Valerian awoke only to the sight of a smiling face towering above his.
He seriously knew it very well but it was the least that he had expected to see before opening his eyes.
"Valerian." Alexander called his name.
"You're awake?" He added.
"Yes." Valerian weakly replied as he strived to gain his composure.
"Finally." Alexander said with Valerian struggling to sit up.
Alexander helped him sit beside him and lean against the pillow.
"How do you feel?" Alexander asked.
"Better, much better." Valerian replied.
He touched his head.
"I told you that work was heavy and exhausting for you." Alexander scolded softly.
"What happened to me?" Valerian asked.
"You fainted." Alexander replied straight forward.
"And what happened after that?" Valerian asked.
"I had the Royal Doctor check you out." Alexander replied.
"And?" Valerian asked.
"There is both good and bad news." Alexander replied.
"Tell me the bad News." Valerian ordered.
"Firstly, your movements are going to be restricted from now on and I have your schedule adjusted to pretty much nothing." Alexander replied.
"Why would you do that?" Valerian asked.
"I have two reasons and the first is for your safety." Alexander replied.
"The Second." Valerian asked.
"That is the good News." Alexander replied.
"What is it?" Valerian asked.
"You are pregnant." Alexander replied.
Valerian froze before he reacted only a while later with a smile.
"Are you serious?" Valerian asked.
"Yes." Alexander said.
"That means." Valerian said.
"You are going to be a mother and me a father." Alexander replied.
Valerian pulled Alexander into a hug.
"The gods heard our prayer." Valerian said as he shed tears of joy.
"I know that too." Alexander said and eventually the two pulled apart.
Valerian stared through the window and it was soon approaching to dusk.
"Alexander." Valerian called.
"Yes?" Alexander replied.
"It is nearly time for the party." Valerian said.
"I know." Alexander replied.
"The decorations." Valerian said.
"They were already taken care of." Alexander replied.
"It is now time for you to get ready." Alexander added.
"I can now do it on my own." Valerian said.
"I am not going to let you convince me you can." Alexander Said.
"It is the truth you know." Valerian said.
"From now on, I am going to devote my time to watching you." Alexander said.
"I don't want you fainting in the tub this time." Alexander added.
"Alright, fine then." Valerian said as he surrendered to Alexander's plea.
They helped him out of his bed and the two moved towards the bathroom where they showered together.
A while later, they returned and their clothes had been put in place for them.
Gerald and Helren were standing there waiting for them.
"You may leave." Alexander waved them off.
"And dressing the both of you?" Gerald asked.
"We can do it just fine." Alexander replied.
"Alright then your Majesty." The two said in unison as they bowed their heads.
Immediately afterwards, they turned around and exited the bedroom leaving Alexander alone with Valerian.
"Are you sure that we can do this on our own." Valerian said as he stared at his sparkling white dress.
"Yes." Alexander replied.
"Alright then." Valerian replied.
Alexander got him dressed and tied the dress' strings behind.
He moved to the drawer and then he opened it and pulled out a jewelry box which he opened.
In it was a very big seven strand diamond necklace that was additionally adorned with pearls.
He took it and tied it around Valerian's neck and he started to compare which earrings to go with it.
It went well with a pair of small dangly diamond earrings in the shape of a swan and the King put them on his consort's ears.
He then put on a blue sash on Valerian which bore the honour of the Garter and some jewels.
He eventually crowned it all with a very beautiful diamond tiara which he placed on Valerian's head.
It was too big and too bright but eventually, Valerian was allowed a glimpse of himself in the mirror.
He really looked radiant.
"How ever did you learn to make some one look this Charming?" Valerian asked.
"I have seen Gerald doing it way too many times I could not possibly forget to make my consort look gorgeous." Alexander replied.
He moved his head to the right side of Valerian and then pecked him on the cheek.
"I must say it really is amazing." Valerian complemented his husband.
"Thank you so much." Alexander replied.
