No One Can Stop Me

It really was going too well for Aria. Way too well.

In less than an hour, she had conquered seven floors using her entire selection of allies. The Tower fights allowed her to get even more accustomed to fighting with her newfound comrades, and she was at an extremely stable position right now.

The 28th floor didn't pose any problem to her at all. It was a floor filled with hungry sea monsters that wouldn't come out of the body of water at the center of the cave.

They would spin a vortex in order to show that they were indeed inside the water, inviting you to come and jump in as well in order to defeat them.

Many claimed that these creatures utilized some sort of mind controlling magic, as the ones who saw the vortex always had this urge to succumb to the clear trap and jump in no matter how much they were warned.

Of course, this would lead to a clear drawback for you.