Valerian rode from the centre to the nearby temple that stood near a small pond.

The temple was at the very heart of the town and it was a popular place of worship.

Once Valerian arrived he was greeted by some priests.

"Your Royal Majesty." They said as they bowed their heads.

"You may rise." Valerian told them all.

He had left the people of the town preparing for the war and he seemed to be seeking for answers.

"Where is the High Priest?" Valerian asked one of the Priests.

"He is in the sanctum but he shall come out soon." The priest replied.

He mused there for an hour and then two until eventually in the courtyard walked a man who was dressed in black and cream.

With him he held a staff and and ge had a very long white beard.

"Your Majesty is welcome." The Priest said and Valerian nodded out of acceptance.

"May I have a word with you your Eminence?" Valerian asked.

"Yes you may?" The Priest said and he led Valerian into the temple.

"You have questions?" The Priest asked.

"Only one for the time being." Valerian replied.

"Do you believe?" The priest asked.

"I do." Valerian confidently replied.

"Then go ahead." The High priest granted Valerian the opportunity.

"I need to pray for the war." Valerian said.

"Every man does." The priest replied.

"I want to be a victor." Valerian said.

"Every one desires to be." The Priest replied.

"And the heart that is ready?" Valerian asked.

"It must be strong to overcome the gravest of tasks." The Priest replied.

"A soul that is willing?" Valerian asked.

"Must bear the heaviest crown." The priest replied.

"What are you looking for?" The Priest eventually asked.

"The most sacred of rituals seeking victory in strife and war." Valerian replied.

"Are you ready?" The Priest asked.

"Yes I am." Valerian replied.

"Then follow me." The Priest demanded and Valerian obediently followed.

The two walked deeper into the the temple.

"Tradition has its place among people but it is not every time that it actually survives with them.

It has been decades and centuries since the ritual of the divine was done.

Every once there was a war, it rested on the shoulders of a brave warrior to tread the path of the dry sand.

Rich or poor, it had to be on foot and only one person would make that journey.

They would rotate around the whole city every break of dawn with a sword at in one hand and a lantern of burning incense in the other.

There heads bearing the weight of the support and also the clay crown of burning fire.

Those that completed the task were assured of victory and whether rain or sunshine, the fire must never die." The Priest said.

"How many ever made this ritual?" Valerian asked.

"Quite a number." The priest replied.

"How many finished it?" Valerian asked.

"None." The Priest replied.

"For one to finish the ritual, it requires so much consistence and perseverence.

It is a journey of patience and tolerance.

One must never fall nor should they come close to wavering, one must never cut it short or even stop to rest.

The feet move on and on and the crown burns and burns, the walkers must only move forward and not even a single step backwards." The Priest replied.

"How many times must one move around the territory?" Valerian asked.

"Only one round through fire and water is enough." The priest replied.

"Aren't you going to ask if I can do it?" Valerian asked the priest.

"This is a journey for only the faithful, only the devouted and only the strong." The Priest said.

"What if I fail?" Valerian asked.

"Then the chance for victory rests only and only in your hands." The Priest replied.

"I want to do this ritual." Valerian said.

"Do you have what it takes?" The priest asked.

"I do it for my people, the people that I lead and the people that I feel entitled to protect." Valerian said.

"Then meet me here at the temple at dawn before the sun is up.

Once the sun possesses the skies, you shall begin your march aroumd the place." The High Priest said.

"I certainly will." Valerian replied.

At once, Valerian departed from the temple and went back to the city square.

The people had moved all their belongings in doors and the streets had been cleared.

All garden tools were being sharpened and all the hay was gathered.

The food stores were emptied and the food was distributed as the soldiers manned the large wall.

The people had barrels of wine and alcohol put away and sacks filled with sand were carried to the top of the fortress walls.

Valerian rode through the city inspecting the people and the town was not so vast it only occupied one hundred hectares of land.

Every where that Valerian passed, the people bowed their heads to accord him with respect.

After ensuring that the entire town had done as he had planned, Valerian went to the Commanders tent where a few other soldiers were.

About ten soldiers were handling the situation and Balder was discussing the blue print when Valerian walked in.

"Your Majesty." He said as he bowed his head.

"Your Majesty." The others replied after him in unison.

Valerian advanced and sat down between them.

"What are you discussing?" Valerian asked.

"Going through the arrangements but there seems to be a small problem." Balder the commander replied.

"What is it?" Valerian asked.

"I was only wondering what it is that we should do if the Darian's exceed the walls?" The Commander asked.

"They won't exceed the walls." Valerian said.

"How sure can you be?" The commander asked.

"I have a back up plan." Valerian replied.

"What is it?" The Commander asked.

As long as we have the canon's destroyed, you shall have your men ready at the walls to shoot on the spot whoever they sea.

Once that is done, We are going to send in the horses with the carts containing the gun powder which means even the slightest contact with the bullets, or explosives the Darians will explode.

We need to distort there formation and when that is done we shall move to our next plan.

We shall get them to retreat and eventually, send in two hundred men to pursue the farther.

Of all these two hundred men each shall bear  a set of explosives." Valerian said.

"What shall they do with them?" The commander asked.

"Set half of their food reserves on fire." Valerian replied.

"Why?" One of the soldiers asked.

"Food is a very essential tool that the army can't survive without and once the food reserves are destroyed the enemy shall flee.

When the enemy is gone, the signal of a gong must be sounded to alert us to prepare for looting.

And after the Darians withdraw, we shall take with us all that they own including the tents and clear their campsite once and for all." Valerian replied.

"Very well then your Majesty." the commander said.

The whole group dispersed afterwards.

It was very dark and Soren was seated on the wall and looking at the starry sky that was dark above them.

He couldn't help but keep on appreciating its beauty and each and every time he closed his eyes, he could only think of one person, Alexander.

"I shall get us through this." Valerian said to himself and a shooting star rushed by.

Meanwhile, even Alexander was unable to sleep where he was as he looked at the stars through his window.

They brought back a lot of memories to him, memories of the wonderful time that he had enjoyed with Valerian.

He remembered their wedding night and all those times that they were together that he suddenly found himself smiling.

"I wish you were here." He whispered to himself as tears started to roll down his eyes.

"I never thought that something could come up like this." He said additionally.

He was alone but for some reason it felt as though he was actually there with someone else.

"I know that you shall win for the sake of us both." He eventually said and just in time, he saw a shooting star fly over his head.

"Even the heavens agree with me." He added.

"You are a warrior amongst men." He concluded.