The sun was starting to rise above the Kingdom in the horizon and just in time a couple of other ships were already in the harbour.

Nefarian ships landed ashore and they started off loading reinforcements and then taking in all those that had been injured in the night war.

At that point in time, the fog was slowly starting to lift and the flags of both the antagonistic parties were still in view.

The Nefarian troops noticed that the Endran soldiers seemed to be a little closer than they had expected.

They had thought that the men had marched back to the nearby city of Gorvina but they were mistaken.

"Stand up you fallen warriors of Herina, we shall no more be enslaved by them.

A couple of the days this land and port was ours, it is going to take more than their tricks to push us away.

We shall get back twice that which we have lost and after Alfrenso, Gorvina will be next.

We shall wipe the streets clean and drench them with Endran blood until they surrender and let us prevail.

We shall have the heads of their generals put on pikes and we shall make an example of those who dated to fight us this far.

For Nefarian Victory." The Nefarian General said as he raised his sword in the air.

"Today we accomplish what we started,

We shall drive those foreigners off our soil and out of our harbours.

We shall drown their ships and we shall loot all their wealth.

We shall advance and skin them and burn them all to ashes.

They shall acknowledge that amongst the weak, we never exist.

We shall make a name from them and after that their territories off the island will be next.

This is for our Victory and be it we die today, we shall be remembered as heroes and martyrs of the land." Valerian said as he raised his flag.

At once, there were sounds of drums that started rising from the warriors on the Endran side.

At once, the Nefarian troops started marching forward and taking their places behind the last barricade.

From Gorvina, there were trumpets and the ground started to violently shake as though an earthquake was passing.

"Free the horsemen." Valerian said.

The mist had not completely lifted and Valerian trusting he was safe led a group of horsemen.

The Nefarian soldiers had not anticipated anything from the Endran troops just yet and out of the blue, they heard horses riding towards their direction.

"Cease fire." The Nefarian General said as he thought it was just another trick that was similar to the very first.

He was gravely mistaken when he beheld a tall mast and a white flag with a winged letter 'V' flying in a distance.

Then he beheld a rider on a white horse followed by a couple of more.

They all threw smoke bombs ahead of themselves.

"Fire." The General said but was surprised when Canon balls from the antagonistic side flew towards them.

Immediately, the defense of Herina was slowly starting to crumble and shatter.

At once with the temporary distraction, the Endran soldiers rushed in and began shooting at the Nefarian troops.

Valerian pulled out his light but long gun and then started to shoot at all his foes as he rode through the battlefield.

He was swift on his horse that it was difficult for him to get hit by his enemies.

He moved around in circles and after the other foot soldiers joined him, they all started shooting and disarming the Nefarian troops.

Some of the horsemen got off their horses and then pulled out their swords and clashed in combat.

They sliced the Nefarians whom despite being the majority barely had any courage to keep fighting.

The standing Nefarian Arsenal's that were supplying the guns were shut by the Endran troops and protected.

The battle field then grew more and more tense with the Endran troops shooting down and cutting the Nefarians.

Valerian continued his search of the general in charge until he approached the watchtower where he had suspected him to be.

The General stood their on the ground and the place was nearly empty.

He looked up and noticed the General standing on the entrance of the building.

In one arm, Valerian held the flag of Endra and in the other he held his own white flag.

The General on the other hand had a musket and the Nefarian flag in one hand.

"The man himself." Valerian said.

"I suppose you are the Commander of the Endran troops." The man said.

"I am." Valerian confidently replied.

"You are just a little bit thinner and smaller than I expected." The General said.

"Don't be too quick to judge because after this, I am going to make you bow down to these flags before you breathe your last." Valerian said.

"A very good idea, you inspire my move right now, I think I shall do that to you before my own flag." The General said.

"Then face me off like a man." Valerian said.

"If you say so." The General replied.

The General dropped down his musket and then drew his sword from its sheath.

Valerian planted both flags in the ground and then pulled out his sword as well and faced the General.

The General attacked at once and Valerian seeing him approaching launched himself towards the man as well.

The two clashed and then began fighting with one another.

The General swung his sword as Valerian dodged it and brushed it off lightly.

Valerian managed to secure a punch and he struck the General on his left cheek and pushed him away.

"You seem a little bit too slow." Valerian said.

"You shall take that back." The General said and he attacked once again.

Valerian started to quickly spin his sword around a little bit faster than before and the fight continued becoming more and more difficult.

In the mean time, the Nefarian troops who had managed to go back onto their ships lifted their anchors and began to sail away.

The Endran troops pursued them and tried hard enough to penetrate the Nefarian soldiers who were still on land.

Valerian was still having a hard time fighting with the Nefarian General but he was successful.

Valerian kicked the Nefarian General and the big man fell down onto the concrete ground .

He pulled back as he caught sight of his musket in a distance and moved closer to it.

Valerian saw him going and having no gun in his possession he looked around for something else.

The nearest thing to him was the golden mast of his flag that stood firm on the ground.

With might and all the strength he could find, Valerian pulled the mast out of the ground.

He studied the retreating General who was getting closer to the musket.

With absolute precision he could find, he launched the foot of the mast which was sharp and sent it flying like spear.

The Nefarian General was about to reach the gun but his hand was pinned a couple of metres away from it.

The General yelped out of pain in a cry so loud and Valerian continued  with the flag of Endra in his direction and took a hold of him by his uniform.

He planted the other sharp end of the mast supporting the flag of Endra into the General's other hand and then he stepped on his back.

"I told you already, before you would die, I would make sure that you bow at both these flags." Valerian said.

With the edge of his sword, Valerian severed the General's head from the rest of his body.

The fight outside still raged and as the Nefarian soldiers still clashed with the Endran troops, Valerian walked into view.

He was with his flag in one hand still clear of any dirt or blood and the head of the Nefarian General in the other.

The Nefarian troops upon beholding this many surrendered and died and others tried to run off into the water to save themselves and join their fellows who were sailing away.

The Endran troops then boarded some of the remaining ships in the harbour they had captured and pursued the Nefarian ships that had not long departed from the docks.

They shot about six with Canons and sank them while the others on the other hand were captured before they were a safe distance from the coast.

The captured boats were pulled back onto the shore as the Nefarian soldiers aboard them were either shot dead or thrown into the water.

The Endran soldiers jubilated at last as Valerian got back onto Electra and rode into view until he reached the waters.

The Nefarian ships returned each bearing Endran flags which was a sign that they had secured their Victory.

"The war is over, today, Victory is ours." Valerian said and all the soldiers cheered him as they rounded all the Herina flags and burnt them down.




What Valerian had achieved was no ordinary merit, once again he had managed to save another country from foreign invasion.

Valerian had managed to drive away the Nefarian troops away from the country in fourteen hours and in addition all the ammunition was captured.

The food was taken and all the wealth that was intended to sustain the Nefarian army on the conquest campaign of Endra was distributed to the Army and the rest given to the Royal treasury.

It was said that the noises from the war were heard from the coast of Herina and as they lay expecting, it was said that there was no boat that had left that ever returned.

Eventually, it was another military victory for Valerian whom as the people started to praise amongst the Endran troops earned the Name QUEEN OF THE BATTLEFIELD in memory for his defeat of the Nefarian armies at the BATTLE OF ALFRENSO.

And hereafter the White Rider (or White Warrior Queen) was born and his popularity was vastly spread across the continent.