Candinghum like it's master once was stood steadfast.

Strong but at that very hour was caught between two different emotions.

The first being a state of pain and mourning and the other a state of jubilation and gladness.

What more was there for the world to hear, it had been three hours after Conelm has received the awful news.

"I understand that it is not very easy your Majesty but you must return to the capital with me." The Prime Minister said to the King.

The three who included Soren, the New Queen were all gathered and having some tea.

"I think it is a little too late for tea at this hour." Conelm said as rejected the cup Soren offered.

"It shall make you feel better." Soren insisted.

"Hmmm." Conelm eventually muttered after he looked at Soren and saw him smiling.

"That shall make you stronger." Soren assured.

"May I proceed if it is okay with your Majesty?" The Prime Minister asked.

"Yes." Conelm replied.

"Thank you your Majesty." The Prime Minister said.

"Just make it quick." Conelm said.

"It is important that we decide on your name, the name that you shall take as King and your Consort's as well." The Prime Minister said.

"Why is that?" Conelm asked curiosly.

"It is just in case his Majesty wishes, very many Kings had infant names that were changed upon their ascension." The Prime minister replied.

"We might consider the Names, Conelm and Alexander however for your consort you must choose any name you wish from a criteria of royal names.

"Which of the names must I choose?" Conelm asked.

"A name that was initially given to you at birth, there is only two for you without the family name and that is Conelm and Alexander." The Prime Minister replied.

"Is it necessary for me to chose the name right now?" Conelm asked.

"Very esential, you shall need it to begin your official duties as King and sovereign." The Prime Minister replied.

"May I ask a question?" Conelm asked.

"Feel free." The Prime Minister replied.

Conelm stood up and moved towards the window where he gazed at the city outside.

"How many Kings have come before me bearing the name Conelm?" Conelm asked.

"Two your Majesty." The Prime Minister replied.

"And Alexander?" Conelm asked.

"None." The Prime Minister replied.

"Then my decision shall stand?" Conelm asked.

"As always, the final say is now yours Your Majesty." The Prime Minister.

"I wish for an era of change." Conelm said.

"From now on, I wish to be called Alexander." Conelm replied.

"Long Live King Alexander? A brilliant choice your Majesty." The Prime Minister said as he stood up.

"It is final." The New King said.

"And your consort?" The Prime Minister asked.

"Soren?" (Conelm) then Alexander asked.

"Yes." The Prime Minister replied.

"What criteria of names have been brought forward, we can discuss it now." Alexander said as he moved back to his seat and sat down beside Soren.

"The names are Ranavelona, Arian, Morden and Valerian." The Prime Minister replied.

"I prefer the last." Soren said.

"Valerian?" The Prime Minister asked.

"Yes." Soren replied.

"Have there been any Queens with that name?" Alexander asked.

"There has been a female Queen Valeria but I guess for a male Queen...." the Prime Minister was still saying and was interrupted.

"Valerian is fine." Soren insisted.

"If he goes with it then I have no problem at all, as long as it makes my Queen happy." Alexander eventually said.

"Alright then." The Prime Minister replied and at once he stood up.

"I shall wait and if his Majesty desires I may leave for the capital with you." The Prime Minister said.

"Feel free." Alexander said and he eventually bowed down his head and walked out of the room.

(Soren) then Valerian remained alone with his husband.

"I am so sorry." Valerian said.

"You shouldn't be." Alexander replied.

"I may understand what it means to lose a father you love but bearing the weight if the Crown I have no idea." Valerian said.

"It was inevitable and the gods that gave him life decided." Alexander said.

"Then do me at least one favour." Valerian asked.

"What is it?" Alexander replied as he looked at Valerian in the eyes.

"Promise me that you are going to get over this." Valerian said.

"I am not sure it is easy." Alexander replied.

"It doesn't have to be, you simply have to be strong because I have got your back right now." Valerian said with a smile.

"I shall try my level best." Alexander said.

"I know you can do it, after all, your father must have believed that you would make a fine King." Valerian said.

"Thank you." Alexander said as he shed only one small tear.

Valerian caught it just in time and wiped it away and eventually, he smiled.

"I feel better." Alexander openly admitted.

"I knew you were strong enough." Valerian happily said.

"Let us go." Alexander said as he stood up.

Valerian followed a while later and the two walked out hand in hand.


"News must have reached them already by now." Prince Alfred said to the Queen Dowager.

"My son has seen a very immediate ascension to the throne." Marietta said.

"What happened to the regency?" Prince Alfred asked.

"The Prime Minister rejected it." Marietta said out of fury.

"He must have been really devouted to your husband." Prince Alfred said.

"He was literally his political puppet." Queen Marietta replied.

"It must be a pity that his master died at such an inappropriate time." Prince Alfred said.

"Apparently my son is old enough to rule on his own so there is no need for a regency." Queen Marietta says.

"He is twenty one and the Prime Minister and the people have reason to believe that he is ready for his responsibility as King." Prince Alfred replied.

"So I am unable to hold the reins of power if my son is already the people's favorite." Queen Marietta said.

"Your husband was bound to die anyway, he just never let it show." Prince Alfred.

"Sadly, even now it is a pity that his death is useless to me." Queen Marietta said.

"I wouldn't say that if I were you, perhaps there is still a chance." Prince Alfred said.

"You can not tell me that when literally every thing there was that we orchestrated did not go according to plan." Queen Marietta said.

"Give it a thought, you can use the situation to your advantage." Prince Alfred said.

"How?" Queen Marietta asked.

"Before the King died, he had issued a decree to give you the final act." Prince Alfred said.

"My son is the King, his word is final and his powers are absolute, it is possible that he can rule out the decree." Queen Marietta said.

"Then give him reason to believe that the monarchy still needs you." Prince Alfred said.

"How can I certainly do that?" Queen Marietta.

"Ten years experience bearing the crown, I am sure you must find a way to insist that you hold some powers.

At least that way, it shall be more effective if you got your son to believe he needs your help." Prince Alfred said.

"And what then eventually?" Queen Marietta asked.

"Convince him to place you on an equal footing just like his." Prince Alfred replied.

"After all it is just as they say, blood is thicker than water." Prince Alfred added.

"And what about you?" Queen Marietta.

"I shall take good care of myself, let us go step by step and eventually when all is well, you may consider appointing me as your private secretary." Prince Alfred said.

"Then so be it." Marietta said.


"Long live King Alexander." The royal guards shouted as they shot bullets into the sky.

The New King and his Queen stepped out of the royal palace into the view of the masses who were gathered outside.

Very many people were on the fence and were each struggling to have a glimpse of the new royal couple.

Alexander swiftly made his way into the carriage and Valerian followed and the doors were shut.

The guards cleared the gates and the procession to leave the palace and the city of Colsgrow started immediately.

The carriage passed through the streets that had not even a single sign of morning amongst the people.

"They all seem happy." Alexander said.

"Indeed." Valerian replied.

"Why?" Alexander asked.

"It is supposed to be a state of national mourning here." He added.

"They have a reason to celebrate." Valerian said.

"Why?" Alexander asked.

"They have a new King who is young and strong and additionally so loved.

They have been given a chance to look at the dawn of a new age that could redefine the nature of the Crown.

An age that you shall usher in as their new King and Sovereign." Valerian replied.

"With you by my side." Alexander said.

"Always." Valerian gladly replied with a smile.