The streets of Scoln were beaming with excitement, excitement that awakened the Royal residence.

There was a very loud and heavy bustle that rose from every household when at last, the day that had been anticipated by many had dawned.

Streets were lined with masses waving the Scoln flags, flowers and other beautiful decorations had been put in place.

"At last, the day is here." Valerian said as his servants in waiting got him all dressed for the ceremony.

"Who thought that it would feel this splendid?" Gerald asked.

"You are right, I never thought so my self either." Valerian replied.

There were young Scoln Duchesses who had been dressed in beautiful white dresses made of ivory silk tafetta.

Their dresses were all covered in very many pearls and diamonds and they had very many floral patterns all over them.

The duchesses wore floral like tiaras of the exact same design and each a pair of long white gloves.

The Duchesses were eight in number and they brought the Queen's maroon and golden train and attached it to Valerian's gown.

It wasn't fully exposed at first but with some small outstanding details, one would clearly tell that it was very wonderful.

Valerian after a while moved with his ladies in waiting bearing his train heading towards the direction of the imperial palace's residence.

The moment the doors were flung open, ahead of him was a very beautiful white and golden carriage that had been attached to twelve white stallions.

Valerian without any waste of time descended down the red carpeted stairs and with the carriage door opened for him, he walked right in and settled.

"Once he was seated inside with his train, the ladies in waiting moved on forward into another carriage of their own that was not far away.

Immediately after they had departed, Valerian caught sight of Alexander who was walking down the stairs of the palace towards the same carriage that was carrying him.

He looked regal in his own attire and his train was a little bit longer than Valerian's as it was born by ten Scoln Dukes.

The Carriage door was opened for him and he sat right in with his train as well.

The Dukes then moved forward into another carriage of their own as the two settled down.

It took a while for a couple of gunshots to be fired and these signalled that it was time for the procession to begin.

At once, the King's procession commenced led by a band that walked on foot while playing a set of instruments.

The Band was followed by three different regiments of the army with first the foot soldiers in three guards, the naval soldiers in three as well and eventually the horsemen also in three guards as well.

After them rode the Duchesses and then the Dukes and after the two rode the King and his Queen in their own carriage.

At last, behind the entire parade were the horsemen and footsoldiers.

As the carriage passed, the streets grew intensely louder and louder with cheer as they were lined with instrumentalists who loudly drummed as the King passed.

The ground shook as though an earth quake was passing and the neighbouring Kingdoms who heard the noises felt a little bit threatened and thought there was war.

Meanwhile, at that Cathedral, all the guests had started making their way in.

About ten thousand common people were allowed to enter and these were smartly dressed and had worn perhaps their best clothes.

On the side of the nobility, Dukes, Duchesses, peers and peeresses had all made their way into the building.

The princes of the Noble blood all were well dressed and were accompanied by their servants bearing both their trains and coronets at hand.

Amidst all that, the Queen mother stood at the entrance of the Cathedral.

She had been given another role but she insisted on remaining the head of the peeresses that eventually, Valerian and Alexander had decided to push her off with all the other noble visitors.

The sounds outside the Cathedral grew louder the Very instant that the State carriage came to a halt outside.

At once, a signal was given and the Queen mother began her procession into the building.

The music in the building started to play out loud as the carriage doors were opened and first, into the sight of the people walked Valerian.

He was dressed in a very beautiful satin and ivory silk dress, covered in diamonds and pearls and numerous floral and crown designs.

The dress itself was a wonderful and glittering masterpiece and on Valerian's head was a beautiful diamond tiara that shone brightly in the sunlight.

The people were amazed at the extra ordinary charm that Valerian possessed, he looked every inch like a goddess himself.

The applause from the people was loud that it threatened the foundations of the Capital as Valerian waved to the gathered masses.

That itself was a sign that he was in deed beloved by the people.

The Duchesses who had been waiting outside started to bear his long train all standing in order from the shortest to the tallest.

