The parliament was loud and lively early in the morning.

All ministers had dressed to their very best and each was anticipating the arrival of the New King.

It had been a couple of days in the seat of power but the young King was already very popular among his people.

The Carriage that was transporting the King suddenly arrived outside the building into the courtyard.

Immediately it came to a halt, the coachmen opened the doors and outside were a few ministers.

Out of it, the King walked dressed in a black military suit with a pair of tight white trousers.

He looked radiant and his hair was well combed and he was clean shaven.

Around his coat, he wore a red sash with his standard.

Surprisingly, he offered his hand to another person inside the carriage.

The very first thing that the ministers saw was a small arm that was draped in a long white glove.

Eventually, the person in the carriage stepped out into sight accompanied by absolute radiance.

The Ministers could barely react exceot the prime Minister as they beheld their new Queen in the majesty of a goddess.

Valerian was to charming in a plain white dress made from ivory silk tafetta.

It was adorned with very many pearl sequins and diamonds and it was strapless and short sleeved in addition to that.

He wore a very big and beautiful diamond tiara and around his outfit a blue sash.

Alexander whom while holding his hand led the way into the building felt so proud to show off his consort.

Valerian looked confident and tgere was nothing in the world that would certainly ruin the day for him.

"Your Royal Majesty." The Prime Minister said as he bowed his head.

Alexander offered his left hand and the Prime Minister put it onto his head.

Valerian offered his left hand and they kissed it.

"This way your Majesties." The Prime Minister said as he led the way into the building.

The building which Valerian had not seen in a while was glittering and sparkling with golden varnish.

The heralds that were on the doors to the centre of the house struck the door with a pair of mallets in their hands.

At once, the doors were flung open.

Immediately, the diadem bearers came up to the King bearing the Diamond Crown of state.

Alexander took hold of the crown and he placed it on his head and once he was done, the pair began walking in.

At once, every eye that landed on Valerian was marvelled by his charm.

The ministers, barons and Dukes stood up and bowed as the King and his Queen passed.

They all burst into the National anthem some joyously and others absentmindedly.

All the jewelry he wore was glittering against the light in the building and the King continued with his Queen down the aisle to the draped throne.

The parliament is in session." The Prime Minister announced.

At once the members inside bowed to the King and he bowed back.

He sat down first as Valerian followed on a small seat that was a few metres away from his.

Immediately after the Imperial couple sat down, the rest of the house followed.

One of the Charles who was present offered the King's speech to the herald who was standing next to the throne.

The herald then moved up to the King, knelt on one knee and then offered the King's speech to him.

Alexander stood up in pomp and Majesty, full of himself and unwavered.

He opened the long sheet of paper.

"You are all here following my order and to recognize me as the New King of Scoln.

Three days ago, I was tasked with a very big challenge and a little adjustment that I would like to make to the political structure of this house.

For long, I had lingered around with my father but unfortunately, the king is no more and for all your sincerest condolences I am grateful.

I understand that as your King and your Sovereign I must do what is best for the Crown and the Monarchy and today I wish to exercise my right of power to an even better will.

I may be knew but I assure you that I have been adequately prepared for this role by my late father and I appreciate you all for being considerate.

I was brought up to believe that as ruler I must give the people if Scoln a fair say in their roles.

I was taught that if I must intervene, it is with the support and ordinace of the gods.

Without further adieu, I wish to inform you all from now on that my dearest consort, your Queen with all the power I possess shall henceforth participate in matters of politics." Alexander had read.

The rest of the parliament burst out into upheaval which got Valerian worried a little bit.

Alexander on the other hand did not stop at anything and went ahead.

"I understand that before, Queens have not been given the right of intervention.

And I know that this was not what our fore fathers did but I can only wield the power of the crown with the love and support of the man that I love.

I trust that Her Royal Majesty Valerian will serve not only as a good Queen but a perfect diplomat.

Building upon what our ancestors built and with the power that the gods and the heavens have bestowed upon me.

I here decree that my Queen shall attend every parliamentary sitting with me and shall intervene any time I desire.

I understand that it is not easy but I have decided after very much thought and without any duress in a sound mind and body.

This is my word and my word is law and I do hope that you shall all bear witness and respect it." Alexander concluded.

After he had finished, he handed over the speech to the heraldvand he sat down on his throne.

There was even more disorder in the building than there had been before as the members of the house started to murmur amongst themselves.

The Prime Minister then called for order and silence started to prevail over the place for a while.

"If his Majesty has decreed, the best we can do is cooperate with his desires." The Prime Minister said.

The murmurs among the people started to slowly die out and eventually the entire house quietened down.

"May his Majesty live forever." The people inside the house said.

The King then turned and looked at Valerian who sat there beside him.

Valerian confident and happy that there was barely any horrible reaction smiled back at him.