Fanning The Crowd

She stabbed relentlessly into the exposed flesh, letting blood cover her as it sprayed all over her body and clothes.

The dragon freaked out even more. The spot was akin to a bundle of nerves. It was hard to hit in a normal battle, and dragons would be protective of said weakness.

However, since this dragon was just a child and did not know a lot about fighting, it was still considered an amateur.

Having this bundle stabbed by Aria, the dragon felt pain akin to stepping on thousands of poisonous needles. Every inch of its being was feeling a sharp pain prick it again and again.

Within no time, the dragon could no longer resist its exhaustion and pain, and fell to the ground after swaying back and forth.

It collapsed, bringing Aria down with it. Aria then began to enact the final deeds, which was to lodge the sword deep into its head, killing it off and leaving no chance for it to recover.