Conelm was very serious, the days moved from one to two to three, he never turned up in their bedroom.

It was ever very dark, empty and cold, Soren had chosen to travel from the palace back to Greenstone house.

Conelm had approved of the idea apart and he did not turn up to accept it, he offered a charter in writing.

Soren went under the aegis of a small regiment and Gerald and Helren went along with him.

At Greenstone house, Soren could have a beautiful view of the Eastern sea.

Soren stood there as he gazed at the waters one afternoon, it was cloudy and the weather was chilly, he could barely feel the cold as his mind wandered on far elsewhere.

He recalled the chaos and the turmoil in the capital, his endearment was barely long and everyone had forgotten his charm, all cursed him continuously.

"It is with a sad note that is very somber that I would wish to announce the death of the heir in an attempted murder of the future Queen.

Hence forth from now on, there is no expectation of a royal birth." Soren recalled the Prime Minister saying.

The whole parliament went into upheaval and all of a sudden, everyone was uncomfortable around Soren.

This was by far not the biggest wound to his ego, his in laws kept a greater distance from him and he barely felt a thing.

It was most painful that Conelm, the one strength he thought he could lean on in this very trying moment was keeping an even greater distance.

The charter to move out of the Imperial residence without any presence was very evident and significant in the story.

As Soren stood by and watched the waves rising, swinging back and forth from the top of the navy blue waters, he breathed in and out softly.

He held in his left hand a small garment fit for a baby and in his right hand he held a fairly tall pole that supported him.

Helren appeared beside him.

"Your Royal Highness, it is getting cold out here, perhaps you should go inside." Helren said.

"No Helren, it is fine for now." Soren said.

"I understand your highness, you look so low and I understand the pain you are going through." Helren said.

"Perhaps I deserve it, perhaps I am responsible for the murder of our child, how can I ever forgive myself?" Soren said.

"Please just calm down, you are not responsible for anything." Helren said.

"But Conelm feels otherwise, this country, everyone was happy when I came to blossom in the lime light, when I concieved, and now all that has happened on my watch is to make everything fall apart." Soren said.

"There are people out there responsible, they shall be found." Helren said.

"I totally understand you but what more is there for us to do than to keep our selves reserved." He added.

"It is very hard for me, I thought that this was perhaps the biggest test for our relationship, but it looks like one of us failed at our responsibilities.

At first I was displeased with this life, I was cursing myself for it, but Conelm showed me that it was wonderful.

One morning I awoke in his love and care because of the child that I was carrying the other I awake without the both of them

I cannot be certain if we could ever go back to loving ourselves as much as we did before, I am only broken by everything that has happened." Soren said.

"Let us give it time Your Highness." Helren said.

"Perhaps only time can heal our wounds but can it cover the rifts that have formed between me and my husband, and my in laws, my people of this country.

Can time mend the relationships that have been severed?" Soren asked.

Helren simply kept quiet.

"Your Highness." There was a very loud yell that attracted Helren's attention but Soren pretended to be unmoved as he kept his gaze fixed on the sea.

"Your Highness." The voice grew louder as Helren made out the tall Silhoutte as Gerald.

He dashed towards them and once he was in their company he stopped to sigh heavily as he breathed in uncontrolably.

"What is the matter?" Soren asked without shifting his gaze.

"Your Highness, it is News from Endra." Gerald said and Soren turned around instantly.

"What is it?" Soren asked and Gerald's face went sulky.

"It is about your father." Gerald replied.

"What is wrong with my father?" Soren asked.

"Your father upon learning of your loss was shocked and his blood pressure shot high." Gerald said.

Soren's face looked shocked and even more saddened that it had initially been.

"I must see him." Soren said.

"Well, there is more to tell you before you depart for Endra." Gerald said slowly and he grew sulkier.

"What more is there for you to tell me?" Soren asked.

"Your father, the king is no more." Gerald said.

Soren felt his heart shattering the more from the news, he could feel himself being pierced straight through the heart and he nearly fell until Helren supported him.

"No." Soren said starting to shed tears.

"He passed on at a half past midnight yesterday and your brother Sian was declared king." Gerald added.

"No, this cannot certainly be, no, it can't." Soren said as he stumbled while Helren held him up.

His face went pale and tears ceaselessly flowed from his eyes.

Everything was only turning out much worse for him in only a few days.

"I must leave for Endra now, prepare a coach for me and pack all my belongings, I must return to my home country at once." Soren said.

He felt his legs failing him and he felt too weak to stand on his own as he leaned onto the pole he was holding.

"Can your in laws accept that you depart?" Gerald asked.

"I am afraid Conelm asked for time apart, time to actually not see me, whether I get his charter or not, it will all be the same, he will let me go either way.

It is also my father's funeral that I must attend, I must remain loyal and filial to him even after he died, I do not need Conelm's permission to do so." Soren said.

"Very well your Highness, if you say so." Gerald said and Soren walked as the two followed back to the big house.

Conelm was having a hard time trying to find his own composure.

"Your Royal Highness, the King of Endra is dead." A servant spoke from behind as Conelm simply stood by one of his bedroom windows and stared outside.

It was very cloudy and dark and he did not smile or show any concern for the news.

"Let it be, if Soren will need to travel and attend his father's funeral then I have no problem with it but unfortunately I am not in the position to attend it.

I would prefer you sent a letter offering my condolences and let no one speak to me about it." Conelm said.

"Very well Your Highness." The servant said and he withdrew out of the room when the Queen walked in at that very moment.

"Conelm." She called but she did not get any answer from him that she moved closer and touched his right shoulder.

"My dear child please, let this go." Marietta said.

"How can I mother, my joy, my pride were all crushed, I just can't seem to get that awful memory out of my head." Conelm said.

"My son, loss is part of life and when it comes, it is necessary that we learn to accept it, you should not blame yourself or be hard on yourself either because of the stupidity of your wife.

If anyone deserves to be punished then it is Soren and nit you my dear child, let him learn his place and cope up with the humiliation, stop playing around with him.

He must learn that in a marriage, one commands, the other submits and he can only do that through pain." Marietta said.

"But had I come much earlier perhaps I would have saved them both." Conelm said.

"As far as we both know, Soren's protection and that of your child was never your sole responsibility.

As parents you were both entitled to the security and safety of your child and he knew well that a lot of responsibilities came with the position you held as the Crown Prince of the Kingdom.

Supposing he had stayed in his room and locked himself up, you would have been on time to protect him but despite knowing his state he chose to act foolishly.

If anyone is responsible for the death of your child then it is Soren, you are not guilty of anything my son, don't lie to yourself." Marietta said as she stared through the window where Conelm stared.

"Yes mother." Conelm simply muttered.

"I know it is difficult and I am not the very best of people to be talking to you at this very moment but you know I only do everything for your own happiness and my duty is to ensure that the future King of Scoln gets the very best care.

Sometimes my child, it takes the toughest of situations and the most trying of moments to rethink our very own strategies and alter our mistakes." Marietta said.

"I will need some time alone mother." Conelm said.

"I understand you do, I shall leave you to it but please, don't let this one situation shut you down, let it be a light to guide your path." Marietta said.

Slowly, the Queen turned and walked towards the bedroom doors.

Reaching there, she came to a halt and seemed to think something for a while before she actually moved and walked out.

Conelm remained alone, engulfed in solitude as he remembered the time when he took care of Soren, the times they had together with the pregnancy.

He closed his eyes and sighed in disappointment, "Oh Soren, what have you done to me?" He asked himself and wondered.