Valerian arrived early in the morning at the barracks that was stationed in the capital.

The guards there noticing a rider who was dressed in a white and gold military uniform riding on a white horse were marvelled.

They looked at him and eventually when he stepped into view, they noticed him holding something in his left hand.

He didn't stop moving closer and closer with each and every one of step of his horse until eventually, they identified the object in his left hand as the Royal seal.

"It is the New commander." They whispered to themselves.

At once, the soldiers present rushed over into their guards respectively as Valerian got off his horse.

The General who led the entire barracks stepped ahead towards the Rider in white.

"Your Majesty." The General said as he knelt on one knee and placed his right hand on his chest.

"I wish to inspect the guards." Valerian said.

"They are ready for your inspection." The General said.

Immediately, Valerian stepped down from Electra and then stood beside the General.

The General then led the way as Valerian walked through and inspected the soldiers carrying their guns and swords who stood at attention.

He walked through about a half of them and then he returned to the front.

"Are these all the reinforcements?" Valerian asked.

"Yes." The General replied.

"How many are they in total?" Valerian asked.

"Four thousand." The General replied.

"I'll only go with the first a thousand." Valerian replied.

The General looked puzzled at the moment.

"Are you serious your Majesty?" The General asked.

"I am." Valerian replied.

"But the King asked that we provide four thousand soldiers as reinforcements." The General said.

"I come in his name and I have decided to make a change and an adjustment to this." Valerian said.

"Very well then your Majesty." The General replied.

The General then turned to the four thousand.

"May I have only the first one thousand to step forward." The General said.

At once, a thousand of the guards in four guards marched forward and the other three thousand stayed behind.

The General then turned to Valerian who mounted his white horse.

"They are here your Majesty." The General said.

"Well done." Valerian said.

Shortly after he had spoken there was another rider who emerged holding a mast with a white fabric that was folded on top.

Eventually, the mast was handed over to Valerian and his horse then started to ride back and forth ahead of the one thousand.

"All of you that are gathered here are warriors that are going to bring greatness to Endra.

You are all men of great will and courage that are going to March with me to the West.

Together we shall man the forts and the borders and we are going to be invincible.

I shall take you across rivers and plantations and we shall altogether drive tyrants off this land.

We shall make a name to be feared throughout the land and we are going to protect all that is ours.

Never shall we allow those Savage foreigners to steal our land, they have taken the jobs of our children and brothers, sisters and mothers alike.

They have robbed us of our honour and finances and they must there staring and greedily admiring what is ours.

Follow me now, I who comes in the name of your King and together let us protect all we care about.

Let us take back what has been stolen and loot from them what is theirs and Rob them of their honour as well.

Let us strip them naked and anite their heads against the rocks.

Let us avenge the death of our fellow friends with their blood and let us pursue them even at sea.

They came many but at this time let us give them a nose so bloody that not even one man amongst them shall survive to see another day.

Let us take their ships and make them all ours, their wealth and they shall never think of coming closer to our borders again." Valerian Said.

"Today I unveil a sign of the gods, the arm of peace and the name of Victory." Valerian added as he placed the mast onto the ground with his grip still supporting it.

The white and gold fabric was unfolded and high above Valerian's own flag started to fly.

He lifted it with his right hand and the soldiers all looked at it as it graced the skies.

At once, Valerian started to lead the March of the soldiers out of the barracks.

The one thousand followed behind him as he approached the exit of the barracks.

The people in the capital heard the sound of marching growing louder and louder and many looked to the direction where it came from.

At last, sparkling in the light of the early morning sun stepped a rider in white on a white horse.

He was just as courageous as he was charming as he walked forward with his flag at hand.

The people started cheering him on as he went and the other people sang the same old folks song that sent warriors off to war.

The main parts praising the white rider.

He has a roar like that of a lion,

A roar that is unequalled amongst men,

The earth shakes as he passes,

He leads his people on to victory.

Victoria, the name of a Queen so mighty,

A tower of strength the enemies fear,

Vast the land sings his name loudly,

He is a warrior they hear.

The gods grace the battle field answers,

His foes drown in their own blood there,

The land is made rich again as the raider dies,

All at his might, the strength of his hands.

When he rides it is with power,

He has no wait in his time to devour,

He slits the throat open with his sword.

Today the enemy flees in fear of his own.

Victoria is his name,

Victory his to take,

Today he shall vanquish and seal their bane,

He shall make of their flesh living proof that he is great.

The people were not shot of praises as most of the capital resounded with music and jubilation while Valerian lead the way.

"In the Name of Victory." He shouted.

"In the Name of Victory." The people replied louder than he was.

And it was at this place that amongst the people, the young Queen came to be known as the Lord Victoria.

The armies had travelled a distance from the capital and they kept as steady pace as Valerian led the way.

Many got tired but he on the other hand seemed to be rejuvenated with each and every step that he took.

He held in his grip the heavy mast that supported the flag but rode on steadily despite the scorching heat of the sun.

It was approaching noon and the armies looking at him felt even more confident.

It was said they were encouraged to move even faster seeing the sweat that fell from their master's face.

It was a moment of stability and they had barely encountered any challenges along the way.

They reached a few shallow rivers and crossed them to the other side and they continued farther in the west.

Once there, they arrived in the mountains and they steadily rode through the valley's crossing from Duchies and towns.

Wherever they passed, their presence was noticed by the people and the masses and they sent with them more food and ammunition to aid their campaigns against the Nefarian raiders.

Where they stopped to rest, they were treated nicely by the masses until dusk fell.

The a thousand camped in a town that was near their destination and they spent the night there.

At Dawn, Valerian continued leading the soldiers farther into the West.

In a matter of time, he had already arrived with the reinforcements in the nearby town Gorvina which was the strong and still standing fortification of Endra.

On the other side where Alfrenso stood it was at the time a Nefarian port.

Ships from the Nefarian state of the Herina were already being docked into the harbour and we're bringing in other Nefarian troops.

They were preparing to advance farther into the interior of Endra and capture