The Dukes moved away with the canopy and at last the priests bearing the crown jewels stepped forward.

The High Priest picked up the orb from a mink cushion that was surrounded with golden thread and then he placed it in the left hand of Alexander.

Alexander took it firmly into his grip and the Archbishop let go.

The High Priest then took hold of the diamond and golden sceptre which was on a similar cushion and then he placed it into Alexander's right hand.

Eventually, the High Priest got hold of the Diamond diadem and brought it forth.

At once, the peers and peeresses stood up where they were seated and took hold of their coronets.

The High priest raised it with Solemnity as he said.

"As Kings and Queens who have gone and come on before, with the gods as witness in the presence of all men and folks.

I do crown thee King Alexander, the King of Scoln, Sovereign and Emperor." The High Priest said.

Immediately, the crown touched the royal brow, the peers and peeresses put on their coronets on and acclaimed Alexander as their sovereign.

The drums and the organs in the Cathedral were sounded and at once, Alexander's coronation was complete.

Valerian who was seated a distance away from the King was ready as the High Priest summoned him.

Valerian and the Duchesses moved as he approached the altar of the Cathedral.

Eventually, Valerian arrived and he knelt down in front of the altar and kissed the ring of the High Priest's finger.

The Peeressess and Duchesses carried the golden canopy and then brought it above Valerian.

The High priest then came over to annoint Valerian and he placed his fingers into the annointing oil.

"Is his Majesty willing to take the oath?" The High Priest asked.

"Yes, I am willing." Valerian replied.

"Will you promise to support your King, love him, protect him and reign with him as Sovereign amongst his people.

Govern and protect his house and his name and be beloved of his people therein in the realm?" The High Priest asked.

"I will, with the help of the gods that have seen me ready and worthy of this favour." Valerian replied.

"Thy hands, the gods have annointed with oil, thy heart the gods have annointed with oil and thy head, the gods have annointed with oil." The High Priest said.

Afterwards, the peeresses took away the canopy as the priests bearing the other Crown jewels stepped forward.

The High Priest took hold of the orb and then placed it into Valerian's left hand.

He took hold of the sceptre and then he placed it into Valerian's right hand.

Eventually, at last, the High Priest took hold of the diamond diadem.

"As Queens who have come and gone on before, with the gods as witness amongst all men and folks, I do crown thee Queen Valerian, Queen of Scoln, consort and empress of his King." The High Priest said.

The drums and organs were sounded once again and at the time the impact that came from the people outside was more intense than that which had been there when the King had been crowned.

The Rumble that followed was alarming that the walls of the Cathedral shook and most of the heads of the congregation faced the commons that were inside the building.

"It looks like the Queen is more beloved than his husband amongst the people." A Duke whispered to Prince Alfred.

"Impossible." The Prince replied.

The Dukes of the Noble order bearing their swords and the provincial seals and banners took their stand behind the King as Valerian stood with the jewels in his hand.

The Duchesses bore Valerian's train and he turned around to make his way to the King.

Once in front of Alexander, Valerian bowed in homeage and then he ascended tge steps to the throne and kissed Alexander on the left cheek.

Eventually, Valerian walked backwards as he descended the stairs and then he walked to his throne which was beside Alexander's but slightly lower.

At once Valerian sat on his throne.

Eventually, it was time for the high members of the Royal family, the Princes and Princesses of the blood to pay their respects.

The first in the long line of members as Valerian had ensured was the Queen mother.

Queen Marietta walked with her train being born by her lady in waiting as she approached the throne of her son.

She ascended the steps to the throne, touched the diadem and then Kissed Alexander's left cheek.

Eventually, she moved back and then had to travel towards Valerian who was seated beside her son.

She ascended the steps and did the same with Valerian ceaselessly much as she did it to retain her image.

Next was Alexander's brother and sisters and uncles and eventually, the time of paying the final respects was over.

At once, the King and his Queen stood from their thrones and then started moving forward towards the altar.

Simultaneously, the two bowed down before the altar and then it was time for their recession from the Cathedral.

With the High Priest leading the way as well as some members of Clergy, the Prime Minister led the other Provincial Dukes.

The Queen followed and then behind him was his husband as the mobs burst into the Scoln anthem while the masses bowed as the King and Queen passed.

Er gon torasso ligon helda,

Ar tum se sangog hee dorgen,

Dar valois hee con so din dar,

Oh granda majeri on helma.

Victoria, Sorondimer,

Hel kum to rongore lem,

Gloria, Majeria

Hel alessi do mer hong ron.

Her alelliso regro nerardda,

Por heis morgisso del chigren,

Dar indor greta, lanco ni monoror,

Oh granda majeri on helma.

Victoria, Sorondimer,

Hel kum to rongore lem,

Gloria, Majeria

Hel alessi do mer hong ron.

The sooner that the royal couple stepped into sight after they had been crowned at the entrance of the Cathedral, the people loudly cheered them on.

The rumbling was even louder than it had been before and the people were happy and overjoyed.

The two continued into the carriage and once inside, the procession back to Sattinborough began.

The two waved to the crowds that bowed down wherever they passed still not short of the praises.

"I must say, you really did a fine job organising the coronation." Alexander said as they continued.

"I told you that I wouldn't disappoint you at all." Valerian replied as he smiled and waved at the people.

"In deed you haven't." Alexander replied.

"I had to make sure it was the best, it is not every day your husband gets to be crowned." Valerian said.

"As you had predicted and foreseen, eventually, I am enthralled how the people loved it this much." Alexander said.

"It is just as I told you, one or two things I learnt about kingship in Endra is that the Crown is best loved amongst its people than feared.

Everything that happened here today was entirely to show that the Kingdom is an example of steadfastness that is unparalleled " Valerian replied.

"I am the luckiest amongst men to love and have a Queen such as yourself." Alexander said.

"I couldn't be more honoured." Valerian replied.

"So I suppose that eventually this is the end?" Alexander asked.

"Not really." Valerian replied still waving and smiling at the Crowds.

"Is there anything else there is that I should know?" Alexander asked.

"The fact that the Coronation is over, there should be reason for celebration." Valerian replied.

"What more do you have in store for me?" Alexander asked.

"A feast, a banquet, a party to honour the coronation of his Majesty my King." Valerian replied.

"You get quite lavish on ceremonies such as these." Alexander said.

"I told you already, it is important in building and constructing a new image for the Crown." Valerian replied.

The carriage arrived at the palace and masses and many people were gathered outside the palace.

The doors to the Central balcony that overlooked the palace gates were opened and the King walked towards it.

Valerian followed and along with the Queen mother and the other members of the royal family, they waved to the crowds.

"This is quite a view." The Queen mother said.

"It is beautiful." Alexander said.

"As I said once again, the people love it when some transparency is given to the Crown." Valerian replied.
