It was still dark but in a distance, the sun was slowly starting to rise.
Valerian was standing in the compound of the temple and was surrounded by eight priests and priestesses.
The people of the town gathered to look at him as the High Priest showed up with the instruments.
He held the clay crown that was burning with charcoal and the rest of his escorts bore the other things.
The Chief priest stopped before the pillars that marked the exit and entrance of the temple.
Slightly in front of the pillars was a an altar that bore the statues of the six supreme gods.
"Is your Majesty willing to make this journey?" The High Priest asked.
"I am." Valerian confidently replied.
"Then you are ready for the task that lays ahead of you." The High priest said as the people mused.
"We consecrate you to the will of the gods and may your sacrifice prove your devotion and readiness to face the task that lies ahead of you.
Before us all today you shall move the rounds and walk without stopping.
You can not waver or even turn back, tread through fire and wade the deepest waters.
Eventually, stand your ground when your feet trample upon the thorns and are cut by stones.
The gods shall watch and shall reward the efforts accordingly and for the step taken in faith, you shall reap abundantly." The High priest chanted.
"Let the gods protect." Every one said in unison as they bowed their heads with their hands together.
Immediately, the temple drums were sounded and shackles were tied around Valerian's legs.
At once, the priest bearing the golden sword brought it and placed it into the hands of Valerian.
He stepped away and in his place a priestess bearing the lantern of burning incense handed it over to Valerian.
She stepped back and another moved right in her place.
He was short and fat but he was able to place the thick cotton support on Soren's head.
Eventually, the High Priest crowned it all when he moved with the clay crown that bore the charcoal that burnt in a bright flame and placed it on top of Valerian's head.
The drums sounded louder as Valerian found his equilibrium and maintained it.
"The gods shall walk with and they shall hear your plea." The High Priest said.
"And for all the blood of the vanquished in their name we shall attain absolute victory." Valerian said.
"The Altar incense began to burn and at once the Priests escorted Valerian down the stairs of the temple.
"Our gods pass, pay your respect to he who comes in their name." The Priests shouted and the people put their hands together and began to sing the Champion's song.
This is the warrior's prayer to the heavens, this is his plea.
This is his roar from the mountains, this is his one fear.
Blood for blood, through fire and water,
Strives throughout his life, to make a name to have a shelter.
Folds the hay for a bed, he has no aim and no shoulder,
He fights for a home and fights entirely as a soldier.
His roar is that of a lion, whether big or small he wants to be feared,
There is nothing he has to call dear, his cloth is merely a suit of armour.
Tread the path of pain, tread it you the great one.
Let the gods hear and the heavens shall respond with thunder.
Drown all that rise against you, fight all those there to defy.
Rise higher than the tides and possess the blue sky.
Your children shall not be slaughtered and neither shall they be enslaved.
Give them the fire, and crush their skulls.
Victorious, and glorious you please return,
Every life is worth living when a good fight is won.
The people sang and the drumers drummed.
Valerian started out for the road that led straight to the gate of the fortress.
"Halt." The soldiers shouted.
"What?" The commander asked.
"The Darians are here." The soldiers replied and shouted.
The High priest and his procession stopped but to every one's surprise, Valerian kept on walking.
"Open the gates for me." Valerian said.
"Your Majesty, it is very dangerous." The Commander said.
"I have started this ritual and I must complete it." Valerian said as he continued to walk.
"Please reconsider." The Commander said.
"Open now, man the fort and let me tread my path, do every thing as we had planned and this here is my command." Valerian said.
"Open the gates." The commander said.
The gates were opened immediately and Valerian walked through the thin opening that had been created.
Ahead of him from the trees the savage Darians emerged.
They were all running with guns in their hands coming into a closer range.
"Release the smoke bombs." The Commander ordered.
At once, the soldiers fired small tins towards their attacking enemies.
The cans were followed by trains of smoke and for a second they ceased to run as they watched at the smoke bombs that headed their way.
Valerian did not stop to walk and he turned around and started to walk around the entire town.
He faced his right following the long and extensive wall of the fort that stretched a couple of metres away.
Meanwhile, the smoke acted as a shield that blocked the Darians out of view.
"Fire." The commander said and at once, all the soldiers aimed at the smoke where they were certain that their enemies were.
After very many shots into the smoke, a lot of cries were heard coming from the enemy at that very moment.
Valerian continued to walk with the lamps still burning and the flame dancing in the crown on his head.
After a while, the smoke started to die out and it revealed a mass of some bodies fallen on the ground.
Some lay still and other seemed to still move but cried out in absolute agony.
As the soldiers gazed at the fallen bodies before the smoke could clear up entirely, there were a few movements that became visible.
"Hold your fire." The Commander ordered and the soldiers responded.
"Stand your guard." He added and they all got ready.
From the smoke emerged another group of people who looked to possess thick metallic shields.
They had lined up from one end to another and were slowly advancing.
Eventually, rollers were heard and the cannons came into sight.
"The cannons are visible." One of the soldiers said.
"They are going to fire at the walls." The Commander said.
"Should we act now?" One of the soldiers asked.