Slowly, while holding his gown, Valerian ascended the fourteen steps of the Cathedral that continued to beam with excitement.

With a couple of heralds leading the way, the procession of the Queen began.

After him, Alexander stepped out of the carriage dressed in a white and gold military uniform and himself wearing a white and golden military cape on his head.

The Dukes who were dressed in about the same attire but a little bit simplar walked and bore his train and with a couple of priests showing up to stand on either side of their King, he marched on after his King into the building.

It was sparkling and glittering with life, as colours of gold, red, blue, yellow, white, green, orange and purple covered the entire place.

The gathered masses standing both up and below were colourfuply dressed and the sunlight that shone through the wide coloured windows seemed to breathe life to the entire place.

There was a choir that was singing merrily as the King and Queen approached and they were joined by the rest of the people.

Oh watch thy King now coming in glory,

Dressed in both honour and Majesty,

Oh now to Crown among men to rejoice,

Along with the heavens and kings before.

Oh watch thy King now so graced in his treasures,

Glory from glory, A crown great and strong,

Heart of the Kingdom and jewel of his people,

Gloria, Majestica.

They all sung as Valerian continued and took his seat beside the Altar and Alexander followed.

After the entire Cathedral came to a  halt in the singing, once the King was seated they followed and sat down as well.

The King's train was detached from him and he remained in his military uniform.

The Priests presiding over the ceremony then moved forward and dressed him in a plain white cotton gown and led him to the throne.

Once there, the Dukes of the most noble order bore a four post golden canopy and brought it above the King.

The High Priest then moved forward followed by his assistant and they came to a stop.

Alexander was looking serious but once in a while sparing a glance at his beautiful Queen who constantly smiled at him.

The Queen mother who was seated right above Valerian looked at the entire ceremony but did not seem pleased at all.

Once in a while, her glance skipped from across her side with the peeresses to the peers' side where Prince Alfred was looking at her.

The High Priest once in a close range with the King it was clearly the time to take the oaths.

"What an elaborate ceremony, the canopy and all this drama is so unScoln in nature." Prince Alfred said to one of the Dukes that stood beside him.

"An exact replica of an Endran coronation." The Duke replied.

"Exactly what you get when you have a foreigner organizing such a sacred event.

It feels polluted the fact that there are ordinaries amongst us which isn't the case." Prince Alfred said.

"At least it couldn't get any worse." The Duke said.

"I wouldn't be so sure if I were you." Prince Alfred replied.

"This is all entirely a useless spectre." The Duke said.

"What more would we expect, it seems there is a man above this Scoln King of ours and it so happens to be that man is his Queen." Prince Alfred said.

"Judging from the way that things are, the King looks to be like the type of person who would do anything just so that he could please him." The Duke said.

"Of course he does." Prince Alfred replied.

"Is his Majesty willing to take the oath?" The High Priest asked.

"Yes, I am willing." Alexander replied.

"Will you, King Alexander govern and rule the people there are within this realm with justice and equality.

Promote and abide by the laws that have been set by Kings, your fathers and forefathers who have come on before you.

Protect and maintain in this Kingdom the ancient culture and religion and love and be in the service of your subjects inviolably?" The High Priest asked.

"I will as with the help of the gods that have commissioned me for this purpose exercise it all.

Without fear and favour and for the everlasting will of the gods and this country.

My oath is solemn, my oath is sincere and my oath shall be so for my people to love and to cherish me as their King, Sovereign and Emperor." Alexander replied.

"Then they who have given you this duty have annointed you." The High Priest said as he dipped his thumb into olive oil.

"Thy hands, the gods have annointed with oil." The High Priest said as he placed the oip gently on Alexander's palms.

"Thy heart, the gods have annointed with oil." The High Priest added as he rubbed a bit of it on Alexander's chest.

"Thy head, the gods have annointed with oil." The High Priest said as he applied the last of it on Alexander's fore head.

At once, he immediately withdrew and bowed his head.

"Your Majesty is now ready." The High Priest said.