The capital was so lifeless and full of mourning.
It was the exact opposite of Colsgrow one would have said.
Every one from the lowly people to the highest officials wore black.
Even the uniforms of the royal guards were all fully dark as well.
By the time the Royal convoy rode through the streets, hardly anyone was dying to have a glimpse of the new king.
The carriage that carried the New imperial couple eventually came to a halt in the courtyard.
It was opened and out of it, With Conelm leading the way, Soren followed while supporting his long black dress with his hands.
The two walked up to the entrance of the palace which had magically lost its touch of liveliness.
Itself, was caught up in a very dark and rather unpleasant appearance.
"I suppose we give life to this building." The King casually said to his consort.
"There is no life we can give to it for now." Valerian said.
"I shall take your word for it." Alexander said.
"Your Royal Majesty." The deceased King's Private secretary said as he bowed his head.
All the servants and every one present paid their respect by bowing and curtsing.
"Take me to him." Alexander demanded.
"But there is one thing that he asked me to give you before he breathed his last." The Secretary said.
"Where?" Alexander asked.
"This way." The Private secretary signalled for them to walk inside.
Alexander agreed and the new King along with his consort were accompanied to one of the large living rooms of Sattinborough palace.
Once the Imperial couple was inside, the Private secretary closed the door and out of his pockets he pulled out an envelope.
He handed the envelope over to Alexander and Alexander took it into his possession.
He was a little bit too hesitant but he was encouraged by Valerian who nodded as though signalling for him to read it.
Alexander pulled the envelope close to his face and read the small sentence that had been written on it.
"TO THE FUTURE KING." He looked on puzzled for a while.
He opened the envelope and inside it, he saw a cream piece of paper which was folded.
He pulled it out and unfolded it to reveal a really long letter in a handwriting he was too familiar with.
For My son, My Pride,
I understand that I have little time left and as my doctor tells me I can barely survive this calling.
The will of the gods for me is done and very many times I pretended that every thing was good yet I knew that it wasn't.
I have kept this secret from you and from every one else.
I am suffering from a disease that is uncurable and just as fate had it, I simply had to push you away.
I hoped that it would reduce your grief, give you much ease and eventually give you some time with your family.
I know that very many times I was against what you did, not because I wanted but may be because I misunderstood you.
For all that it was I hope that you can now forgive me for every thing that I have done to you.
I tought you to be brave, be strong and if you are reading this right now then it means that my time in this world is over.
At this particular hour, the country mourns not just my death but yours as well.
The responsibility of the dynasty one that our ancestors built now rests on your shoulders and the legacy of our fore fathers depemds on you.
Very many times you asked me what it was about the Crown, its significance to the people.
Now I believe that you can eventually understand that the Crown is heaven, the crown might and the crown is god.
It is an honor that remains unchanged and it is a title that is eternal.
Along with it come the most turbulent of periods and similarly vanish the most awful of them as well.
It is defined by utmost duty to the gods and the state, the people that require a leader that is strong and mighty to defend them all.
Understand that the weight of the Crown is uneasy and be ready to bear it.
You are distinct among men and there are things that as king you can never do.
You are final by word but let your conscience be clear and your judition very fair.
You are undoubted and annointed so every action goes reflected either as the will of the gods or the will of usurpers.
You are crowned so that every one knows you are chosen of the gods and not of the people.
Finally, you shall perish and will remain a monarch eternal in the world of the dead along with those great kings that went on before you.
For all there is, please do remember that the Crown doesn't express.
For every thing that you personally cherish and hold dear to yourself you mustn't really show.
Understand that a good king mustn't seek out war but should always be prepared for it.
Eventually, when the people see you wearing that Crown and carrying out its responsibilities, don't give them reason to see it as a burden.
When they see the crown, simply give them the reason to see the eternal, like the gods unchallanged, unequaled yet of all things a blessing.
This is your new age and my only prayer is that you are able to understand that in this life laid out for you, duty endures.
Many Kings shall come and go but it is your duty to ensure that the monarchy still stands and that your legacy is preserved.
For all that it is worth to you from this very hour, this very moment and this very day, there is nothing more efficient, nothing more solemn and nothing more dignified than the Crown.
The Crown is yours to wear and the duty of protecting it rests with you and your power alone.
Many may rise to protest but ensure that the Crown maintains its right place and that is above all else.
This is your Kingdom come and may the gods bless, long live the King Alexander.
Alexander concluded and there at the end was the king's seal on the document and his name on it.
"Where does my father's body lie?" Alexander asked.
"It is still in his bedroom." The Secretary replied.
"I am headed there for it." Alexander said and at once he strode out of the room.
Valerian followed his husband who had the attention of every one in the palace as he ascended up the stairs.
The two were escorted to the second floor on which the King's chambers were and very much to the very least of their expectations, the entire place was lined up with mourners of the Imperial family.
Valerian stopped at a distance as his husband continued and eventually came to a halt outside the bedroom doors.
He stood and mused there for a while facing them and the guards were only waiting for his signal to open the doors.
Eventually, after a while of silence, it seemed that Alexander had the courage to walk in so he ordered that the doors be opened un to him.
The guards responded immediately and Alexander made his way inside as they closed the doors to the rest of the people outside.
Alexander stood beside the bad as he slowly studied the lifeless body of his father so pale and thinner than he had been while he was alive.
He looked so peaceful, he looked so still but Alexander still hadn't even shed a single tear.
"I guess for all this time, you probably knew that I would be Alexander after all." Alexander said.
There was plain silence that followed.
"Still no response I suppose." He said as he came up closer to the bed to study the corpse.
"You never wanted me to feel pain, you never wanted me to know that you are soon going to perish.
Ten years' experience managing the Crown I never hoped that you would pass it down to me so soon." Alexander continued saying.
Still, there was a lingering silence around the place.
"But I won't be a King like you, I won't be a king like my fore fathers, I will be the King that I want and one that history shall forever remember." Alexander said.
Once he was done, he turned around and knocked on the door.
The door was opened and he walked up to the rest of his family that was in mourning.
They all stopped and looked at him.
Valerian, his consort moved forward first amongst all the mourners, he kissed his left cheek and then he curtsied to show his allegiance.
A while after him, Alexander's younger sisters followed and did the same thing.
Conelm's brother followed and he did the same but knelt down on one knee and eventually, the Queen mother paid her own respect after every one else.
Alexander walked away and started to descend down the stairs only to be cut off when the rest of the servants of the household along with other members of the extended family bowed and curtsied to accord him respect.
"Long live the King." They said in unison as they looked up to the young man, the pride and future of their dynasty.