Trip to Luna's

Cross stayed in his room for most of the summer, studying his Time element every single moment of the day.

One day

Cross was sitting at the breakfast table, staring at a glowing orange orb in his hand while shoveling food into his mouth with the other. His red hair was all over the place and he looked like a beggar. Marcus was used to seeing him like this, it's been a month since he started looking like this.

Suddenly an owl flew in from the window and landed on the table with a letter in it's mouth.

Marcus took the letter and looked at the name on the front before being bewildered. He looked up at Cross and said "Cross, it's for you.." Cross waved with his fork and said "I'm not home." Marcus chuckled and waved the letter saying "It's from a 'Luna Lovegood'."

Cross turned his head to him and Daphne lunged at the letter, Marcus lifted it up and she fell flat on her face. Cross dropped his fork and hooked his finger, Marcus let go of the letter with a smirk and it flew over to Cross' hand.

Marcus looked at Daphne on the floor and whispered "Who is this Luna, girl?" Daphne grumbled "A loony bin at our school." Marcus chuckled and asked "A loony bin?" Daphne replied "She's loopy, out of it, not good in the head, strange..." Marcus' face turned black as she went on and on.

Cross opened the letter and read the contents.

'Dear Cross,

I got tickets to the Quidditch World Cup so I'm bringing you along before the Nargles steal my tickets and sell them to the Floomplesnuffs. Oh also, clean yourself up before you get here.


Her address was included in the letter, Cross mumbled to himself for a few moments while Marcus read the letter and said "Oh, Boy! What are you hesitating for? A girl who buys you tickets to the Quidditch World cup? She's a keeper for sure!"

Daphne and Astoria were stunned while Cross sighed "I don't like Quidditch." Marcus smacked him saying "Idiot! It's not about the Quidditch! Go clean yourself up! Go! What are you waiting for?!" Cross rubbed his head and said "Alright old man! Jeez! I'm going!"

Cross crushed the time bubble in his hands and went to shower, change, etc.

A while later

Cross came out with a black hoodie, white t-shirt, blue jeans, and blue sneakers. He was wearing his beast backpack and had his storage bag inside it, his wand was in his pocket and he was ready to go.

Alyssa looked him over and fixed his hair as she said "What a good looking son I have! He takes after me!" while sighing happily. Marcus, Daphne, and Astoria looked at each other, seemingly thinking the same thing 'He's adopted, he can't look like you'

Cross scrunched up his nose at Alyssa's care and she laughed before pinching his nose as she said "Bring home a daughter-in-law." Cross choked on his saliva and Marcus coughed as he said "Honey.. He's only 14 years old.."

Alyssa snorted and replied "We can find him a fiancée. I seem to recall someone else had one when he was born." Marcus turned his head away and Cross said "Anyway, I'll be leaving then!" Marcus said "I'll bring you." Cross smirked and replied "No need." before whistling.

Blue came out of the bag and grew to the size of 2 meters. Cross hopped on her back and waved to the rest as he said "See you later! Love you! Bye!"

Blue chirped and took off, flying into the sky and disappearing.

Marcus sighed and Alyssa wiped her eyes as she said "He grew up so fast!" Astoria and Daphne were still standing there with black lines on their foreheads. Apparently their own parents didn't think of them...

A while later

Cross landed in front of a giant Rook-like building. Blue chirped and the door on the house opened, Luna walked out and smiled as she said "Did you rush over?" Cross coughed and said "My dad sent me off." Luna smiled slyly and said "Right. Of course." Cross chuckled and Luna stroked Blue's neck as she said "Would you like to come inside?"

Cross smiled stiffly and nodded, Blue nuzzled against Luna's face before shrinking and sitting on her head. Luna smiled and said "Follow me." as she grabbed his hand and walked to her house.

Cross followed along with a small smile as they walked into the house.

Cross looked around and was amazed at all the paper, artifacts, drawings, and decorations. Luna said "My dad likes to experiment with artifacts. Though he's gone a bit crazy, I hope you don't mind." Cross shook his head and a man with long white hair popped out of the kitchen as he said "Luna, where is my-"

His words got caught in his throat as he saw a boy! His mind turned as he walked up to Cross and looked him up and down, walking around him and looking around carefully.

Cross tensed up and he remembered what Alyssa said at the house, his face heated up and the tips of his ears turned red as both his ears twitched. Luna was also a bit embarrassed, and teh man backed off as he mumbled "Nargle free.. No Sugarplum Crookstacks.. What do you want with my daughter, strange boy?"

Cross' eye turned thinking of an answer as he said "Uhhh..." Luna stepped in and said "Dad, we're going to the Quidditch game tomorrow." Luna's dad ignored her and looked at Cross deeply, his crazy eyes focusing and becoming sane as he stared at Cross.

