The Endran armies stood their ground as they watched in a distance the approaching flying banners.

Nefarian flags of Herina were visible from a distance as the men brought their canons into view.

They were constructing a barricade ahead before they would advance and capture the next city.

It was already nearing noon and Valerian studied them from his horse where he steed.

They did not seem bothered by anything that was going on on the other side.

"What do we do now Your Majesty." The General who commanded the troops that still stood to defend the West asked Valerian.

"They are still unprepared." Valerian said.

"They are setting up barricades." The General said.

To buy their reinforcements time and also ensure their defence.

When they March, they shall March at once and moved and it won't be long before they attempt to conquer the coast and spread inwards." Valerian replied.

"Give us your word." The General said.

"I want all weapons ready." Valerian said.

"Everything is already ready." The General said.

"Impressive, we attack at Dusk." Valerian said.

"We have never fought at night, it is a little bit too dangerous for everyone your Majesty." The General said.

"We must act at night, they are still unprepared and the best way we can drive them away is if we take them by surprise.

That way, once we succeed in doing so, then we can round them up without them having a chance of returning at sea.

We shall have them trapped with barely no where to run." Valerian replied.

"Alright your Majesty." The General said and Valerian rode away.

It approached disk and the sun was starting to set in the horizon.

Valerian was stationed at the front of the warriors and the soldiers in the city.

He sat on his horse with the flag in his right hand and a sword in the other.

His long gun was fixed on the saddle of his horse and he started to pace about back and forth in front of the army.

"Attention." Valerian called.

The soldiers stumped their feet and then quietened down after Valerian had given the order.

Up front, the soldiers had metallic shields in one hand and muskets in the other.

"Stand you ground all you the faithful warriors of Endra.

Today we advance into battle against those tyrants.

We fight with the gods on our side yet they cower behind sacks of sand.

We face them head on and today we shall put them on their knees.

When Dawn will emerged and a new day is set before each one of us here.

We shall be the ones that have attained the final Victory." Valerian said as he raised his banner in the sky.

The Soldiers raised their muskets up and cheered him on.

"Firstly, those bearing the steel shields shall March ahead and the rest on my command will follow." Valerian said.

The Darkness was starting to hover above the Kingdom and a fog that was so thick started to descend near the coast.

"Those fools forget that near the sea, once the sun sets the fog slowly follows.

March slow and stealthily until the barricades have been approached." Valerian ordered.

Just as he had spoken, a thick fog settled in between and at once, the foot soldiers about two hundred and fifty bearing the steel shields marched first.

They broke their steps and treaded lightly in the dark as the howl of the wind covered up their minute sounds.

The Endran troops once they had reached the barricade started to murder the Nefarian soldiers that were on the lookout for them.

At once, the sound of the bullets resounded and with the descended fog, the Nefarians were taken by surprise.

"Onward." Valerian gave a command to the other soldiers.

At once, the others marched past those bearing the shields and started to shoot down every live thing that walked around the place.

The Nefarian soldiers who had captured the barracks near the watchtowers and there their greatest fortification stood.

They in there defense started to shoot towards the approaching Endran troops but they could barely see them very well.

The Endran troops turned the Canons that had been stationed near the barricades and started moving them away into the direction of the sea.

Those at the back took refuge behind the barricades that the Nefarian troops had put in place.

As it had been planned and suspected, the Nefarians had all the artillery but we're not ready at the time of the war.

With the canons close to the interior barricades, aided by the light that came from the watchtowers and the nearby buildings, the Endran troops were able to spot their enemies.

In the distance, they were able to see them very well and then fire straight into the barricades.

The Nefarian soldiers in the pits that had been dug were bombed and struck heavily that they died in a large number.

The Nefarian soldiers on the command of their own General were under panic.

"The Endran troops are advancing a little bit too fast." One of the soldiers said.

"They can see us but how?" The General asked as he watched the bottom and the lower parts of the town covered in smoke and fog altogether.

"The lights." He eventually said.

"What should we do Sir?" The soldiers asked.

"Put out all the lights." The General replied.

At once, the soldiers shouted and the gongs were sounded.

The sound came up to Valerian who still rode amongst his own troops at a steady pace.

"What are they doing?" The General that was next to him asked.

"I do not know." Valerian replied.

At once, the lights that they could see in a distance started to go off each one by one.

"It looks like they have identified the lights make them easy to spot out." Valerian said.

"If all the lights are extinguished then we won't be able to see them closing in on us." The General said.

"Send in the horses with the burning hay." Valerian ordered.

At once, a mass of about twenty four carriages each being pulled by a horse and carrying a large mass of hay advanced.

Additionally bags of gun powder had been tied around the horses that progressed in the direction of the enemy.

The Nefarians could see a mass of lights showing up in a distance.

"They are coming." A soldier said.

"Stand your Ground and get ready to fire." The Nefarian General said as the Nefarian soldiers his behind the third barricade and watched earnestly.

Their guns were aimed in the direction of the light they thought to be torches that seemed to get brighter and brighter.

They were ready to fire when to their surprise, the light seemed to be rounding them up from one end to another.

It became clear that it was the horses that were approaching them with flaming carriages.

The horses ran fast enough and the General gave the order to fire.

"Fire." He shouted and the Nefarians responded with instant shooting.

As they shot the carriages, the carriages exploded along with the horses.

The force was immense that it temporarily affected the Nefarian soldiers in the pits.

At once, it was a clear signal to all the other soldiers who still remained that the Endran troops were took strong.

The unharmed forces started to prepare all the Nefarian ships on the sea to set sail.

A few of the other soldiers started to fire back at the Endran soldiers out of retaliation to buy time but it was already Misty at the sea.

The boats could not set sail until eventually after hours of fighting, the Nefarian troops were cornered and had moved farther to the coast.

Valerian then had all the barricades bearing the Nefarian flags hoisting Endran ones once again and afterwards he shot bullets into the air.

Once he had concluded, the other soldiers with the steel shields started hitting them that they produced a sound loud enough it travelled back to Gorvina.

"It is the signal." The soldiers on the other side talked amongst themselves.

At once, the other soldiers that had been left back in the town marched out to join the five hundred who had gone on before.

They marched louder as they hit metallic things to make a louder noise in response to Valerian's signal.

The noise coupled with the first grew threateningly louder and louder that the Nefarians were unsure of the advancing enemy.

It made the Endran troops seem to be too many in number that the Nefarians resorted to holding the Endran troops off until dawn when it was safe to sail the sea again.

Additionally, the Nefarians were expecting reinforcements soon enough and they hoped that with them they would be able to crush the Endran troops.

The Endran troops looted the barricades and temporary Arsenal's that had been put in place a little bit in front of the coast.

They focused on fortifying the last barricade they had before sunrise.

Amidst the fog, Valerian did not advance farther and seemed to give the Nefarians time to prepare.

He took hold of the two barricades and reinforced them as well as installing all the looted weapons and canons.

"We have rounded them up." The General said to Valerian as they safely rode within the radius of their captured barricades.

"Impressive." Valerian said as he stopped and then faced the direction of the sea.

"What do we do now?" The General asked.

"Get ready and prepare for open war at Dawn when we can see them all." Valerian replied.