Chapter Sixteen

Zack strode around the room, still interested in the suits and computer monitors that surrounded the walls. "So this is all in an attempt to stop the Zodiac Empire?" He wondered aloud, and Robert chuckled. "Nope. It just helps me understand what they are up to, and it tells me if they find out where I am. I am not interested in fighting them anymore." Zack turned around to face Robert, eyebrows raised in surprise. "Why not?" Robert sighed and sat down, twisting his hands together as though he were anxious as he said, "I have friends who are still Resistors. They are still fighting in the shadows, but there are only twenty of us left. Their leader, Cleo, is trying to convince others to fight, but her plan is not working. She wants me back to lead them. I won't do it."

Zack sighed when Robert finished speaking, feeling frustrated as he said, "But you haven't given me a reason!" Robert seemed annoyed, but he did not say anything for Zack to take the hint to shut up. "I fought them once, and I lost my wife as a result! She was afraid. She ran away and gave birth to a girl, my daughter. I think they are both dead by now. There is no defeating the Zodiac Empire; they rise no matter what you do." Zack did not reply, he just sat and thought, questions burning in his mind like a roaring fire. His head shot up at the sound of a motorbike in the large cave, and he saw Jez climbing off his motorbike and hurrying towards them. "Where're the supplies?" Robert asked, getting to his feet, and Jez lifted his shirt, revealing the case he had strapped to his stomach.

"Why did you have to hide it?" Zack asked, also getting to his feet, and Jez shook his head, looking out of breath. "Zodiacs were there...they tried to kill me, but I managed to escape!" Robert took the case from Jez and set it aside, his face white. "Were you followed?" he whispered, and Jez shook his head, also looking worried. "What does this mean?" Zack asked curiously, and Robert groaned, turning to him with fear in his eyes. "We have been compromised," he muttered, but even as he spoke, the sound of loud voices filled the cave, as well as splashing. Robert mumbled something foul under his breath, he strode over to where his suit rested, and he pulled two shiny cutlasses out. "Better pray you know how to fight!" Robert shouted as he tossed one to Jez and Zack, whom both caught one, glanced at one another, and then turned towards the entrance.

"Don't you have a sword?" Jez called, and moments later Robert was beside him, a silver rapier in hand. "I heard the Prodigy is an excellent fencer," Zack said as large shadows gleamed against the waterfall, growing closer as they disappeared beneath the water. "Looks like you're about to find out," Robert grumbled as the first man rose from the water, dressed in complete black with an ugly scar down the side of his face. "The Black Knight," hissed Robert, stepping forwards and raising the rapier. "Ah, I wondered when I would have the opportunity of facing you again," the Black Knight said, withdrawing his sword and pointing it at Robert. "You two, handle the others. I have him," Robert said, and the Black Knight bowed his head. He suddenly charged forwards, but Robert blocked the several slashes through the air, moving back quickly as both their swords flashed and gleamed through the air.

"Do what the man said," Jez said, running forwards as several Zodiac charged from the water, swords raised. Zack followed Jez quickly, and he darted forward, driving his sword through a Zodiac's heart. The Zodiac gasped loudly and dropped to the ground, and another two advanced. Beside him, Jez slashed and parried his sword across the Zodiac's swords, the crashing sound of metal on metal filling the room, and then the Zodiac hit the rocky floor with a thud. Behind them, drawing closer and closer to the center of the room, Robert and the Black Knight dueled. Robert jabbed his rapier through the air, the Black Knight using his own sword to block and deflect the multiple stabs as Robert slowly advanced. The Black Knight raised his sword over his head and struck down viciously, Robert gripping his sword tightly and pushing the Black Knight's sword away.

The Black Knight took a step backward and then thrust his sword forwards, but Robert locked the blade with him and then swung his blade out to the side, making the Black Knight spin away. The Black Knight hissed furiously, turned towards Robert, but Robert sank his rapier through the Knight's shoulder and, for good measure, kicked him in the chest. The Black Knight tumbled backward, rolling over the hard rocks until he came to a full stop by the water's edge, panting and moaning in pain. Simultaneously, Jez and Zack battled the last remaining Zodiac Soldier, and when they swept his sword away the two spun on the spot and both sliced into him, blood squirting upward as the Zodiac toppled backward. The two grinned at each other and turned to Robert, who looked battle-worn, yet some kind of vicious hunger in his eyes. "Get packing," he said sharply, "We need to be prepared to move."


Trae's eyes slowly opened, and it took him a few minutes to look around and realize he was in some kind of hospital. A thin white bedsheet covered his body up to his chin, and Trae could even feel that he was no longer wearing his heavy army uniform. Trae was sure he was dreaming. He had been on the battlefield with Zack seconds ago, how could he just be here now? "Ah, I see you are awake," a female voice said, and Trae looked to his right, surprised to find a woman with flecks of blood on her face and short, messy brown hair staring at him. "Who are you?" Trae asked, and the woman sighed, "I am Officer Jade. I came down to see you because you were the last person to be seen with the last Spectre before his disappearance." It took Trae several moments to process what Jade said, but then he sat up.

"He's missing?" Trae asked, shocked, and Jade nodded. "Alex and I went to find him on the battlefield. We knew you were also with him, so we recovered you instead. Alex told me to wait while he searched the battlefield in hopes of finding the Spectre, but he was killed before he could do so." Trae sighed and lay back down, staring up at the hospital ceiling above him. "We're not in the desert anymore, are we?" Trae asked quietly, and the woman shook her head. "We are in the place you lived, along with Zack, before you joined the Army. This is the hospital of the town." Trae groaned and clenched his fists by his sides, furious. "So now our Captain is dead and so is my best friend," he muttered gloomily. Jade shook her head roughly, and Trae stared at her. "We intercepted Zodiac transmissions. They haven't found him either, and the General is dead, so he must have somehow escaped."

Trae chuckled in disbelief, "Where would he have gone then?" Jade did not seem to be able to answer that question, and Trae nodded, knowing what she was thinking. "If he is dead, then we need to keep fighting," Jade demanded, stepping closer to Trae's bed and glaring at him. "Fight for what? It has all been hopeless! There is no point to this!" Jade looked angry, but she kept her cool, taking a step away and saying, "In case you are wondering, your right leg is fractured. You can't use it at all, so you are currently dismissed from fighting anyway." Trae snarled in anger and punched the bed, feeling useless and depressed. "So that's it?" he asked, and Jade nodded, "That's it."