Cross blinked and said "I.." he tilted his head and his expression frosted over "I will protect her." Luna's dad's eyes widened slightly as he said "Really, and how will you manage to do that?" Cross put his hand on Luna's dad's head and said in Elven "Ultimate Cleanse."

Luna's dad backed off and shook his head, Luna stepped forward but Cross put his arm in front of her and said "Hold on a second." Luna stopped and her dad straightened out as he said "Hmm. I see... Unfortunately I have been this way for too long, lad."

Cross sighed and put his arm down, looking sad. Luna's dad smiled and said "Fortunately for me, there may still be revenge. You have my blessing, boy. I'm Xenophilius Lovegood."

Cross' sad expression was washed away and he choked on his saliva. When did I ask for you blessing, you crazy old man?! Luna felt her eyes twitch and her face froze, a smooth pink blush ran across her face.

Xenophilius laughed and sat down in a chair, letting out a breath. Luna pulled Cross to the couch and Cross said "Um.. I'm Cross Greengrass. I'm adopted and I have no parents." Luna looked at Cross, completely speechless. Why don't you tell him what you had for breakfast too?

Xenophilius chuckled and said "There's no need to be nervous, Cross. I believe Luna will be safe in your hands." Cross scratched his neck and said "She will be." as his face completely turned red, what was he supposed to say? No?!

Luna blushed and glared at her father, there was no need to talk about this at all! They weren't even that close yet, at least not close enough to marriage!

Xenophilius nodded and said "Good. Thank god, you don't have any Lemontwixies on you which is a blessing." Cross was lost and looked at Luna, who said "He's right. Those are really nasty." with a teasing look in her eyes.

Cross let out a breath before saying "It's good you don't have any Hortuct Sprites in you house." Xenophilius' eyes lit up and he said "I used a Crumple-Horned Snorkack horn to keep them away!" Cross was shocked and said "You have a Crumple-Horned Snorkack horn!?" Xenophilius dragged him away while explaining how he came across the Crumple-Horned Snorkack, leaving Luna dumbfounded on the couch.

A while later

Cross and Xenophilius were talking like old friends while Luna was sitting by the side with a sour face. The clock on the wall rang and Xenophilius sighed as he said "Time for sleep. Excellent talking with you today, Cross! You're welcome anytime!" Cross smiled and said "Thank you, oh and if you ever get infected by a Shortonkle you can come look for me!"

Xenophilius and Cross laughed, while Luna's face got even more sour.

Xenophilius went to bed and only Cross and Luna were left.

Cross sighed and looked over seeing Luna's sour face. He was confused and said "What's wrong?" Luna snorted and said "Have fun?" Cross nodded and said "Your dad is very knowledgeable." Luna said "Of course he is. My dad is the best." Cross nodded and said "Probably."

Luna coughed, not expecting Cross to agree, before saying "How have you been? Did you get 'that' under control?" Cross sighed and said "Barely. So far I can go 3x slower or 3x faster and everything under that."

He waved his fingers over the table and a bubbled hovered in the air, Cross threw a peanut through the bubble and it shot out of the bubble 3 times faster than before. Luna gasped and said "That's so cool!"

Cross smiled and said "Just barely, I don't know if it's safe to use on people. I don't have a test subject.." Luna smiled and said "What about Carl?" Cross chuckled and said "Carl wouldn't even look at it when I told him what it was..."

Luna giggled and said "You can try it on me." Cross frowned and said "And if you explode? What do I do then?" extremely serious. Luna was startled, she was just joking but her heart felt warm and she quieted down, a smooth blush running across her face.

Cross rubbed his nose and blushed as well, listening to what he just said, how embarrassing. He stood up and said "Uhh We have to wake up early tomorrow. So.." Luna agreed and said "Follow me." she brought him upstairs and stopped in a room as she said "This is my room.."

Her voice barely over a whisper as she said "You can sleep here, I'm going to sleep in my mom's room." before rushing out and closing the door.

Cross was stunned and looked at the room, he watched over and touched the bed. It was soft.. and it smelled nice... Cross shook his head and sat down on the floor, opting to fall asleep on the ground instead of ruining the bed.

But quickly found himself unable to sleep, he finally crawled into the bed and covered himself in the sheets before falling asleep.

He wasn't the only one haven't troubles sleeping.

Luna's heart was beating loud and fast in her small chest as she laid in her mother's bed, everything that happened today replaying in her mind. She turned around and looked at the Phoenix sleeping next to her on a desk, a small smile unfurled on her lips and she fell asleep thinking about the wonderful day tomorrow.