It was early in the morning and it had been a week since the royal couple had left the capital.
The sun was slowly rising and possessing the firmament and the melodies of birds had started to resound in the air.
The gushing of the ocean water with waves rising amd tides waning could be heard and slowly, the fog was starting to lift off the ground.
There had never been any form of news and as usual, there was so much calmness in the area it felt so purely natural and peaceful.
At last there sound of branches and leaves being crushed starts to develop and shortly after, the splashing of water from it's puddles.
There a pitch black stallion rode through the streets almost as fast as the Northern winds with its speed unchallenged as two other similar white and roan breeds followed.
The three tried to stick to the same pace and keep close to one another.
It was clear that whatever the intention of the riders was it was to be executed with swiftness.
The sound of the horse shoes clicking against the ground grew relatively louder and louder.
Every one walking on the streets had to move away to prevent being knocked down by the horse.
"Out of the way." A couple of other riders shouted.
At last under the aegis of the black hat was a face that was all too familiar for some people to recognize.
It was not very new at all but the one with a sounding name and personality.
The people struggled to interprete every word that the riders were yelling as fast as they could.
They fought to react quickly and a couple of times it was a close call of multiple collisions into other innocents and also their property.
The horses continued running with their riders too steadfast and sober they barely slowed down.
It looked like they knew what they were doing until eventually they arrived at the palace gates just in time.
"Who are you?" The gate keepers asked.
The man did not reply but he instead lifted up the imperial seal from the King himself.
That alone was enough for the gate keepers and royal guards to react without asking any further questions.
The gates were opened and the horses rode right into the beautiful but empty palace courtyard.
At once, the rider on the black horse jumped off just in time before his horse could eventually come to a halt.
The palace doors were flung open and at once the Lord Chamberlain descended down the flight of stairs.
"Mr. Prime Minister." The Lord Chamberlain yelled.
"I need to speak to the Prince." The Prime Minister said as he led the way to the interior of the palace.
"What is the matter?" The Lord Chamberlain asked.
"I am out of time." The Prime Minister replied as he checked every room.
"Where is he?" The Prime Minister eventually asked as though just noticing he couldn't find the Prince on his own.
"His highness is out walking with his consort beside the sea." The Lord Chamberlain replied.
"I need an audience with him." The Prime Minister said.
"I shall send for him." The Lord Chamberlain replied.
At once, the Chamberlain waved one of the servants away.
The morning was colourful and the royal couple mused at the sea as they walked back in the direction of the magnificent palace.
The Prince was at ease with his consort and one would think they were any other ordinary couple enjoying themselves.
They walked following the same leg pattern with their feet touching the wet beach sand.
All that Soren wore was a light translucent sky blue gown and Conelm on the other hand a very big long sleeved shirt that was oversized on him.
He wore a pair of maroon shorts and his hair was wet and a little bit too messy.
There was a mild breeze that came from the sea and was too beautiful yet in a distance, there was the beautiful sunrise.
"Your Highness." The two were interrupted.
They looked up and in a distance there was Helren and Gerald waving at them.
"I think we should go back." Soren told Conelm.
"I am sure it can wait, I want to enjoy the rest of the morning with you." Conelm shrugged it off.
"Your Royal Highness, duty calls now." Soren said.
"But isn't my dearest my duty as well?" Conelm asked.
"We can come back another morning, we live here remember." Soren insisted.
"Alright." Conelm eventually gave up.
At once, the two walked towards their servants as there servants stood by.
"What is the problem here?" Conelm asked.
"The Prime Minister is here." Helren replied.
"That is a pity, I was busy." Conelm happily said.
Soren struck his side with his right hand.
"That is mean of his highness." Soren said.
"It hurt by the way." Conelm winced.
"Please come with us your Highness." Gerald said.
"I was coming either way." Conelm replied and he continued into the palace.
He was taking his time with Soren holding his hand.
They were having a very great time until eventually, Conelm arrived in the palace lobby.
There gathered was the Prime Minister his secretary and another man that looked more of a guard than an official.
"To what do I owe an early visit from the Prime Minister himself?" Conelm calmly asked.
The Prime Minister simply kept quiet as he wore a very long face.
He went down on his knees and so did the rest of the men that had calm along with him.
"Forgive me." The Prime Minister said.
"What could the problem here be?" Conelm asked.
"Your father, the King is dead, at half past midnight, he breathed his last in the sleep.
Long live Your Majesty." The Prime Minister consequently said as he took hold of the King's right hand and kissed it.
At once, every one who was present from Helren to Gerald bowed their head.
Conelm looked around and his eyes rested first on Soren who moved away two steps behind.
"What?" Conelm asked as he looked at him.
"Long live the King." Soren said as he curtsied and his knee touched the ground.
Conelm stood there expressionless, if there was grief, it was struggling ti break free but he didn't give it the chance.
"We await your order your Majesty." The Prime Minister intervened when he noticed that the King was not reacting and stood still like a statue.
"You may all rise." Conelm ordered and at once, every one stood up.
Before the Prime Minister would even say another word, Conelm strode out of sight.
"Your Majesty." Soren called.
"I shall need to spend some time alone." Conelm said.
"Alright." Soren replied and nodded his head.
At once, Conelm ascended the flight of stairs.
Soren was about to leave when the Prime Minister halted him.
"Your Majesty?" The Prime Minister called.
"What is the problem?" Soren asked.
"There are things that I must discuss with you." The Prime Minister replied.
"What about?" Soren asked.
"About his Majesty, your husband." The Prime Minister replied.
"Excuse me?" Soren asked.
"It needs his urgent attention." The Prime Minister replied.
"This is a very delicate matter." Soren said.
"And it needs immediate attention." The Prime Minister said.
"Spare my husband, he has already lost his father, I do not expect you to go hard on him." Soren said.
"I insist, we must discuss about this." The Prime Minister said.
"And how much time have we left?" Soren asked.
"Approximately twenty four hours." The Prime Minister replied.
"Anything there is that concerns my husband without his very own prior knowledge I withdraw my intervention.
Let him settle down with what he has to settle with for the time being." Soren replied.
"I am afraid that I can not do anything for you, you may feel at home because there is still enough time.
My husband is your King now and there is no need for you to rush things if he is not comfortable." Soren added.
"Very well then, your Majesty." The Prime Minister said as he handed over the King's seal to him.
Soren took it without hesitation and studied it for a while before speaking up to the Prime Minister once again.
"I shall take your word for it Mr. Prime Minister." Soren said.
"Helren, Gerald, I want you to get everything ready for our departure." Soren commanded.
"Yes your Majesty." The two of them replied.
At once Soren strode up the stairs holding his dress and stopped in the hallway where there stood a mirror.
He gazed at his own reflection which looked vividly strong willed as he remembered the words that he had one time spoken himself.
"I shall be a Queen unlike the ones before me." He spoke to himself again.
With valor, zeal and gusto all blending to form a new personality that was no longer merely royal but rather every inch very regal.