He was only in a towel at the moment when Valerian stood up and looked at him.
"What?" Valerian asked the moment that Alexander shot him a piercing look.
"Don't you know?" Alexander said as he signalled to his body with his own eyes.
"What?" Valerian asked pretending not to get the point.
"I have dressed you very well." Alexander said.
"So?" Valerian asked.
"I think you should return the favour, I am a king and I can not get dressed on my own." Alexander said .
"You should have thought about that before dismissing Gerald and Helren." Valerian replied.
"Well they aren't here for me to take it back." Alexander said as he moved closer.
"And I am sure that the Doctor said I shouldn't overwork myself so you can dress yourself up." Valerian replied with a smile.
"I never thought that you would be this conniving to have your own way." Alexander said with a smile.
"I will only sit and criticized you." Valerian replied with a smile.
"Alright, fine if you say so." Alexander said and Valerian walked over to the bed and sat down.
Alexander wore his suit which was a red and gold military coat, a pair of white tights and long white stockings.
"How do I look?" Alexander asked.
"Perfect." Valerian replied.
Valerian stood up and walked over to Alexander and the two held each other arm in arm.
"Are you ready for the ball?" Alexander asked.
Valerian sighed before he replied.
"Yes." He said with a smile.
The two then walked towards the doors which were opened for them and then they travelled down the hallways.
Very many prestigious families from the Kingdom had gathered and a few princes and princesses and Monarchs from surrounding monarchies as well.
They were in the ballroom and the Majority were talking amongst themselves.
It was an event the Queen mother had not missed any she was still lost talking to a few older duchesses and Queen consort's and dowagers.
Suddenly, the Master of ceremonies moved to the central front of the hall.
He stood at the end of the staircase that marked the stage where the High table was set.
"Order." He called and all the guests in their capacities quietened down.
"Presenting his Royal Majesty King Alexander of Scoln and his Queen Valerian." The man announced.
The guards slammed the floor with their staffs and the main doors of the room were opened to reveal the Royal couple.
Stepping into the light, the two were adorned with beauty and charm and in deed every one was impressed by how wonderful they looked.
"They are a match made in the heavens." A few whispered amongst themselves as the Queen mother travelled over to Prince Alfred.
"A wonderful occasion." She whispered.
"I wouldn't miss this magnificent Royal Charade." The Prince replied.
Valerian and Alexander walked as Alexander supported Valerian's left hand while he moved his head side to side with a smile.
Most of the women might have been jealous of him and most of the men might have been jealous of Alexander.
Nevertheless, the couple didn't mind showing off each other a little bit excessively.
The two arrived at the high table and immediately they were ready, they sat down.
There were lots of celebrations that had continued for a very long time.
Expensive wines and champagnes were all on full display and all that was left was the attention the Royal couple had.
How to get that, the King stood up and struck his glass with a spoon.
There was an immediate response of silence from the hall and even the music ceased to play.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, all you that are here today, I couldn't be more grateful for your Presence." Alexander said.
The congregation applauded him.
"We are gathered here today to celebrate the life of my marriage, our marriage which has stood steadfast for all this time.
I can not give all the credit to myself but in the three years I have been married, the three years we have been a family they were the best so far.
For every pain we have endured and where there has been loss and a distance between us, I am thankful that you my Queen have stayed faithful.
Even when I made you angry and you never broke my heart you have been my strength and stay so far.
You have been my pillar as a King and you taught me that without you, I simply can not be the best King Scoln can have.
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to be a father once again on this our third anniversary this year." Alexander said.
The congregation burst into an applause and Valerian was suddenly in tears.
He was so moved that he couldn't think of a better way to react.
His husband had just praised him in front of all those multitudes.
Many whispered amongst themselves.
"He is pregnant, again?" The Queen mother said a little bit surprised.
"This is a disaster." Prince Alfred said.
"What do we do now?" The Queen mother asked as the two who'd been happy a couple of moments ago started to melt in worry.