Primal Fear

The 29th floor, to Aria, was even easier than the previous one. Perhaps it was because she didn't have to go through the hassle of fishing her enemies out and instead only needed to face them head on.

Her enemies were a horde of rogue, speedy lions with snakes as their mane.

They roared in cohesion and marched towards Aria with great velocity, aiming to pounce on her. Before their sharp claws could rip her body into pieces, Aria ever so slightly escaped to the side, dodged their attacks, and hacked a nearby creature down with her sword.

"Nice. Penetrable flesh." Aria celebrated.

Their fleshes were quite tough, but it wasn't something impossible to cut through with her current strength.

The one who was hit had their neck sliced. Their head did not entirely fall off, but the inner flesh and bones were exposed. Blood shot up like a fountain and attracted the attention of the other pride members.