What better way to make News than make the greatest suffer a baffling defeat?

What better way to make a name than write a brand new history?

All that Valerian proved to be excellent and very good at after he had made a fool of the Darians first.

As though not the very last, the Nefarians accompanied only a short while later.

It seemed that in every way, the young and Charming demure Queen had blossomed into a very strong warrior.

At least there was the country to remember and the people he had saved to sing his praise.

He had become a god of war that had over thrown troops of invasion at large.

Valerian was the patron of military glory and at last, Alfrenso was back in the hands of the Endran people.

There was jubilation that spread across the whole land and additionally, the continent.

He had made a fool of the King of Herina who was his second uncle and the attempts of capturing the Crown of Endra were in vain.

The great warrior marched in white holding his explicitly magnificent banner throughout the cities as the people hailed him.

There was very much honour and adoration that was being bestowed upon him by the people of the Kingdom.

They bowed as he passed with his warriors and so loudly shouted calling him once again the LORD VICTORIA.

Where King's had slain he had slaughtered, where King's had lost he had conquered.

The popularity he had received even surpassed that of any other Sovereign the country had seen before.

The moment that he returned to the Imperial palace in the capital where his brother who slowly recovering from his illness was, it was to a huge banquet.

Sian saw it necessary to make celebrations of the event and he even invited all the wise scholars from the land.

The day was added to the calendar of Endra and with the King's order called the day of VICTORIA to commemorate the Victory of Valerian in the battle of Alfrenso.

Valerian remained for sometime in Endra and most of it was intended to turn an ear to his fans the people.

Here he bore the title of Queen of Scoln and just as every other Kingdom in the world, they made it a point for the Scolns to hear it even in the palace.

Everyday, there was another talk and another bit of News that travelled to Alexander's desk praising his Queen.

Valerian who was by far so charming had then established quite the record and had set a standard for other Queens and Kings around the continent.

Moreso, the already rich treasury of Endra had thrived into an even richer one at that.

After a few days of the war, Valerian sat and mused in the backyard of the imperial palace.

He sat near some of the fountains and he admired the serene atmosphere there when he felt the company of someone else.

"Who is there?" He questioned without looking behind.

"It is me your Majesty, Helren." Helren replied and moved up close to Valerian.

"What is it that brings you here?" Valerian asked.

"As you may know, it is my duty to protect you." Helren replied.

Valerian lightly chuckled as Helren moved beside him and took a seat.

"What is funny your Majesty?" Helren asked.

"For a warrior Queen such as myself, who better than me to ensure my own security?" Valerian asked.

"Even the bravest and the strongest of warriors need the protection of the gods.

If any thing we're to happen to you your Majesty, I would be questionable and it wouldn't take long for me to lose my head." Helren replied.

Valerian then sighed.

"I'd never imagined that Victory tasted this sweet especially Victory from war." Valerian said.

"Of course your Majesty, what had you thought it to be?" Helren asked.

"Guilt, trauma from seeing all those lifeless bodies with eyes as empty and deeply dark as an abyss.

It turns out, the one emotion that comes to heart immediately after that is relief and security.

I'd never thought that pride and glory could be so easy as this to acquire." Valerian said.

"Your Majesty, it is only the beaver that see past all this, there people that live in fear.

Seeing war is the trigger to their worst nightmares, I suppose it is because we are all different." Helren said.

"I suppose too." Valerian replied.

There was a prevalent silence that followed and was shortly accompanied by a mild howl of the wind.

"Your Majesty, may I ask you something?" Helren said out of the blue.

The silence eventually shattered he lay waiting for a response from his Queen.

"Yes." Valerian accepted his request.

"After all this battle has been won and there is no need for us to be here any more." Helren said.

"So?" Valerian asked.

"What next?" Helren replied.

"I am not certain." Valerian replied.

"I think that we should use this time to return back to Scoln." Helren said.

"Why the rush?" Valerian asked.

"It is simply because I think it would be best we returned, there is a crown for you on the other side.

Additionally, there are responsibilities as well that you must still fulfill." Helren replied.

"Remember I lost most of my duties, I am now in solitude and isolation." Valerian said.

"But that does not change the fact that you are Queen, eventually I think that His Majesty will come around it.

He may seem heartless but even at this time he actually cares about you." Helren said.

"You can tell me that, it is hard to believe that of all I have done to help him he keeps pushing me away.

I have nothing left as of now to do and I still don't know how I am supposed to face him after I feed the country.

I practically left without his consent and I am certain by now at least for the time I have known him he might be angry." Valerian said.

"He might at least try and understand that your people were at stake.

Your Brother's throne and additionally your family were also on the verge of capture.

He would have done the same if he were in your place and no capable person would simply stand by and watch all those he cares about being killed.

He may condemn you but in every sense you were right to respond almost as quickly as possible.

With time, he might understand that you had no choice as well." Helren said to Valerian.

"I think so, it wouldn't be that hard to say." Valerian said.

"I am just worried." He added.

"You shouldn't be your Majesty." Helren said.

"Hmmm." Valerian muttered and nodded his head as though out of acceptance.

"Go and prepare everything for my departure, we leave tomorrow at Sunrise." Valerian said.

"Yes your Majesty." Helren said and at once he stood up and bowed his head.

He turned around and then walked away back into the palace leaving Valerian seated there in the backyard alone.

The young Queen drifted away into thought much of him uncertain of what his reception in Scoln would look like.