards.
Gerald knelt down to examine a set of small footprints covered in some mud on the scarlet carpet.
The footprints were not of boots or male shoes, they were of heels.
Gerald keenly studying the footprints felt a mightly blow on his head and everything suddenly went black.
The noise of something shuttering awakened Soren from his slumber and he sat up immediately as he sweated profusely and his heart beat raced.
Soren peeped through the gap between the curtains where Gerald was seated and he was not there.
Shifting his gaze to the other side as he opened the curtains slowly, Soren beheld a shadow outside his bedroom door and it was cloaked.
He could see what would have been the hair of the person long and being blown about by the mild wind that rushed outside.
Soren stepped out of his bed slowly but accidentally knocked a jug of water that was stationed on a table beside his bed.
The person outside must have heard the noise as they dashed away as the lights in the corridor only became dimmer.
Soren in an attempt to see who it was made it out of the corridor only to study a silhoutte figure disappearing while the heels it wore lightly but loudly sounded on the floor beneath the scarlet carpet.
Soren studied the guards lying down and Gerald who lay near the smithereens of what appeared to be a small flower vase.
Soren picked up Gerald's sword and it was very clear that he was on his own at that very moment, with all the people lying unconscious or even dead outside his bedroom he presumed, it was not a safe barricade.
Soren supporting himself on the sword made his way slowly down the darkened corridor where most of the torches and candles had been extinguished.
There were a few that burnt and slowly, Soren approached a staircase that led to the lower floor where he thought was safe enough.
Of course he was sure that many other guards would be there ready to protect him in the mean time until Conelm around.
There was a relatively loud sound of heels approaching Soren from behind and before he reacted, he felt a mighty push that sent him down the long flight of stairs as he threw the sword backwards and surely felt a fairly soft mourn coming from behind.
The hit on the stairs was very great and as Soren rolled down, it grew unbearably more painful until he lay flat on his back with a yelp and a heavy cry.
Conelm who had just approached inside noticed everything happen all so fast that he could not comprehend a single word as the person at the top simply darted away.
Soren felt so much pain and something wet between his legs.
Stretching his hand to touch it, Soren looked in the wan candle light only to notice that it was a thick and dark shade of a red liquid that was stationed on his fingers.