"They are stil far and they need to come closer, we are higher so we have the advantage so we should stop them before they can exceed the mine barrier." The commander replied.
"Alright commander, give your order." Another soldier said.
"With immediate effect, aim at the cannons." The commander said.
"Ready?" He called and they raised the barrels.
"Fire." The commander said and the soldiers did.
The canon balls then started to rain down on the Darians.
The cannons shattered the shield walls and eventually rolled and began striking the cannons where they were.
The Darians were having a bad day but they did not stop advancing to the walls of the fort.
"Onward." The Darian commander shouted the moment that the smoke had completely lifted and the Cannons were still being rolled nearer to the walls.
The defence of the Southern fortress and the town of Olsen proved inpenetrable as large numbers of the Darian soldiers perished.
Valerian was still treading when to his surprise a couple of Darian soldiers about five in number emerged from in front.
They were all running towards him and he did not stop looking at all the five of them.
Valerian advanced as his grip around the sword in his left hand tightened.
The soldiers did not have any guns but they seemed determined to fight.
Valerian moved on and as they got close enough, he swung the sword in his hand and severed their heads from their bodies.
The blood splashed on him but he did not stop walking and continued until the people on the East side of the city caught sight of him still moving around.
The Scolns cheered their Queen as he continued bearing the weight of the Crown of fire on his head.
Valerian hearing their noises was motivated to keep on going and he advanced.
The Darians had been eventually reduced greartly and they withdrew behind their shields for a while.
It didn't matter anymore whether the security was minimal or not as long as they tried to save their lives.
"We are no cowards great mean, powerful and strong Darians, we are better than this.
Rain or sunshine, today, Olsen will fall." The Darian Commander shouted.
At once, the Darians began hitting their shields and the sun then completely in the sky shone brightly on their shields.
The light that the shields produced was blinding and it acted as a temporary destruction to the Scoln soldiers.
"Onward." The Darian commander said and the last of the warriors who were still many in number advanced towards the wall.
"The Darians are closing in on us." The soldiers shouted.
"We do not have that many canon balls left as well." The others shouted.
"We need to give them a diversion." The commander said.
"What should we do, we are very few in number we can not create a diversion." One of the soldiers said.
"Then shatter those shields." The Commander said.
"Fire." He ordered and the soldiers responded.
The Priests at the temple and some of the people were still praying as shooting the shields seemed ineffective.
"It is not working Commander." The soldiers shouted.
"Cease for now, man the fortress." The commander said.
At once, the soldiers dunked for their lives as the Darian soldiers started shooting at them.
Valerian on the other hand was still treading around the entire town and he had covered more than two thirds of his journey.
"Grant us victory." He said with his eyes looking up at the sky as he continued to traverse, the Darians were coming closer and closer to the fortress.
Suddenly, there was a very large and dark cloud that appeared from behind the city and advanced like a blanket in the skies.
It was very dark and it shielded the sun from view which gave the Scoln soldiers visibility.
"Fire the last of the canon balls." The commander ordered.
"Are you sure?" One of the soldiers asked.
"If we can not supress them now, then we won't ever." The commander replied.
"Alright." The soldiers said and they started to fill up their cannons.
They aimed at the advancing Darians and following the Commander's order, they fired.
The Canon's crushed and completely reduced the Darians that a part of them started to fall back in small fractions.
There was still however a branch of soldiers that continued to march towards the fortress walls.
These were gunless and all they had with them was a shield and a thin swords.
"His Majesty is here." One of the townspeople shouted and all the eyes looked into Valerian's direction.
He was still walking with his feet sore and his shuckles shaking to announce his arrival.
He was covered in blood from his dead attackers and he still bore all his items safe and intact.
At once, the temple trumpets were sounded when Valerian approached the gates.
A couple of Darian warriors run up towards him but the moment they stepped on the mine barrier, they all started to explode into pieces.
One by one, very many got injured and those who were already further isolated behind started to retreat the instant that they saw smoke behind them.
Valerian smiled knowing that the enemy camp was set on fire and the Darians were confused that they thought they were surrounded.
A couple of soldiers still advanced towards the gates a little bit earlier than Valerian and blocked his path.
Valerian did not waver with his sword as they attacked him with theirs and their shields.
He swung it as first as he could with his left hand and started to cut his way through the Darian soldiers.
A train of fire appeared behind consuming the Darians as they scattered and the Scoln soldiers threw explosives at them.
Valerian had managed to cut his way through and once the commander was certain that the Queen was safe, the fortress gates were opened and he walked in.
All the people looked at him marvelled at his appearence after he left the battlefield unheart.
"Victory is ours." The Scolns shouted as Valerian continued and ascended the stairs of the temple amidst the cheers of the people.
He stopped in front of the altar of the gods and at once the priests unloaded the sacred objects and placed them on the altar.
Immediately the Priests carried a jar of water and they poured it on Valerian as he put his arms together and bowed his head.
"Long live the Queen." The people shouted as they chanted a short prayer.
With the sun shining bright after the thick cloud had passed, the Scolns had emerged victorious and they prevailed.