Y/n's POV
Barton: Well I guess we'll just have to kill you all over again.
Thanos: Oh really. Yes, why don't we have round 2?
Nebula: We can't do it right now.
Gamora: We can't do it in the city either.
Thanos: My daughters are still as wise as they come.
Cap: They're right. The team isn't ready yet.
Thor: Take your army and Vision and we will have a fight another day. A day where there is no one besides us on the battlefield.
Thanos: And how do I know you won't just run away? I need leverage.
Vision: The girl.
He points at me but dad puts me behind him.
Strange: No.
Tony: You aren't taking her anywhere.
Thanos: Ahhhh the doctor's daughter. Indeed a good leverage. We could take her or.....I could have some bonding time with my new granddaughter.
Gamora: No! You stay away from her!
Starlord: You don't lay a hand on her you filthy purple pumpkin!
Thanos: And is that a way to talk to your father-in-law? I didn't even get to walk Gamora down the aisle.
Starlord: Yea father-in-law my ass.
Thor: Don't test him. He may be weaker without the infinity stones but he still has an army and Vision.
Vision: What is it going to be, Thanos? Lily, Astra, perhaps Spiderman, .....or Morgan?
Tony: Don't you dare! Don't you dare touch Morgan or I'll blow you to pieces!
Cap: Calm down Tony. They won't take any of the kids.
Vision: Yes well....
Thanos: Perhaps next time Vision. Let us go on for now. It's only fair play if we give them some time to prepare. Take my generosity, Avengers. Use it well.
And with that, Vision and Thanos walk into the ship and rise up. We see them disappear and dad suddenly pulls me in close.
Strange: I'll never let them take you.
Lily: Thanks dad. I trust you.
Tony: Guardians, you can stay at the compound for a while. It's better if we stay together right now.
Starlord talks into his communication device.
Starlord (coms): Mantis, are you and Astra alright?
Mantis (coms) : All safe, Quill. I see Drax coming over. Clear that you sent him?
Starlord (coms): Yes that's the real Drax. He's safe. We are staying at the compound for a while.
Mantis (coms): Copy that.
Everyone goes inside and Astra and Mantis come in as well.
Tony: I called Agent Hill and asked her to escort Morgan and Pepper here to the compound. I know there are a lot of people but it's safer that way and we can keep track of everyone.
Nat: It's the right thing Tony.
Tony: Rhodey is in New Jersey right now but I'll call him over.
Strange: Sounds good Tony. Now, the guardians. You guys didn't tell us that you two got married. Along with it, you two had a child.
Gamora: We wanted to keep it quiet. Sorry. But this is Astra. She's 5.
Astra: Hi.
Everyone: Hello Astra.
Astra suddenly lets go of Gamora's hand. She walks to me and waves her hand signalling for me to crouch down. I do and she places her hand on my forehead. She tilts her head and back again.
Gamora: What is it sweetie? Do you sense something?
Astra: Magic.
I smile and I make a small hologram of a rabbit in my hand. Astra stares at it, amazed.
Gamora laughs.
Gamora: The only thing that has keep her entertained were Groot's leaves. We don't really have magic on our ship. Could you watch her for an hour or two? Quill and I have to go to something....
Quill: Ahhh yes. Reboot the engines.....
Nat: You two aren't...
Quill smirks and Tony nods.
Tony: Ahhh well have fun "rebooting the engines" you two. Keep it down. We wouldn't want to hear racket from the engines.
Quill: We'll be careful.
Quill and Gamora walk out and Peter looks at me. I tilt my head.
Lily: Yessss?
Peter: They aren't....doing....
Lily: Mmhmm.....
Tony: Calm down kid. We all do it someday.
Peter: Yea no.
Banner: Tony, a word about the new gear that we are working on.
Tony: Oh right. Ok well make yourselves comfortable. Banner and I have to finish up a project.
Cap: Ok good luck.
We all sit in the lounge.
Thor: So what now?
Wanda: I'm going to take Astra to sleep. I'll be back.
Nat: Wanna play truth or dare?
Thor: What?
Cap: It's a game where you either ask a question or make someone do something. You'll see.
Nat: Ok how about Barton? Truth or dare?
Barton: Dare.
Nat: I dare you to try and seduce Thor.
Barton: What are you trying to do, Murder me?
Thor: Well you can try.
Barton tries to flirt with Thor but he manages to keep a straight face and Barton ends up failing.
Barton: Thor, truth or dare.
Thor: A truth.
Barton: Who do you dislike the most out of the avengers? That's disincluding the guardians.
Thor: Perhaps Dr Banner. Of course no hate but we got along on the wrong foot. Now, truth or dare Peter?
Peter: Uh dare.
Thor: Oooo I got a sweet and simple one. Kiss Lily.
Peter and I look at each other, our eyes wide.
Strange: Woah woah woah. Nooo way.
Nat: Oh stop it Strange. We told him to kiss her, not make out with her. It could just be a peck on the cheek.
Peter: Uh, c-can I?
Lily: Um sure.
He looks at me for consent again and I nod, looking away. He quickly kisses me on the cheek and our faces get red.
Thor: Young love. I've just created love.
I look at my dad nervously and he is glaring right back at me. I look away quickly.
Peter: Umm Captain, truth or dare?
Cap: Truth.
Peter: What was the name of your first love?
Cap: Peggy Carter....
Nat: That's one sad love story.
Cap: Oh shut it Nat.
Cap: Ok last one. Lily, truth or dare?
Lily: truth.
Cap: Who do you like?
Lily: Ummm....
Nat looks at me, smiling.
Lily: Well....
I look at Peter and Cap nods.
Cap: Nevermind don't tell me. I already know. We should get to bed. We have training tomorrow.
Strange: Right. Lily, to your room.
Lily: Ok good night everyone.
I head to my room but when I open the door, I see a figure.
Lily: W-who's there?
???: Hello beautiful.