
"I don't think I will give these to you. I want to take them for myself. I'm sorry, but I can't comply with your favors," Aria smiled wickedly, waving the core stone in front of them like it was a cheap gemstone.

"Duty? I don't care about such stuff. I only know that I want profit, and that this monster was taken down by us and not you guys."

Aria was purposely acting like a jerk in order to fan the people's emotions.

Now that things have escalated to this point, the people should also be able to realize that they were the one who had suffered a loss, and that Blythe's group's arrival could possibly just mask all their hard work altogether.

Moments of unfairness. If Aria did not spark this doubt, then they wouldn't have raised such a question, but Aria's flames got to their heads and were starting to incur dislike towards the new people's behavior.

A devious smirk bloomed on Aria's face as she watched the people's mind turn with just some words.